Encounter Surveillance System Update

I didn’t like this new CCP fool, I’m going to play a wormhole, problem solved and very convenient for my interests :slight_smile:

Good luck to CCP with bot-based testing!! xD

Emm… Why someone should have same values as you in the game? If you like to PVP - that’s your value, but doesnt dictate others to like it as well.

Btw, is there any special reason you’re posting about PVP from month-old alt? Wanna reveal us your real main so we can see how true PVP char looks like?

Maybe we will be allowed to see some fights where you and your balls shows exemplary performance attacking bigger fleets?

My lucky guess would be this char - https://zkillboard.com/character/92230605/kills/


it is @Merin_Ryskin
he just uses another alt, so we think there are more with his opinion :slight_smile:


Not to undock is more and more preferrable tactic as prices rises and income lowers

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Очень похоже, что корейские грибы забористей исландских

Lol. You don’t make ISK if you don’t undock.

Good luck with your “tactic”.

Or enjoy your new game.


“all the risk” when you have a near perfect intel channel that spans the entire region, lol

Intel channels work only work if someone post anything usefull there and not “errm hostiles in region”.
Yes, with this change there will be added risk to defenders. Where is the added risk for attackers?


@CCP_Psych Will there be any API (or whatever its called) regarding the ESS contents/access history?

Here’s the thing. People ratting are doing it in PVE fit ships and people stealing ESS are doing it in PVP fit ships. There will be no conflict driven here, just a bunch of people ratting and having their isk stolen daily until they don’t bother anymore.

It’s evident that what CCP has been doing this year is making less isk available in game which will force players to then buy plex instead of earning it ingame. Eve online has always been “player driven” and it’s worked well, but you are interfering too much imo. The edoncom/trig thing was a fun little side adventure for a while but then you started removing systems and disabling gates. (again under the guise of conflict driving but… how can there be conflict when two fleets can’t even fly to each other), you made all those changes to mining and ore and now the ratting. I wonder how long exploration will see some “wall” to limit the isk.

Eve needs the code corrected, the legacy code untangled, the stability of large fights improved. It doesn’t need the dev team adding things that force a player to play a certain way. Right now the largest war in years is running and it wasn’t started by any of your “Conflict drivers” it was started by players, in fact i don’t think anything that you have labelled a conflict driver so far has caused any actual conflic, asside from the player base and yourselves.

I appreciate any game where the devs are hands on but for a sandbox game i think you guys are being a little too involved at this point. Let us play the game as we want to, not by the systems you put in place as you think it will help the experience.

Again we i’m sure appreciate all the updates and additions you make that help the game run better, but in areas where you activley change how people play I think the main question i have is - Who asked for this?



@ccp_dopamine you guys realize this idea are as bad as blackout right?
nullsec are divided into 2 group basically. big blocs and small entity bloc.

the dynamic bounty system are a great idea to help the smaller bloc because they have smaller amount of member. the system on big block will have really low ratting payout while the smaller one has better payout.

about the ess, it will be a huge kick in the nuts for smaller bloc. as a casual player in a smaller bloc, i spend about 2-3 hours playing eve on saturday/sunday. the 3 hour timer on ess bounty payout are way way too long for my playtime. while the big blocs will have enough people around the clock to defend their ess.

please realize that most of your fanbase are adult with family and work commitment.

if this thing goes live i will just unsub and wait until the inevitable where ccp reverse their decision happen. you cant piss off majority of your playerbase and expecting pcu to stay in their current range.
just like during blackout


judging from the comments on this thread, “adult” would be a very generous statement, lmao

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Not on release.

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Why do you think that risk needs to be added equally? Defenders are currently heavily favored and too safe, this brings the situation closer to balance. Why would CCP reverse that balance and give the defenders more safety?

What an excellent demonstration of the perma-victim mindset: “it is impossible so we won’t even try”. Meanwhile the competent alliances will figure out how to defend their ISK and continue operations.

It’s evident that what CCP has been doing this year is making less isk available in game which will force players to then buy plex instead of earning it ingame.

Stop posting this utter nonsense. If CCP nerfs everyone’s ISK then nobody has excess ISK to buy PLEX, and nobody buys PLEX from the F2P cash shop.


So what is so prized in the game that people know about EVE online outside of the game? This is that a large number of players can take part in a battle at the same time and where does this happen? And this happens in systems with zero security, which are valuable, for the possession of which there are wars, pilots do not sleep for days.
These renewal of the CCP reduces the cost of these systems, why then fight if these systems are not needed by anyone. These systems are so little populated, and as a result of this change, the number of populated systems will decrease even more.
The question is who will fight for all this space if it is not worth anything, but only requires payment for the claim.
All that advertises the game massive wars will sink into oblivion.
What will the new ad for the game be?
We had massive battles for zero systems, but we decided to change them for small sorties of gankers, trying to rob the ESS, which will become less and less, or they will be guarded by a large number of blue umbrellas, where not to stick.
How do you think such advertising will attract new players.


It’s funny to see people who don’t actually understand that the ESS change is (or what it’s supposed to do) because they’re very obvious to spot. Instead of discussing the actual ESS, they’ll start their argument from some super broad and vague standpoint. Like, above, people were talking about how “the core of EVE was about allowing people to be who they wanted”, and now we have this guy also talking in broad sweeping generalizations.

It’s a very big red flag for someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about and just wants to engage in outrage porn for the sake of being triggered.

Why do you think “massive battles for zero systems” and the ESS change are mutually exclusive? Why can’t there be both?

For what to fight for something that has no value, or the value of this is small and does not justify the efforts spent on achieving the goal.

So what you’re saying is… no additional fights will be generated over the ESS. (Let’s assume that’s true for now).

How does that take away massive fights?

Because i have to watch this bloody thing (ESS) for 3 hours which is quiet a long time. I´m ok with risking losing stuff, i´m not ok with guarding it for 3 hours straight.
What kind of favor and safety are you talking about? This change does not affect anyones safety but rather enables one side to ruin other side efforts and forces one side into other side playstyle.


Except you’re wrong and it literally makes no sense to risk your ship defending an ESS: even if we assume people are able to keep making isk at current rates (which they won’t, because dynamic bounty systemmmm), lets say you’ve been ratting for two hours already-- that’s ~90M in bounties. Say forty percent of that is stashed in the ESS and is steal-able: that’s 36M in ISK that’s at-risk. Name a single viable PvP ship you could use to contest the inevitable min-maxed AB Kiki + frigate logi gang that’s going to swing by to steal from your ESS that would cost less than 36M ISK to lose. Oh. Right. You can barely buy a fitted T1 cruiser for that amount of money. So how exactly are you gonna convince some poor ratter to go fight some elite PvP gang when even the most basic ship loss is going to cost him more than he stands to make if he “protects his ISK?”