Equinox in Focus: Personalized Ship SKINs

because this is whot eve need…more skin

Can I have a chemistry set please ? I’d love to make some new types of ammo :laughing:

Wait till you see the purple headed pink skin. There will be fighting over that one !!

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Put that on the raven or golem lol since those habe “heads”

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Armageddon, or double barreled vindi, even the humble thorax

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Hey CCP Swift, what happened to using Evermarks to pay for the skin paints?
Everything in the video with a price on it was listed in Plex.


These are ship skins, the other skins used evermarks. Since ship skins are already purchased with plex or isk, im assuming thats why they left it this way

If only Ctrl-Shift-F9 could be toggled permanently in settings.

just finding the materials and patterns they’re going to need to buy. The whales have to get the best stuff somewhere, so there are early opportunities if you’re brave.

I want to find a way to start a pool, betting on what the Avatar Fleshlight skin sells for. :rofl:


You don’t need to be a full on whale to enjoy a little of what is coming.

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The Skins being Identical means that the branding will be where the prestige is to be found.

All hail the age of the designer.

EVE Prada

EVE Gucci


You’re wearing Goonswarm dude, pls.


If goonswarm was a Cologne I swear I would bath in that.


Scent of honey



Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the egregious microtransactions.


Will we be able to set ANY price in the Paragon Hub for the player created SKINS? Once they are paid for the calculated PLEX amount to sequence the licenses by the creator ofc.

Will they be itemized like regular, CCP SKINs and kept in the storages or put into contract or straight given away as a prize …or a bribe?

I assume since the player SKINs are not standard items they won’t be sellable on the market.


Why would I buy any when I can make my own?


Sorry, what was that? I’m guessing there was a message there, but it was hidden beneath the whine.

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Some cheap yes, some advanced not so much.

There are going to be rare SKINR components available from loot only/events/rewards. If you don’t have it you won’t duplicate the SKIN that uses them :pensive:


I can now understand how your question is pertinent. Sorry for making light of it, Elinore.
I don’t know if player-generated SKINs will be sellable but in a way, having a SKIN that no one else can have is even more attractive to me.
I know one thing, I can’t wait to make my own SKINs!!
One thing is for sure, with this add-on, CCP speaks directly to the artist in me.
Also, more players will stay logged in longer as I think that they’d spend hours making SKINs where they would’ve logged off otherwise.