Elite PvP vs Ganking

Serious Question. If CCP believes that ganking in Highsec so seriously damages its bottom line, why haven’t they simply removed it from the game? The loss of income currently provided by my multiboxing pals should easily be replaced by those hordes of beaming new players, no? Sorry RGC, that’s two questions…

When I started playing, in 2013, ganking was at - or approaching - its height. The exodus you believe is happening now should then have been the catalyst for the activity’s hasty removal from the code base. in 2013, I emphasise.

But, here we are, over a decade later, and Highsec ganking is still a thing. It’s almost as if CCP wants it in the game, isn’t it? Hey, that’s another question, rhetorical though.

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several reasons honestly, but one of the main ones being, the damage is already done. we can see the players numbers and how much lower they are. Fixing it now would seem like them admitting they were wrong in the first place which they cant afford that. But better late than never in my humble opinion. It would take time now for them to recover from the loss but its still better than never.

Secondly the staff and gms play the game also on none work accounts. Im very certain several of them prob enjoy, or did before they become staff, that game play.


Of course they do. One would have to be naive to think they don’t.

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I’m not arguing gankings’ effect either way at the moment… however CCP has made it clear over the years, they have ways they want to see the game work and they don’t care all that much if players like it or not. “We can always get new players” is an attitude they’ve expressed more than once. And CCP has made more than a few major gaffes along the way.

Actually, by my own recollection, ganking was at one type of peak, for some types of ganking (which was different back then) in 2011-2012. Then near the end of 2012 Crimewatch 2.0 was released, and many gankers and “elite high-sec PvPers” quit in protest. With valid (for them) points in some cases, that a playstyle they enjoyed had been deeply impacted.

Curiously, Crimewatch 2.0, despite all the ganker/high-sec PvPer cries, was also accompanied by a very large surge in player activity, that lasted most of a year. (Check EVE Offline for 2011 - 2013 to get an idea).

Now, correlation isn’t causation, but it’s at least possible that belief that ganking/high-sec PvPing was being curtailed led to a significant number of players giving EVE another try. And it’s possible that as the year wore on and CCP didn’t follow their first steps up with anything else, and gankers learned how to work the new system and got back in business, that that surge of players left again.

2013 also happened to be the year in which CODE. grew to be a noticeable factor in high-sec. Make of that what you will.

As said, I’m not arguing either way. And as is often correctly pointed out, most actually new players abandon EVE long before they ever get ganked or attacked in high sec. Just saying that “CCP left it in, therefore it can’t be that bad for the game” isn’t a strong basis for determining the value of ganking to the game.


We are able to make the decision that suits us based on that assumption and it is how we define our presence n New Eden.


Sat through hours of video of Cafe Del Mar and never saw any baby seals. They’re not very good at shuffle dancing.

Thanks, Kezrai, that’s probably what I recall.

This :arrow_up:

Without full disclosure, which we’ll never have, we’ll never know.

Bumping WAS determined to be griefing.


I’m a ganker; is he calling me poisonous? I wonder what or whom it is that I’m poisoning. What are the symptoms following the administering of said (but not named) poison? @RGC_Godfather, concerned Highsec ambushers wish to know!

Well that’s quite an easy one, though I think we’ve been here before. If CCP didn’t want ganking in the game, you certainly would know about it; we’d be gone!

I was there. It’s true that CCP recognised a potential issue. They fixed it by asking James 315 to link his activities to commercial enterprise (that’s how the Mining Permit came about) and they ruled that miners could only be pursued and bumped around the same system. That is, you could not pursue and bump Minmax Miner if he left the system, although you could follow him and pick a new target.

Those guidelines are still in force today and bumpers are meticulous in observing them, you’ll notice. Bumping is not griefing - at least, not in CCP’s book, and they own the game and everything in it.

You are free to disagree, but I wonder that 2 players with such lofty standards allow themselves to wallow, cheek-by-jowl, with the rest of us lowly, poisonous scallywags. It must be awful!

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Well…isn’t it obvious ? You’re doing PvP in a PvP game…when you should be sitting round the elite AFK-ers camp fire with La La and Tinky Winky and singing Kumbaya to the sound of mining drones. People who do PvP in PvP games are clearly psychopaths and need to be stopped.


