Empire level 4 epic arcs guide

Hi, unfortunately even with high Faction standings, all NPC’s at belts, stations, gates, exploration sites, etc will still attack. Having standings with Pirate Factions only allows access to their agents. All Factions, Empire and Pirate, require these standing amounts for access to agent levels:

Level 1 = N/A
Level 2 = +1.00
Level 3 = +3.00
Level 4 = +5.00
Level 5 = +7.00

That’s either Corporation or Faction standing. If using Corporation standing for access to Agents above level 1, that Agents Faction must be above -2.00 standing.

If Agent Standing drops to -2.00 or lower at any time, no access to that specific Agent.

The player gains standing with both Agent and Corporation for completing missions. After completing 16 regular missions of the same level for the same Faction, the player will be offered a Storyline mission which will give Agent, Corporation and Faction standing increase. That will incur both positive and negative derived standings with all other Factions.

Yes, the level 4 Amarr Epic Arc allows players to complete it for Sansha. The pathway for it is available in the 3rd chapter of the arc. Access to the Epic Arcs is the same as regular missions. Completing the Epic Arcs will give +10% Faction standing increase (12.5% with Social lv 5 trained). There is no derived standings for completing the Epic Arcs but players will incur a few little negative standing hits for ship kill.

So for you to access the Amarr lv 4 epic arc, you’ll need 5.0 or higher standing with the Ministry of Internal Order corporation or the Amarr Empire faction. If using the corp standing for access, the faction needs to be above -2.00 standing.

Course gaining standings with Sansha doing Storyline missions will incur negative standings with Amarr and it’s allies, which after time may possibly lock out access to their high sec space.

For more info on repairing negative standings and or boosting positive standings, check out ‘The Plan’: