Eclipse - Quadrant 2 is Coming to EVE Online!

Looks like a Concord destroyer.

Hi Sol lovely to see you again. I do hope you’re right, though to resurrect EvE from the ashes left by the recent attacks on piracy / non-consensual combat in general will be a long road.

When PvP was the primary focus EvE grew into one of the longest standing MMORPG’s of all time. Loss of playerbase has historically followed after reductions in danger and non-consensual PvP. Sorry to dilute your cereal budsky. I’m sure you have a massive axe to grind against ganking or something but the numbers just don’t support your postulation.


(The landscape of New Eden will never be the same again).

Is that saying that the Triglavians will hold regions like the big 4 Nations?

do you people who sit on the forums and gripe actually play the game? because it seems like a lot of you, upon discovering that your favorite activity in the game will be changed, don’t go out and diversify your interests, instead opting to sit on the forums and gripe until ccp changes whatever it is you want back to the way it was. if the game was static, it would be boring, as the people who complain about the lack of content point out. (those people should go play with other people because spending time with other people and participating in fleets you will never run out of content). something you did 2 years ago might not be profitable today and something that makes a ton of money today might not be profitable in 6 months. there is is a constantly shifting meta and that is what makes it fun. not forever doing the one activity that you enjoy, but branching out and finding other things to do as different activities grow and fall in popularity.

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also, i don’t think that that many people have that much hate as this is only the 218th post on this thread and there are many more people than that that play the game. not to mention the fact that not all of these posts are negative. not to mention the fact that many people have already posted more than once. the negativity on this thread is only representing a tiny portion of eve’s player base.

Some people even complain about something that they don’t know what it is yet. I am sure CCP have the complaint whambulance on standby for you and will pay close attention to your input.

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yup, here at the eve-o forums there is plenty of that lol

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I am sure you looked at the data like I assume CCP do. Apart from being baseless in fact, I am sure you have a strong argument for why and how a focus on more carebearing would revive/liven up the game.

i don’t think we need ccp to introduce new content at all. we should be innovating and inventing new strategies to deal with the problems that we have within the rules. we need people to invent more things that make the things that they don’t like inviable instead of crying to ccp for help. for example, when RnK perfected and applied the pipe-bomb it became an excellent strategy to use a relatively small number of players to eliminate massive blobs.

Have been playing sense 2008, I am satisfied with the game, I just wish they would give a tiny bit more information. Maybe some scenarios of sorts or possibilities of what might happen.

some bread crumbs we could sniff thru maybe…


Kinda think CCP should start some Polling and ask what the paying people think of there ideas.

imho. yup.

if we knew what these changes were. people are getting way too angry about a trailer featuring things that havent even been added yet.

Care to elaborate?

Actually I just came back (Thank you Corona) I see that after over a decade of hearing of Eves Death that it is still here and the complaints are the same THE EXACT SAME. LOL I for one am OK with all the new stuff, it looks like a lot of stuff has been fixed since 2013. Oh I’m sure I’ll platy the role of Bittervet at some point but not today. Happy hunting!

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It is already eclipsing my launcher.

Check your mail, during last few years I received several invites from ccp to fill in several questionnaire about Eve…

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oh cool

This is all wrong, but okay.

Yeah,right I live in a bubble…totally right…it’s not you and your comrades…cannot be…mustn’t be…

And what is wrong about that?
You appear in every thread i just take a foot with a single post and try to devalue said post…regardless what theme and what i say…i could call merry christmas and you would question my motivation…

I call this stalking…you may call it coincidence but it’s way too common to be conicidence…