Elite PvP vs Ganking

But who cares if you lose a barge? If I’m using a covetor and got boosts I’m pulling 2 blocks like less then thirty seconds. Running a million a minute with an additional block every so often from the drone. Your talking like 300mill on maybe a ship less then 90 in 3 hours. Oh no I lost it with a net gain of 210mill if I replace it.

In a numbers game the industrialist usually not always but usually wins.


Are you feeling quite well?

If CCP regarded bumping as ‘griefing’, believe me, they would have removed it pronto and punished those who continued to use the mechanic.

The company introduced a moderate change to the bump-to-warp qualifying time, but the mechanic is still used, still relevant and still successful. An EVE activity cannot be regarded by the company as griefing and yet specifically coded into the game so that its use attracts no sanction whatever.

It is the perception of the target or rabid random forum-whiner which seems to be the issue here. If you believe that bumping is griefing, then nothing said or done by me or CCP will necessarily change your view. There’s a word for that kind of stubbornness, though I fear it’s not entirely complimentary, so I’ll avoid using it.

CCP (or rather, haulers) may have regarded infinite bumping as inconvenient, but that is very far from its being griefing. Miner bumping continues completely unaffected by these changes so, clearly, CCP does not agree with you.

It also happened to an erstwhile ganker pal of mine.

So, you see, you can decry crass and offensive comments, but you don’t get to choose which of two sides has the monopoly on using them.

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That’s really no way to treat goth baddies which we all know safety has a monopoly on.

But I do agree, both sides can talk smack and both can take it to far.

In my experience flirt flirt flirt or joke around.

Either way my evemails stay blinking.

There are a lot of cool people on both sides of the table. And there are also weirdos that just ruin the vibe and look dumb in the process.



I agree but I’m more radical than that, it’s my nature. I simply chose to remove myself from the toxic environment and make sure I would never be ganked again, went to Lowsec.
For some reason I wouldn’t mind getting exploded in Lowsec - maybe because I wouldn’t be set upon by 10 opportunists.

That’s the heart of the matter for me. The cool people are few and the knucklehead weirdos are legion, just like real life, because one can say it’s a game but the players are real-life people.

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You are possibly more likely to get hot-dropped in Lowsec than ganked in Highsec.

Two of my characters live there and, depending on where they are, have also to run the gauntlet from time to time. The same applies to Highsec; if you persist in certain behaviours in well-known locations, you’re almost inviting attention there.

The fact is that you can be the target of a surprise attack almost anywhere, with the exception of ‘safe’ regions of Nullsec. That such attacks are called ‘ganking’ in Highsec and 'hot-dropping/cynoing elsewhere doesn’t change the nature of the threat.

Your ‘escape’ to Lowsec only exchanges one set of mechanics for another. Although, I have to say, the areas of Lowsec in which I operate are often very sparsely populated, so disturbances are comparatively rare. Perhaps that’s what you mean? Welcome to Lowsec; EVE’s hidden treasure!

Well that’s bizarre because I’ve been mining in Lowsec and haven’t been exploded yet so that’s a fallacy invented by gankers to scare players into staying in HighSec.

It’s true the Lowsec I chose is sparsely populated although I have so far escaped 5 times from would-be PvPers so there is no AFK Mining permitted.

I wasn’t talking about having any monopoly on crass, I don’t know what you’re on about. I think you have problems with reading comprehension or you do it on purpose. I opt for the second option because you’re a ganker and want to incense people, that’s what you live for.

Are you quite incensed?


Your question is irrelevant.

Why don’t you tell me to “calm down miner”, that’s more your specialty.

Calm down miner.


That a girl.


Doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Personally, I assume that it will happen at some time, and just get on with stuff. Stop playing the hero.

When I wrote ‘more likely’, I qualified it with the adverb ‘possibly’. A nicety which seems to have slipped by the undoubtedly otherwise robust defences of your own grasp of the English language. There’s little wrong with my reading, but if you write loosely, I will probably detect and comment upon it. It’s just my way.

It’s not gankers. Carebear Highsec players don’t need anyone to warn them off going to Lowsec. Ask any Highsec die-hard miner why they don’t mine in Lowsec, where there are better ores; most of them will tell you (in circumlocutory terms) that they don’t like PvP or that they have valuable implants they don’t want to risk. In other words, that they’re afraid. They are most unlikely to mention that gankers have put them off. What a ridiculous assertion!

You specifically singled out gankers as being verbally abusive; I simply sought to introduce balance by quoting the sort of remark sometimes endured by gankers.

Since, as I mentioned above, I have few problems with reading comprehension, I must have intentionally drawn attention to your incomplete survey of abusive behaviour suffered by players of all kinds. You neglected to mention that others in the game suffer such abuse, so I merely corrected your weak grasp of the subject. No big deal.

Aiko is right, you do need to calm down, take a step back and reflect upon the risible nature of your comments.

I’m a ganker, yes, but it does not follow that I ‘live for’ incensing people. Blowing up their ships, yes, most certainly; stealing their modules, etc., indubitably. It matters not a jot to me whether or not they are ‘incensed’. So you are wrong; again.

Our views may be wildly at variance, but we can at least agree upon one thing - you need to couch your arguments in terms which do not offer such scope for…correction.


Maybe that’s the real reason antiganking has failed all these years. The antigankers are positively obsessed with the idea that we are trolls out to grief and harass and upset people. The reality is every ganker I know is just focused on getting kills. The fact people get upset is funny, but it’s not anybody’s motivation.


@Sasha_Nemtsov I think it’s better if we agreed to disagree and I block you because I do not care to read your lame opinions and I think you’re one of the knuckleheads I often mention so for the sake of the moderators I will end our exchanges here.
Happy slaughtering of the defenseless to you.


Reeee, Sasha is smarter than me.


Many thanks for the rather spiteful ‘farewell’ and for the many fruitless exchanges which have preceded it.

Blocking (cancelling) me may bring you some relief. Know, however, that I shall continue to comment upon those of your posts (or any others, for that matter) which interest me.

The result? Others here will be able to read both your posts and my responses to them. It is so delightfully reminiscent of the child ‘blocking’ a disfavoured adult by holding up the splayed fingers of both hands before their face - and will be just as effective!

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I think it is safe to assume that @Sasha_Nemtsov gladly accepts your unconditional surrender. :wink:



I can’t believe Sasha called him a loser.