Why do you think they changed warp mechanics?

Clearly, you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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Can you provide an example of this toxicity, or are you just making things up?


That sounds quite appealing actually.


First they need understanding, to be listened to and hugged, then they need to be stopped if all else fails, yes.

Why do we need an example when we got you, toxicity personified.

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IMO, the word “elite” is used too loosely in Eve. It’s a bit of a misnomer tbh. To kill, yet constantly die is not elite imo. To kill and never die, is. It’s easy to call oneself elite knowing if they lose they come back again. In a sense, it’s immortality. Being immortal means no true loss or sacrifice. How can there be a true win or a true sacrifice if you know you will come back? To truly be elite, one must be able to achieve what they set out to do, do it effectively, and know if they lose, there’s no coming back…yet still win through superior skill and thought process.

Honestly, the only players even close to “elite” are solo PvPers…or maybe some FC’s who can manage a large group effectively in adverse situations (very few). Not null groups with 100 ships slapping the F1 key under the orders of a single or couple of players, not merc corps blanket deccing everyone for easy kills, Not null-bears or LS-ers dropping their whole corp on a single player or small group, etc. While they all take some degree of skill, they are not elite, per se.

If we truly want to see who are the elite PvPers in Eve, we need a “hardcore” mode. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit to see how many pilots who refer to themselves as “elite” suddenly become risk averse knowing that a single loss is the loss of everything. Just saying…

Eve: Elitists, without a doubt. Elite, I don’t think so.


I’m an Elite Miner. Always ready to sacrifice a Venture :saluting_face:


You can be elite anything.

It requires skill to play the market

It requires skill to haul.

It requires skill to mine appropriately and not get ganked.

It requires skill to gank, knowing how many catalysts it’s going to take to dunk a barge, exhumer orca hauler freighter etc.

It requires skill to prowl and ambush kills in null and lowsec.

Being Elite is reserved for those who operate in small groups or outsmarting them on their own.

To be truly elite is to see all of its connected and part of the game.

Id quit instantly if they removed gankers, the fear of the unknown is priceless when I undock. It’s what makes the cat and mouse skirmishes in highsec worthwhile, if I wanted safe and easy id still be playing wow. I signed up knowing any jump through a gate could be my last. Those that complain about gankers will not adapt and cannot cope, boo hoo sorry you didn’t think to launch a Corvette through Uedema to check it not my problem. But people don’t get it, it’s that fear that I crave that hit of adrenaline when I’m stacking a few hundred million in compress through the gate. It’s the only game that has illicited that response In me

That’s eve take it away and it will have lost all value to me.

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The situation is what you yourself make of it.
And knowing that is empowering.
It’s how you choose to wield that power once your aware of it that matters.

Calm down miner?

  1. How can I my whole life was in that venture!

  2. Yo good kill, I almost had ya.

  3. Bro the way you pick on me makes me think you like me!

  4. Bruh you got me, does that make me your slave are you my new mistress?

  5. Send me home daddy!

  6. If you get me again you can taste my chapstick etc

  7. Hey bb gurl you miss me?

The list goes on

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I remember back in the day when High Sec used to be filled PvPer’s who could War Dec anyone in a Capsuleer Own Corporation, COC. Those Merc corps were brutal and would attack anything that was able to be War Decked. That’s back when ransoming was also fair play. The Mercs had to pay a War Dec fee to engage in PvP, so there was obvious risk vs. reward.

If you didn’t want to be War Decked, you simply put your COC into the hands of Alt character and joined an NPC corp until the War Dec ended. In a way it was honorable PvP in High Sec.

Nowadays all you have to do is get in a Catalyst and go find Rookie ships to blow up all day long. In short High Sec really is Null Sec with the only exception of, if you gank, you will lose a ship, even if you blow the other Capsuleers ship up.

High Sec gankers are really inefficient and overall lazy.

Instead of War Decking High Sec corporations and actively hunting down War Targets, all the gankers do is frequent trade hubs or belts and gank barges and freighters, which we all know are not PvP centered ships.

Don’t get me wrong, Aiko handles her COC duties to the hilt. So if you are looking for a good COC ran by a proficient COC handler, join Safety. And one day, Aiko might teach you how to handle your own COC.