
Does anyone have a nice graphic that shows which combat sites have a chance of escalating and what that escalation might be?

Cheers - would you know what the different variations of the combat sites escalate to?

The list shows most escalations, but I just noticed that it’s incomplete.

Sanctum and Havens - DED 10/10
Forlorn/Forsaken Hub - unrated Fleet Staging Points
Forlorn/Forsaken Rally Point - DED 8/10
Hub (the unmodified version) - DED 7/10
Rally Point (unmodified version) - DED 6/10

The Refuges escalate to DED 4/10s, which also nice to have. Below that I don’t really care.

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thanks man thats great info

in addition to this, Den escalates to DED 5/10 (has small chance to spawn in highsec if running sites there or near HS).

just in case someone forgot, T3C cannot run sites of DED-rating of 4 and below.

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