ESS & Bounty Payout Adjustment - I hate it, it ruins the game for me

Actually, this is the utter nonsense right here:

It’s not anywhere near that simple. Plex price isn’t driven by “how much ISK you’re making”. Plex price is driven by supply/demand and modified by the amount of ISK available to the wealthier players - who set the price both by market manipulation and by outbidding other players when they want their ISK now.

There’s also some ‘want it now’ effect from players of all wealth ranges who need to fund a sub or grab an injector or catch an expiring sale.

When Plex peaked in 2019 it wasn’t because people were “making more ISK”, and when ISK generation cratered during blackout it barely nudged Plex prices. Plex is inflating rapidly right now due to high demand from price increases and low supply because fewer people caring enough to pay to play anymore.

Wow, this is incredibly clueless. Lower bounties in null is driving null farmers to other areas to make ISK - which increases competition and reduces the value of those activities due to oversupply. That’s no ‘benefit’, and they’re certainly not getting ‘more value for their ISK’ with Plex at highs.

I don’t quite agree with Ayakana’s statement that the only benefit of ESS/DBB is to CCP because it forces more grind or more pay from players. But I strongly suspect CCP thought that would be the case and that was one of their motivations for doing it.


do level 4 missions in high sec, you make a lot more than null sec. I left null sec when they implement this and all my friends left the game because of it.

That is the problem thou, the places these guys went is wormholes - blue loot and abyss red loot.
With those npc buy orders the only thing getting effected is the value of isk.

When I did abyss awhile ago red loot was like 50% of the value of the loot, now its like 90% of the value everything else devalued so freaking hard with everyone running abyss.

And that is mostly due to abyss level’s 4/5/6 being runnable from high sec which is really silly CCP should make it only low and null that can open those tiers.

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That’s why I was talking about their ISK being relatively worth more, not absolutely.

Sure, they may get more competition on their own activities and will therefore make less ISK in absolute sense, but if they (and others doing their activity) are getting more ISK than people in other parts of the game, they’re still relatively better off than before the change that nerfed a large ISK source that doesn’t impact them directly.

In fact, you yourself noticed that those null farmers will likely move to other parts of the game. Why is that? Because those other parts of the game are relatively better off.

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