ESS Gate Mechanics Abuse

Which definitely hasn’t been found yet.

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ccp did post some info regarding blackout. , i dont recall if it was a blog or dev reply … while player numbers were down , it was mostly ratting and mining activity . (bots?) while pvp dropped only slightly , showing blackout having exactly the result ccp intended .

Care to share? I can’t find anything of that sort. 2019/09/16 – Nullsec Blackout Concludes! | EVE Online Is the only news piece talking about the end of Blackout and results and it is most obviously saying nothing at all.

search eve online blackout results . the nosy gamer result shows ccps metrics during blackout .

Link it. You want to prove something. But I found it anyway and by the looks of it all metrics took a nosedive into a pool with no water during blackout. Destruction also shifted from null sec elsewhere, according to the blog. Plus, nothing in the blog entries is from CCP. It’s all just player conjecture. CCP said they would release information on blackout results. That is what I am missing. :slight_smile: The best thing about the Blackout is still CCP Falcon’s face when he announced the end of it and then got to leave the company. The glory of his compunctious face during the video cannot be overstated.

there’s the link , including link to a 2 hour dev chat with ccp falcon talking about blackout . there’s also several charts from ccp , showing ship kills , npc bounties , etc .
while statistics are open to wildly different interpretations ( you see a “nosedive” while i see thousands of off-line ratting bots and null-bears playing their high-sec alts ) i give ccp credit for NOT drawing any conclusions , which would have been suspect anyway . instead they describe it as data-gathering …
personally , i don’t find blackout sustainable , due to the drastic differences between w-space and null-sec .

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