Dropping PCU

But nobody ever says just exactly what it is they want, beyond buffing or nerfing gameplay styles. If people are bored and want something epic, they should define what that epic play actually is or would be…and what currently prevents it.

If there was one change I’d personally like to see it would be to expand the corp system to allow people to be in loose non-corp/faction/alliance associations. This would open up a whole new realm of possible secret groups that could sway things.

I hear some good ideas on occasion, such as overhauling the PvE and making the NPCs require PvP fits to beat.

A lot of players also want new, bigger toys.

I don’t really expect players to be very specific and design their ideas. That’s what CCP are being paid for.

It has to be something at least. I’m convinced that low-maintenance mode will mean the end.

Perspective, developers fall for the “controlled” excel numbers and do the worst option, nerf.

Some people prefer to see it half full, others half empty.

Ofc nerfing is easier than buffing. The illusion of control is a trap, I don’t blame the devs, the level of mediocrity we live in and the perceived reality make things hard to grasp.

Video game companies are shifting creative work to people with low culture just because it’s easy to concentrate stuff in the hands of the same people working with the asset pipeline.

The mediocrity is real, if we could only destroy Twitter (joke guys), that would be a win.

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The ones that show up after you attack one of the mining barges already do require some sort of pvp skill or even fitting along with a small support fleet to beat.

The White Diamond NPC response fleets that warp in are not a easy win win for the single pve fitted battle cruiser.

/The bottom part of your comment I think that they are giving us new toys and bigger. We just got the Trigturd Dred added and I am sure not everyone has progressed to acquiring that one for their collection hanger. Have you? Screenshot if you do please=)


This forum and outdoor channels, perhaps the later moreover, have expressed whats needed, whats wanted and some questionable proposals.

I’m under the impression that some stakeholders peek and respond more to what goes on out there. I could be right.

I would absolutely agree with price hikes even if whatever gaming style doesn’t get it’s noodle boilin’ but…

Aside from speculation regarding where the money goes, one cannot deny that there’s been a couple of funnels that ended nowhere. Interventions that acted against fundamentals and without being specific, just think of that money being invested in conjunction with the quintessential ingredient: Creativity.

I don’t understand the hype around a new skin every other wednesday, doctor what or any collateral intervention adding zero to the fundamentals. I just reject this dress-up-my-barbie-spacedot approach disguise for lack of creativity. It’s personal and just an example.

There is no follow through… and here is where I most agree with Kezrai & Co.: It seems that most phenomenal potential ideas and initiatives are half baked and left undone once coded and implemented. An example I bring mostly is killmarks. It’s just a bite of the pie but some of us saw such potential in killmarks as motivators for PVP… but sadly it ended as an-other cosmetic, useless accessory. I mean, have you seen the prize for kiilling a 40+km phriggot? (frigate). There is always the yada “no!, it’s exploitable!! NO!” Listen: nothing adequatly coded is exploitable. It’s hard and cumbersome but it can be done. There’s just lack of stamina and discipline (well invested money) to achieve the required creativity.

Like so, there are many things that deserve some investment or at least, follow-through, completion or whatever. But who wants to do (pay) such task? of course the barbie path is easier, right?

It may look like peeps don’t “say what they want”, I understand but it’s quite far from generic. There are many great proposals around, a few of them pretty good but they seem to be too hard to code while resources are deviated to quite stupid endeavours.

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Whom in their right mind would believe in a Fanfest statement?
It’s just politics… campaign is far from governing.

Remember Chaos’ crapscade? Some bozo promised a whole new (and even weekly) super BS in “many aspects of the game to rock your EVE experience” and all done was a flip of a lightbulb.

I don’t expect much, TBH.

Wouldn’t call them a bozo as each to their own but I once read about some plans of Battleships here

forums-archive.eveonline . com/topic/82021/

[quote from old topic]> The outcome was an entirely new line of what used to be considered battleship class vessels.

They were dubbed “Battle Barges”.

*Unlike mining barges and exhumers, their cargoholds weren’t as large, and they didn’t yield as much precisious ores, but the factions had designed them to not only mine, but to tank and defend themselves against rats and pod pilots alike

new skill
Racial Battle Barge (each faction has a skill)
Requires Mining barges lvl 5, racial battleship lvl 3.

I really don’t get why you, Shipwreck and some others keep trying to blame the state of the game on ‘the players’.

