I have been asking around for a loan, and I was directed to post on this forum, so sorry if I mess something up here somehow because I’m quite new to this forum (although I have looked at a couple of other loan requests).
How much: 2 Billion
Interest: 15% Monthy
How long: 1 Month
Why: I’ve got a few business plans that I would like to pursue, the main one being interregional trading. Right now I make a little bit of money, but with this investment I can really boost my business and get a good head start.
Payout: 1 Month.
Start: One day after successful transfer
Hit me up on discord here if you want: everfeel#1488
I should respond ASAP but if I don’t within a day/you cant contact me here, send me an evemail and i should get back to you
EDIT: I have lowered my requested amount to 2 billion, as there has been a change in circumstances.
EDIT 2: Changed start day to something that made more sense
Sorry pal, but not the case. One of my friends was kind enough to give me a loan that was a little over a billion, and I decided to cut down the price here because A: I don’t think I will need as much anymore and B: I think 5 billion might be too scary for most people. If everyone yelled “SCAM” at every potential investment in EVE nothing would get done.
I think you did it wrongly, but just in case there is some weird wizardry going on I’ll paste it again: everfeel#1488
If that doesn’t work then you can evemail me and I’ll reply soon