Wormhole combat sites adjustments

Hi there,

maybe the devs would read this topic and could do some little adjustments to the combat sites in wormholes.

So the current state is that the solo players and small corps are usually farming in a C3 while bigger corps are using C5/C6 other class wormholes are mostly ignored by players and there are few reasons for that and i hope that maybe we could get some little balance adjustments there so the players are more spread around all wormholes instead of just the few ones.

So C1 wormholes should be for beginners, but the enemies there are way too tanky. i can clear those sites with a frigate but it takes way too long in terms of reward. here we could drop the resistance of the enemies so someone in a frigate/destroyer could clear the site within 10 minutes range. with this change maybe more player from highsec might jump into C1 wormholes.

In C2 the enmies are okay but the reward in blue loot is too low to bother. i think the sites should yield 25-30m and the relic/data sites around 40-45m (so like a C3)

This wormhole is nearly perfect, so that is also the reason why many ppl farm here. Except one combat site the Outpost Frontier Stronghold. The last wave contains 6 ships with webs. Which can be dangerous even for loki/tengu (not blingy and without implants) so the risk and reward here does not worth it to do the site. you also see that many C3s have plenty of those sites. noone are doing them. Here you could replace the battleships in the last wave with Sleepless Upholder so only 4 webs are in place. and also the 3 towers at the start are just waste of time. one less tower would be better.

Here we have the issue that the spawns from waves are too far away. sometimes you even need multiple mtus in order to loot it. also not many battleships are able to clear those sites in a good time. to clear the sites in a good time you need a maruader, but then with a maruader you can go for C5 and have double the isk income. maybe change the spawn point of the C4 sites and increase the loot to like 150m +/- 30m
so then it worth to rat in a C4 again with bigger ships

i think many player are missing here the Drifter Spawn. I mean the old trigger was very nice you could farm with a corp fleet without big ships and made decent amount of money. but i dont think that this will be reverted again

i dont know much about it, never been in a C6 maybe someone else can tell what could be changed here.

i mean it would be nice to see some changes for the wormhole player and it would be helpful if all systems are usable and valuable not only C3 and C5

Let me know if you dont agree with the changes maybe i dont see the big picture around it.


First didn’t they just fix the c4 spawns?

More importantly there is a lot more to wh than combat sights. If you’re running them for pve small groups are still going to lean towards c3s (and c4s if the fix fixed them) c1s and c2s while less valuable in sights are great for groups just starting out for exactly that reason. They aren’t desired making it easy to find one and last in it long enough to really get an idea for what living in a wh means.

They are also great for groups that are looking for the other bonuses of whs. “Mobile” pvp base, c2s especially are favorable for this thanks to the duel statics. LS/c2 or ns/c5 especially.

Industry groups feel more comfortable in c1s as orcas and battleship restrictions make them annoying to siege but you still get full NS bonuses for structures and -1.0 planets.

The pve in c1 and c2 i feel is pretty well balanced currently. C1s they provide basically nothing but C2s give enough to at least make them not feel like a waist of time while getting used to running wh sites.


this was fixed over a month ago, c4 sites are in a good place right now

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thx for the information about C4 spawn sites. i gues i missed that in the patch notes and didnt run C4 sites since last year and since i everytime i see a C4, it has many combat sites left so i assumed here that nothing changed.

maybe nothing is changed in that regard because with a vargur you would go in a C5 anyways.

C4 also have the downside of starting to get pointed by rats. So while the spawning has been fixed you still have more risk than a c3 with less reward than a c5.

You also begin to have many of the logistical hang ups that you would get in c5 space no longer having k-space statics.

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I think wormhole space is in a better state than it was over the summer. There’s a bit of a “consolation prize” now if you don’t bring capitals. @Lugh_Crow-Slave , can you confirm?

i live in a C2 with C3 static, i need to roll the C3 multiple times until i get a C3 with few combat sites. usually you find either empty or one with many Outpost Frontier Strongholds. When you jump into a C1/C2 there are plenty of combat sites in. you also dont see that many players there. same goes for C4

I have the feeling (but not stats) that C1,2,4 and 6 is mostly ignored while C3 has the most traffic followed by C5

i think if it would be better if the spaces are more destributed amongs players but maybe thats just my opinion :smiley:

Again c4s just got fixed, it’s going to take time for them to be populated. Not to mention very few groups run their own hole. You run your static sites. So that’s not exactly a great well to tell the activity of a hole.

C2s are one of the most sought after holes for any group just looking for a pvp base. They are the only class with two statics, one being k-space, that can fit battleships. Most groups like this aren’t going to be running their sites and probably won’t have more than an Astra.

C1s again are largely good for industry and generally people only want the ones with hs statics for this.

C4 only recently had their sites changed its too hard to get any real predictions on this. However c4 exist in a similar state to c1s/c2s. They are an introduction into “deep” j-space where you no longer have a guaranteed k-space connection. They are also great for groups that want to focus on wh pvp. Your statics don’t risk capital entry and are still easy to roll with battleships helping you find content. It’s the first class that let’s you take capitals out into ls/ns for conduit drops.

While there may start to be groups setting up in c4s to run sites most will already be able to or quickly able to graduate to c5 and there is a major jump in potential profit between the two.


Is just a very poor goal for wh. Not only is the empty nature of their space one of the oldest selling points(even if structures made them more crowded than they were) they are currently one of the last avenues open to small/new corps that really want to grow on their own. And that should stay the main selling point of low class holes rather than pve profit.

Over all you seem to be putting far too much stock into the importance of the pve sites in wh space and are ignoring all the other reasons people are drawn to them.


Could this be an opening for more small corps? Small corps could use some love.

What do you mean?

Wh are already excellent for small groups

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