Go take a look at the list of EVE expansions. At the start, CCP was adding new systems, new mechanics, new ship classes. This process essentially ended in 2010 with Incursions.

After that they primarily stopped adding new ‘content’ and moved to tweaking balance numbers and region mechanics to produce the results they were aiming for - namely moving players towards Nullblocs because that’s where the subs-per-player profit and news-generating wars were.

In over a decade, for new actual content (not tweaks, nerfs, buffs, patches and balance passes) we’ve had basically NPC AIs (FOBs, mining corps), Triglavian stuff, and Citadels. Oh and about 8 different NPEs I guess.

Missions have stagnated - so has faction warfare, the contract system and exploration. The areas they’ve ‘fixed’ have been major botches (Fozzie sov, FW again, economy, Resource wars). PvP is still heavily disincentivized and lacks triggers and variety.

Virtually all the players who ever generated content in EVE are still around - they’re just playing other games. They gave up on trying to generate new EVE content when all the same old broken systems are still broken after decades of game play. And the overall experience is simply not interesting enough to the gamer market to keep bringing new people in to fill the gaps.

You’ve apparently been reading some different set of forums than these ones. People say exactly what they want and how to do it, quite often. Not all of them do, and not all those ideas are good ones. But the good ones are there, and CCP has shown clearly they don’t care and don’t need player input to fix things. To the point where they essentially ignore their own forums.

Players have shown their creativity, interest in and support for the game to the tune of massive annual income for CCP for decades. It’s CCP who’s pissed that resource up a rope, not the players.


I have myself suggested additional content. Something akin to ‘secret societies’…as the current corp system is too rigid and really doesn’t allow an individual character to be part of anything outside of that. Plus the whole idea of secret cabals is straight out of much of science fiction and would add an extra element of intrigue…and would also create groups of people across multiple corps that could challenge the power of the huge blocs.

But I see right here in this forum that the same idea was suggested back in 2014. Some said it was a good idea, but some also said it was too complex to code, and some suggested it was possible already using chat groups…though that only partly provides what is needed.

From my noob perspective, CCP advertises a game where ‘anything is possible’…but the noob pretty soon finds they’ve been born into quite a restrictive universe.

I wish ccp would give us new ships and missions.
Battleship logi
More trig ships
Haw guns for zirnitra
T2 dreads
New missions for null.

This is actually a very key issue with EVE design. EVE advertises as a sandbox, and it should be, but there’s not really much sand, and almost no shovels and buckets.

The contract system has a lot of potential, but is very limited. Where’s the bounty contracts, the escort contracts, the protection contracts, even the “deliver X items to station Y by date Z” contracts (which you can sorta do with an awkward trade contract, except you have to be IN the station you want delivered to to make it).

Where’s the system for player-created missions? For setting automatically rewarded corporate goals? Apparently Hilmar replied to the ‘EVE Pandora’ creator that Pandora was what CCP ‘dreamed of creating’ way back when. So… with $60+ million a year budget and hundreds of employees, CCP couldn’t create anything like it. But a player making 3rd party apps can?

FW has tons of potential - it’s been left to languish. Resource wars the same - it was DoA.

EVE isn’t a sandbox. It’s a well-trimmed playground with a swing, a set of slides, and some monkey bars. And fences funneling the kiddies to the snack bar where they can pay (nullsec). And that’s about it.


It’s a start at least, but I think we should expect a little more.

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I wonder if it should be though.

When you take a themepark MMO, but you remove many of the railroads, PVP restrictions and the respawning gear, you won’t get a sandbox, but you do get a better MMO.

That basic design is sound and I think it’s the main reason why EVE is still around.

Doesn’t help that many of the rides suck and it doesn’t help that the game is falsely advertised, but not every game needs creative freedom.

Depends, if you’re locked into SQL database, YES!

Edit: Also thanks for the idea, when I manage to turn into a semi decent game dev I gonna use it.

Nestor: “Am I a joke to you?”

I’m joking, but it would be nice to focus on the ewar aspect.

F you bro, give eb new missions, so selfish…

Garbage, garbage and more garbage.


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I sort of think that they are leap frogging the delivery. First forused on moden techniques to deliver the graphics. Next we will see what was mentioned at Fanfest. It was so long ago fanfest that is it feels but we just need to hang in and enjoy what we do still have.

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