Elite Rescue Nation - Getting out of Triglavian Space

The, like, ever, Dumb Bunny comment has been un cool for many years now, what’s you’re excuse?

Knock knock Hello McFly

And who is going to invade? You and the other two people from EDENCOM that are not PVP-averse? First good luck getting over Drifter NPCs that can dismantle uncoordinated fleets in a manner of seconds. Also, if you think there are no Kybernauts ready to defend assets, keep dreaming :smiley: We will definitely welcome the additional fodder for our disintegrators.

The advantage of Trig systems is there. Unfortunately for people whose only ISK making method is afking in anoms/missions it’s rather difficult to see.
Lastly, if you think T-space is some sort of a fortress for TEST, you are completely mistaken. The community is not aligned with any sov null powerbloc. We have a diplomacy ongoing, yes, but there isn’t any official Trig alliance to which would everyone belong.

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