Dynamic wormholes

So wormholes could have a threat level based on activity, that means the more activity there is in a wormhole (site running, pvp etc) then the higher the threat level will be.

This means that sleepers will mobilise and may spontaneously appear on grid to search for scouts or to take advantage of pvp. In combat anoms the site composition may change based on the threat level in the system, the higher the threat the more sleepers will spawn or different ships may appear that makes the site more difficult than its standard composition. Of course this does mean more

Sleepers could also start placing turrets in gas sites when activated as soon as they warp in, the sleepers change in gas sites so they arenā€™t just frigates and potentially contest the site as its ran or occupied at the highest levels. People who occupy wormholes would have to fight the occasional skirmish of sleepers and they may find their PI chains disrupted temporarily (without losing resources) or other passive activities if their system is consistently at the highest threat level. Iā€™m sure there are other ways the sleepers could engage the players who continuously disrupt their wormhole systems

Orā€¦ Sleepers could move out the more people live in WH to force them to roam and encounter people outside their home hole where they font have a huge advantage alreadyā€¦
Just a thought.

I donā€™t care one way or another about the sleepers, but the threat level should not be visible to players.

Cool, I always wanted to buy a tengu for 10 isk.

That seems self evident, no?

Agree with @Nevyn_Auscent on this. We shouldnā€™t be encouraging people to sit in their hole and farm. We should be encouraging them to explore other systems.

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I donā€™t see how this suggestion ā€˜encouragesā€™ people to ā€˜farmā€™ it adds dynamic and motion to wormholes, forcing them to move around wormhole systems rather than enjoy security and comfort. The current dynamic encourages farming with no loss and maximum security.

Additionally I think that inactivity should be rated with observable mobilizing in wormholes if people are completely absent from their structures, i.e. players will have to defend from NPCs as well as players, if thereā€™s like months of inactivity in the wormhole or its effectively abandoned. A lot of stuff in EVE is pretty stagnant and wormholes are especially the case. It would also ā€œendā€ claims to systems.

The system if itā€™s developed properly it should end excessive grinds and farming that creates

The thing is about this is that a change like this will discourage doing sites in smaller, subcapital ships, and encourage everyone to just dreadnought or carrier all the sites, because they are now unclearable with smaller ships.

Secondly, I can think of so many workarounds for this idea. People will just not clear sites in their home system and not PvP there, but just go through their statics for their stuff. It wonā€™t really change much at all.

yeahā€¦ this sounds like a great way to print iskā€¦

Why is ā€œPeople will just not clear sites in their home system and not PvP there, but just go through their statics for their stuff. It wonā€™t really change much at all.ā€ a workaround the intent of the idea?

Well they are still parking all their stuff in their home, and just taking short trips back and forth through the statics until they want new ones, where then they roll them. It doesnā€™t really mean that they will actually move out of their home.

Iā€™m not really advocating eviction or departure from NPCs but that might be a consequence of people continuously farming their wormholes

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