Equinox announcement

Doesn’t look so bad, as long as those “new planetary resources” aren’t crucial to build basic stuff that smaller groups need every day and have no option to gather for themselves without paying some bigger monopoly group. And of course they shouldn’t be in competition with the normal PI mats…

Officer Mods will probably drop in price significantly if more of these are going to spawn so the market will be a lot larger.

For the Moon Drills, if you can use them in 0.0 (not only sov 0.0) and even lowsec, that should include Pochven and JSpace, obviously. Hopefully there will be some content over them.



Nullsec only?




That’s an outright lie.

PI is not being reworked or changed. It’s different Planet resources that only interacts with sov mechanics.

Planetary resources will be removed and replaced with these Power/Workforce/Reagents? I cant understand what this announcement is about.

No, PI is remaining, they are changing Sov mechanics


On the subject of passive moons, I believe the positive or negative outcome really depends on the details of the patch itself. Particularly with regards to sov mechanics. If changes come to reduce power projection which encourages smaller groups and even super-less groups to live on the fringes of existing mega blocs then the complexity of diplomacy, intrigue, and sov conflict becomes far more interesting. And passive income fueling petty wars.

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I’m not sure if you realize this but the whole of low sec is within cyno range of the big low sec groups they even clip some of the null sec areas, cyno range is 8ly’s.

Anyone that puts up a moon drill in low will see it blow up within a week.

"CCP Overload clarified that Jspace is getting the automoons, pog " - ashortfallofgravitas 2004/04/23

Guess its every moon that isn’t high sec, ■■■■ yes! Well played CCP.

My only other wish for this patch would either be that the PI DST can hold 150k m3 of PI goods or that all current PI m3 is halved, its super freaking heavy that its almost not even worth moving lol - the time spent moving it is usually less isk/h than active isk farming activities.

“Equinox introduces four new ships, specialized in the transport of planetary resources.” Guess that means normal PI as well and if its a new dst then for sure it has to be more than the current 65k m3, so yea I’m pretty happy so far looks good.

I don’t care it’s mostly null sec content this time, I AM worried about if it’s just going to further cement the status quo and favours big stagnant defensive null groups which, given what the CSM mostly consists of, is bound to happen.


Hmm my hope is that it will encourage more smaller groups to get out and setup shop, the more smaller groups the more conflict will arise from it.

But the biggest problem still to smaller groups being able to exist is the power of the cyno and its ability to have half the galaxy on your doorstep in minutes.

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Any information on the new ships?

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T1 hauler, BR, DST, and freighter sized

Ship info is in the other link buried inside the intro link:

Equinox introduces four new ships, specialized in the transport of planetary resources. Tailored to navigate the new dynamics of nullsec sovereignty, these vessels will assist capsuleers in shaping nullsec to their image. All four ships have missile combat capability, introducing a new dynamic to resource transportation, as well as an infrastructure hold, which can carry various items related to space infrastructure and colonization.

  • Squall – Entry level reagents hauler.
  • Deluge – Hauler with covert ops cloaking capability, high warp speed and mobility, and immunity to cargo scanners.
  • Torrent – Tough deep space transport vessel with micro jump drive capability.
  • Avalanche – Massive freighter with a huge reagent hauling capacity.

Not sure how adding ‘missile combat’ to a hauler will change much, it’s not likely they’ll be competitive against combat-oriented ships. Plus, the hauling capacity appears to be focused on the new ‘Reagents’ that come from various planetary types, as opposed to PI resources in general.

Wait and see, I guess.

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I would looooooove that. I’ve wanted small deployable bases and infrastructure like this since they released citadels. Imagine some of those mining bases you find in missions and anomalies as like, small scale stations that can only hold so much stuff, like say 50k m3 worth of cargo per capsuleer, and only maybe 5 dockable slots, but is cheap and gives you a place to base out of for quick deployments. Maybe bc and under only. Just an idea I had. A bit of a personal place to stake a home, without needing to front a full Astrahuse or Raitatu. Sort of like poses can be used that way now. Maybe limit the number per system so they don’t get spammed, or tie them to moons or planets.

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I think the AUTOMATED RESOURCE HARVESTING station or a new station attached to the AUTOMATED RESOURCE HARVESTING should also be used to manage Planetary Interactions from as well. Get rid of orbital structures and use one central hub.

The transports for PI would be AI or player controlled and both could be attacked by pirates.

This seems like a typical “devs don’t play their own game” moment where the new ships will either never fit for or be useful with their dps or they’ll be so OP that

becomes a menace.

Sounds like any other Blockade Runner. Maybe just with an improved Bay for the new Materials.

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I think the point is more about “why advertise ‘missile combat capability’ as a new dynamic?” on a hauler. If it has few high slots, one of which is for the cloak, then they’re useless. If it has many and/or powerful high slots, then suddenly you’ve got an odd new cloaking combat-capable ship (which is where the ‘menace’ comes from).

It’s like announcing a new bomber variant, which also has an Ore bay on it. “One of these things is not like the other”, and all that. We won’t really know if this is an interesting new development or yet another example of game-blindness on CCP’s part until we see the details, I guess.


Hopefully at least one of them can replace the Catalyst for being the first choice ship taken out of the gankers toolbox.

/like mentioned above A Hauler that can antigank? Then warp away with the loot from a failed gank!