EVE-0nline; Heavenly Plots

Don’t speak in generalizations Diana Kim.

To say ‘nobody’ has ‘ever’ returned suggests the mortal soul leaves our world.

If this is a sincere aspect of your belief system you seek miracles from devils and competition to be wise and patient with oneself in this life is pointless.

Morality and kindness is not pointless.

Seeking miracles and luck of devils is.

True that conditions are forged by human hands. However moral societies are guided by the love of man. For the Heavens have no love, only space for it.

The Love of Man is not born of an empty quest. And the quest is to rest in peace.

For evolution to have reached the stages we are at now.

A soul who has passed on into our afterlife must have expressed that it had been born into a better place after having lived a productive corporeal existence.

One must accept to be human; Either immortal or mortal in our cases: Of Mercenary Clone (MC), Perceive and Observe Dimension (POD) pilot and fighter pilot (FP). You must communicate.

To commune in reference to the enigma of God and the alien theories that have yet to be proven; Giving them ‘words’ to associate one’s ignorance with is a necessary evil of the mind’s eye and philosophy.


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And yet different moral societies consider other moral societies as amoral. Thus putting any moral as a cornerstone of your ideology and/or goal is an intrinsically a wrong and amoral move - as at least someone will consider.

The only moral that does matter, is moral of people you are living with. The only kindness that does matter, is a kindness to people you are living with.

For there is no absolute morality and kindness, we all build our houses differently, and there is nothing wrong with it, since we are building them for ourselves.


Someone as entrenched in Caldari corporate banal as you, Miss Diana, should know that uniform architecture is a visual cue to local morality.

For instance: Cathedral roof tops are a sign that locals are adverse to witchery or the loathing of god.

While in the same moral society a local architectural design might suggest standing among the stars on top of flat roofs.

It is amoral to respect both ideologies as moral and search for immoral interactions among relations between the same groups in the same society.

These simple differences drive progress and raise levels of intelligence do to the philosophy of understanding why they are both different and yet moral in the amoral society.

Corporate intrigue exercising young minds to think about the architecture, why it is different and accepted and where they would like to live.

It is ok to use a moral as a cornerstone of your ideology.

Feel free to do this as often as you like.

Morals are so often so universal that if a moral is considered immoral the population housing the contradicting ideology is more than likely flawed.

The flaw is usually due to a reward and/or punishment system enforced by a corrupt authority.

In circumstances like those one should stay cloaked.

Caldari State is a good system of punishment and reward for generating moral outcomes.

Mega-corporations have corrupt cells more often than a government engine but the immoral are the minority.

Also: The fall of the greedy, tyrannical and power hungry; Generate promotions and motivate the less privileged who are not militarized or subsidized as in the Minmitar Republic and Galente Federation.


Oh, really? Can you bring an example of a single one universal moral.

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Kim there’s a reason why I call you a warlord there’s a reason why add the word clique after your name . How much Soldiers do you command Battalion a division a army group how much you have on your command do use this to browbeat anyone who opposes you or do you throw them to the slaughter. Are you Little more than a bandit

Be creative, universal moral.

Be reliable, universal moral.

Ask questions, universal.

There; Three universal moral codes that should be respected and practiced.

Now tell me, Diana Kim. Are there three you might suggest for the universe?

Are there three you could suggest from your neck of the woods?


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Okay, you’ve got me there, Mr. Ephesianos.

I really should be way less categorical in my conclusions to not put me in deadlocks like that.

My apologies.

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How about,

“It is better to be early than late.”

“Know everyone’s job as well as your own.”

“Don’t piss of an Intaki.”


Are you the official face of U’K now? Just askin…

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If I were the official face of U’K I would have responded by now.

The official face of U’K is zoolkhan with a lower case z’

as a matter of fact is looks so Amarrian these days he is never online.

But he said if caps were there he would try to show up.

The other official faces are in game and on TS clients.

Rather than look for an official face look for support in your corp.

The corp is where you will generate productive missions, active roams, and play better fleet roles.

Everyone thinks mining is doing itself but that is where the activity and bounties are needed.

Worm holing is the best place to join a fleet or gang in local.


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