Encounter Surveillance System Update

Damn, that was outright exploit then and they change it so late? Better late than never I suppose.

The cosmos rats that drop some of the mission items spawn constantly in some cases and can be farmed, which is now altered not to be the case.

Imagine CCP´s reaction time on that.
And now imagine how little i believe in CCP´s ability to improve.

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Just for your reference if interested a short summary:

The new ESS will have a unique set of on-grid rules to encourage good fights and avoid troll-like tactics:

  • Warping is disabled
  • MJDs are disabled
  • MWDs are disabled
  • Cloaking is disabled
  • No cynos may be lit
  • No filaments may be activated

Generally, if you have to disable normal mechanics for new content, either those mechanics need looking at or perhaps the content needs work. The fact that a single new feature needs so many things to be forbidden to work correctly shows how little thought has been put in.


By disabling MWD in this you are literally killing solo/small kitey gang gameplay. And kitey ship are used for a reason - they have a chance of survival against the blob.
So I think it is veryvery bad approach. I would rather have some debuffs applied to MWD instead of totally denying particular ships.
Don’t do that mistake.

you fool!!! don’t tell ccp!!!, they will fix it before we can exploit it

Apparently the biggest issue with earlier buffs to things like the rorqual is people now feeling entitled to outmine their highsec peers by a factor 3-5.

Hopefully anom grinding 24/7 will be bad enough that folks feel forced to take stargates to pve content again.

Nah, highsec dwellers should outkrab null, right?

This is to ensure that nanogang will not snipe ESS and moonwalk away from any danger.

You can’t cloak within 75km of the ESS, just kill them when they try to go for it.
Also, the ESS is gated so only Cruisers+ can go in. Like 90% of campers use Stealth Bombers that are Frigates and thus can’t enter the ESS.

ESSs are in solar systems with the Dynamic Bounties System active. Solar systems with the DBS active have an equilibrium (and as such starting) multiplier of 1.15 which is a 15% increase in current bounties.


There had better be a ■■■■■■■ big carrot coming after the null mining and ratting nerfs…

Oh and there’s 2 ways to balance the economy, austerity is the less ideal way to do it.

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Taxation is theft


No one said they would cloak inside. Content like this is usually camped outside the acceleration gate not inside. Also if you truly want to ■■■■ up ratters just get Dscan immune ships like the Curse. No MWD no MJD whatever comes in will be a sitting duck in neut range and they cant even see you on dscan. At thet point the only 2 thing that will work are Missiles and Arty on passive tanked ships.

Did i get this right: systems with DBS will start at 115% bounty and this value till go up/down depending on how much PVE/PVP is happening there?

[ [CCP Psych](
ESSs are in solar systems with the Dynamic Bounties System active. Solar systems with the DBS active have a an equilibrium (and as such starting) multiplier of 1.15 which is a 15% increase in current bounties.

there you go, he said a number! now can we get numbers for the ESS
answer why all this complexity is necessary and what we really hope to gain by it

they explain this in the dev blog


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actually there was NO explanation. just some nonsense about creating more interaction by giving roamers another reason to come to your space. (as if PVP wasnt reason enough). and giving us the opportunity to defend (which we already do)_ the increased transaction processing for bounty calculations is almost sure to add to the insane lag we are already experiencing. Couldnt the same content goal have been achieved by simply dropping bags of isk in space?
the truth is that large groups will be unaffected. small groups will simply not bother beyond what they alrady do. the reserve bank will simply become a ratting tax paid to invaders.