Epic account on linux

Hi, I’ve downloaded the game via steam on mint. When I click the epic icon to log in, firefox loads the website. But then nothing happens, it doesn’t trigger the log in on the laucher. Does anyone know a way to solve this?

You installed the game via steam? Then you should be able to start the launcher through steam.
I am not sure what you mean by “when I click the epic icon”, but Firefox is not involved in launching the game at all.

The game launcher does start. But I created my account previously via Epic games. So there is no password, the login works via a browser through epic games (normally, under windows).

I’ve also set the standard browser to chrome. When I click the epic logo in the game launcher to log in, chrome opens the login site and there’s even the pop up “login.eveonlone.com wants to open thw application xdg-open” but when i click allow, nothing happens again… i guess that’s some windows only thingy (I’m really not kind of a linux pro…)

I had no idea there were accounts created through Epic. Sounds like it’s as awkward as Steam. I dont know if CCP lets you convert either to a traditional user/password account but it could be worth asking in a support ticket.

I would test:
Can you get into game with a newly created EVE account?
Can you successfully login to epic launcher?

Can you get into game with a newly created EVE account?

Haven’t tried this yet.

There is no native epic application for linux. Now I’ve download the Heroic Games Launcher (after I’ve tried the Rare app, there it was same like steam. Both support epic launcher). Somehow Heroic opens the game launcher with me already being signed in! But now in the game launcher, the start button sits on “not ready”, no update starting … :smiling_face_with_tear:sigh

I’ll try another epic launcher app later…

Update: Now I’ve downloaded the Lutris app for linux. There I could get the epic launcher and install the game. The game launcher logged me in automatically and was running an update.


Lutris was the way to go for me. Though thank you for your ideas!

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Excellent, congrats! I wonder if it runs on steam deck…

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Pretty sure I have seen pictures of EVE running on steam decks right after they launched it.

As I have stated before (here) I started on Steam but you can drop Steam and keep the Steam account as I have done. John Rochard was a Steam account but has been converted by visiting the Eve Online homepage and changing the account from there.

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I just posted a write up for this in Pop_OS! & EVE Online

This is very interesting. I wonder if the EPIC launcher knows how to open the WINE containers concurrently or if it uses a different approach. Because WINE runs in a sandbox, the challenge is to run two copies ( one wiithout the eveonline:// uri, one with ) in the same WINE sandbox ( well ‘prefix’ ) so they ‘talk’ to each other.

I cover that in my post. If you are a windows user, you will see there is a an association in your browser between eveonline:// and the launcher/eve client, so technically firefox is involved.

Does not matter which browser, its all about getting that eveonline:// uri into the launcher via what would be a parameter

True, but you should not have to do this, as it means there are now two usernames and passwords that can be used to get into your account instead of one.

No, I don’t have 2 usernames and passwords. I can access the one and only account, just not using Steam to do so. Steam was just too much bloat running on my system. Before the changes Steam made to their launcher this year, I was able to launch the game and close Steam out. I just get a tad bit annoyed by too many launchers. I am still using the old EVE launcher ( however long that will last ) and close it out after my account starts up. I have maybe a total of 3 games on Steam I still play, once in a great while, however they are free to play and I spent nothing on them.

I am old as dirt. I use to play games by booting DOS from a floppy disk, then insert the game and run it from the floppy drive. Before that my first PC used a magnetic tape drive. My first modem was 2400 baud. o7

I garuntee you do. You log onto the EVE even launcher to add an account with one username/password combination. You can also log onto steam with a username and password to get a token that is passed to the launcher, which adds the same account. Either work. The only way you do not have two unique usernames and passwords is if you are using the same username for your eve (ccp) account as your steam account.

I know this, because I have accounts that set this up for to test EVE on linux.

Agree, Steam uses too many system resources on my MacBook Pro for comfort.

Been there. First version of Simcity I had one disk to boot and other for save games.

Do not tell the NBN users, they will get jealous.

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This could be the start of old people rambling on.

My home computer game habit pre-dates the PC - loading from audio tape onto Commodore PETs. A rather good version of Space Invaders.
The first PC I used ran GEM rather than PCDOS.
I remember going from 300 baud modems to 1200 baud modems and cursing text that appeared on the paper roll faster than you could read it.

I have in my study at home a valve from Colossus courtesy of Tony Sale (he ran the rebuild project).
My wife was taught by Tommy Flowers’ son.

Be nice to the dirt.
It may be old, but the sights it has seen.

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I owned the following PCs in this order;

1982 Timex Sinclair - yes the watch company made a cheap home computer. It had 2K RAM expandable to 16K, B&W text graphics, and a flat membrane keypad. I think the asking price was $100 but I got it on sale at a drug store for $70.
1982 VIC-20 - Kmart also on sale for $85. I wanted the C-64 but couldn’t afford it, wanted to try the smaller version out. While it had built in BASIC too, I started learning more about machine language from this machine.
1984 TI-99/4A - I got this one used through the classified ads. It was considered obsolete by this time and to honest it wasn’t much better than the VIC-20 on programming power, both felt like a game console PC hybrid.
1986 Tandy Color Comuter 3 - This was back when Radio Shack sold them for $200. This was my last PC that stored all the programs to magnetic tapes.

Over the next 6 years I went back to school and got my Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. To be honest, it felt odd being older than everyone else in class. I excelled at my programming courses with my knowledge of computers.

In the summer of 1992, I was contracting with Consumers Power Company ( now called Consumers Energy ) and swapping out all the 80386 lesser IBM PC’s for newer 80486. Needless to say, I got my hands on one of the older 386 models at no cost, all I had to do was buy a CRT monitor for it. It had no HDD only a 5.25" floppy. I saw it through a lot of upgrades 2.5" floppy and a few HDDs in the megabyte range.

Ever since then, I have nothing but the basic home PC’s. Believe it or not, my nephew and I find PC’s in the garbage in our city, we refurbish them and give many away to senior citizens. I put Linux on them, since it is user friendly OS for people who just want to surf the web, and I never hear anyone of them complain about it. My best find in the curbside pickup was this HP i-5 core, with 8 GB RAM, and a small HDD (broken). They pitched the whole PC because of a broken HDD. Some people must live in a different world from me.

My wife is using an old HP laptop, all she does is Facebook and games. She also watches too much of those crime shows with the super cops solving crimes with the sci-fi computers. She has no desire to learn about computers other than how to turn it on and off. :laughing:


It was the Sinclair ZX81 in the UK. I remember it well - it is the computer that kick-started the UK games industry.

BSc in Theoretical Physics. Similar time period.
Running crystal simulations remotely on a Cray mainframe over the internet.

Good work. It keeps people connected - it is a measure of someone that works to make people’s lives better rather than just living a selfish life.

I think I saw the documentary about this on YouTube recently, some procedurally generated space game that ran on the computers at schools that had been bought by the government. Looks like it was a gem ahead of its time.

That was the original Elite on the BBC Micro - a much more powerful machine a few years after the ZX81. Elite is a stunning technical achievement.
And a hugely engaging open ended game.

That decision by the government and the BBC to promote computer education an enthusiasm paid itself back.

A generation of computer literate programmers and hackers that founded a lot of the early software and games companies. That created new worlds, new industries. Tomb Raider, GTA, and many more are the children of that generation.

The designers and manufacturers of the BBC Micro (Acorn Computers) ended up developing RISC chips for their computers: Acorn RISC Machines. Design work that became a little outfit called ARM ltd.

Oh, and Elite? That’s what led to Eve Online…

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