Encounter Surveillance System Update

Er, ok


must be a nul bro so much sult

So why would I agree that null should be nerfed more?

You arent making any sense.

why are u caling me a filthy craber while i only make 1 bil per our and there are tons of people in nul that makes trilion?

If a person krabs for 5 isk and another for 20 isk, it doesnt change the fact they are both krabs, does it?

u understand hows this game works right?u have to make isk to buy ships and equipment.An at ship costs 200bil need to make isk to buy 1 etch and i am rly low on isk as i said publicly erlier


hey i am risking my asstes in wh space not like in nulsec and i play cheap risking my2,5 bil ikitursha with my 4 bil clone.nul sec people got trilions

Its like you wear a big t-shirt with I AM A KRAB on it while saying “Oh but look over there, those bigger krabs are worse!”

You are the same thing, dude.

biger krab wtf are u talking about i am poor and play cheap

lol whatever you say bub

You say one thing, then you say the other.

Do you even know what you are saying?

i stick to my story u clearly have your mind set to something and just don t read.let me guess skill injector warrior .stop posting u are making fun of yourself null sec crab

Your story that you are poor and not a krab but still make 1B an hour?

lol thats a good story.

And an oxymoron.

Again, if I was, why would I be for even more Null regulation? COuld you actually follow the conversation rather than thinking “no you” is some kind of functional argument?

1 bil per hour risking my expensive 3 bil dread so i have to use a 2ond alt with a dread too to make 2 bil since i have limited time.how much a nyx or a carrier in nul makes per hour?not even counting salvage escalation loot from npc and the tons of pi production.i rly dont care what is your opinion ,u are attacking me because i am a member of the wh community . we only got 10 cidadels in our wh and rent like 50 wh .how many systems rent the big nul sec empires and how many citadels they got .But you are caling me names while i fly the minimum cheap ship .i dont fly oficer fit ikitursha i fly a dead space 1 and if ccp buff a little bit that ship i woulden t need a 4 bil clone but no they are only intrested on munins online .

such poor

such null aspirant behaviour

No, you dont, you fly a krab mobile, with a krab fleet of alts paid for by your renters.

F me you are exactly as bad as Null, you are the same thing lol

But you keep telling yourself you are a better person.

Fantasy is wonderful for those who are infallible.

krab mobile lol we are top in the killboard and we win every time .its all about the content and elite pvp .everybody have alts and ofc i am paying with isk my alts what are u talking about.with all that economic depression aimed at wh space yeah it is hard to make a living this days .nul sec space have destroyed the economy ,u can t even buy an at ship with all that crap .try kiling a carrier or a super with something other than ikitursha.but why i am talking to u about pvp things .when u got 20 people only u need to have max dps and be extra mobile to ditch any defense fleets .u need some dead space fits to win a battle when u are 20 and the other guys are 5 people in caps.

So why you want to be like them?

Is it jealousy? Are you jealous they make more than you?

how i want to be like null sec just explain ?

Because a bill an hour just isnt enough, you said it, not me.

You do all the things Null does but you are exempt from being a krab because… why? Because they are making more than you are?

Yeah, doesnt work like that.

to play the game u need isk u know have fuel for your cidadels buy ships ammo cap boosters etc.i dont have 30 titans i only got 2 loged off in nul sec where we hunt for content .and yeah i make isk because to play the game u need isk to buy some ships and play.u clearly don t use isk to play .the point is 00 is producing way more than the game economy of this game can handle, and thats makes me poor and the rest of the healthy player base .the munnins online is hurting the game its rly hard to win vs 100 munnins.people in nul sec should fly like t1 or something like very nerfed munnin so there would be balance at last .