ESI / GESI failing to understand how to get all of an item's attributes

Down there trying to make a spreadsheet to help me calculate which ores I should buy to build a selection of T1 ships.

I’m very new to ESI and even if I have some knowledge I’m not an IT person.

So from what I’m reading on the ESI doc, everything there’s to know about an item should be referenced in the dogma_attributes object.

However this seems to lack some critical informations when calling /universe/type/type_ID. Namely, I can’t find the reprocessed material output of a compressed ore, nor the required materials of a blueprint.

I’m guessing this isn’t the right endpoint for the job but I fail to find documentation on how to get those basic informations.

Thank you for your time o/

Pretty sure this data just isn’t in ESI. See Feature GET Request: Receive reprocessing informations of items · Issue #664 · esi/esi-issues · GitHub and Add blueprint manufacturing/research to industry endpoints · Issue #501 · esi/esi-issues · GitHub.

You’ll just have to use the SDE for this.

Yes, that makes sense. Why would they waste processing power for requests above static things ?

Looks like there’s a CSV on Fuzzwork, I’ll try to get things going from there.

Some things are indeed missing from SDE/ESI. Have a look also at Hoboleaks (

The list of materials that go into a blueprint can be found in the SDE in the blueprints file. For example, the Rifter Blueprint entry has:


Reprocessing data can be seen in the typeMaterials file, also in SDE:


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