But how is “your way” in conflict when I’m objecting to AFK minimal-risk grinding and you claim to not want that?
Utter nonsense is all the miners being punished
Again, you do understand that the mineral redistribution is a massive buff for skilled and ambitious miners, right? Maybe instead of whining about receiving a potential buff you should spend more time trying to figure out how to stop being bad at EVE and claim it.
You’re the one coming in to whine about how I’m somehow threatening your game play, I had no interest in your game play until you brought it up and demanded my attention. If the best you can say in defense of yourself is “UR UOBSESSED LOOLOLOL” then perhaps you should consider not posting at all?
It’s safe to say that if only 20% read the forum, then 80% may have no idea about upcoming changes yet. We might hear from them after deployment.
Found some numbers by CCP Quant from 5 years ago. It was 1.35-1.65 average characters per player. Character distribution by security: 75% highsec, 12-13% nullsec, 7-8% lowsec, 5% w-space.
If every nullseccer has 2 alts in other security space and other players have none, nullsec still only accounts for some 30-40% of actual players if you’re rounding up. 20-25% is more likely though.
Forum activity or the lack thereof shouldn’t be taken as a useful measure of anything. You can’t draw conclusions either way from it. CCP has said on more than one occasion (including at least 2 FF presentations, one from Rise, the other from Fozzie) that the vast majority of players don’t go to reddit, don’t engage on the forums, generally don’t pay attention to anything in the launcher…
Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of nullsec ratters have no idea this and the DBS are coming next week.
Those numbers have been shown to be horribly off, as CCP wasn’t using them to judge character activity, but player activity. At least 3 members of the CSM that the devs knew were nullsec players were found to be counted as ‘highsec’ because they had market alts in jita they left logged in most of the time.
CCP has a track record of not knowing how to read their data. And that was Quant, who was, after all, a quant. They don’t really have any quants now, which is why the MER regularly has days missing (download the raw data, not the spoon-feeding charts), or loses entire regions.
It’s not dead because of resource surplus, it died because the industry slot system was replaced with unchecked industry job spam. No one ever complained sincerely about the slots. They meant that people had to spread out and could not just sit in a specific spot. In particular for capital production, slots per facility have to come back so that it is not as easy to churn them out like candy bars. Call me tinfoil hat wearing maniac but I believe that all these changes since 2016 were only done to make the numbers look good on paper for the sale of the company. More chars, more big growth, more big empires, less disturbance of the big spenders, and so on.
I read above that CCP wanted to bring back Rorquals on the mining field. I have suggested a way how that might work without wrecking the economy again. They will most likely ignore not only my suggestion, but other suggestions and their own historical data as well and reintroduce a terribly unbalanced system again.
hmmm… my launcher gets invesible … cant start the game.
also cleard the SSD from EVE and i tried to reinstall …
Still no visible launcher after start the .exe…
Only see the icon down-right … does some as an idea?
Blueprints, research posesesesesseseses, citadels, all of those are a result of overabundance of resources and no meaningful measure of limiting. Be it the isk sinks or massive amounts of ore that were being pulled in daily. And let’s not even dive into the mess that was injectors. I used to have a private research corp with like, 20 research toons in it, and a 2 day old JF pilot. Obviously she was 3 days old the next day lol.
You can have all the slot in the world, but if there isn’t enough isk just sitting around in heaps and bounds, OR a viable incentive to NOT have 200 billion worth of stuff just sitting in stations(before getting into super caps), They won’t all be used. As it is now, it’s just gonna keep being a game of 'who has the largest treasure horde. And really, ONLY 200 billion makes me a bit of a poor.
We at CCP no longer trust you the player to play our game the way we want to you to. SO we have taken it upon ourselves with the limited development time we have, to force you to play the game we want you to play…RIP sandbox.
If the ССP wanted to fight bots, it would remove skill injectors from the game.
It is difficult for bots to be pumped out, it takes time and every account would be treasured.
ССP for today is fighting only with residents of nullsec, starting alliances and is conducting monetization.
When the SSP starts selling ships for real money, is it already selling skill books?
CCP, knowing that a major war was going on, took advantage of the situation so that it was not visible that online games would fall. I also have to disable some accounts due to the update, it’s a pity that not all.
i literaly sell 4 of my 5 supers i just let one for hauler and rush every alt i have for vexor t1 i hope the gankers enjoi have only vexors kill mails because the only gila i will use will be in hs doing t5 filtaments