You can. But to take that example, then BMW have different versions of the 3-series car. They just keeps releasing newer 3-series with new stuffs and some tweaks. It’s like releasing a new patch that fixes / adds new things to the game here and there.
That’s the dumbest analogy. Software doesn’t accumulate wear and tear. Hardware does and is replaced. Software is updated to be effective on the new hardware. And your “if CCP doesn’t do exactly what I tell them to, I’ll take my $14 and go elsewhere” threat is so anemic, it’s beyond redemption. If you’re going to leave, leave. Adults take action without making threats. Grow up.
To all the +1’s on the idea of a sequel, what exactly are you expecting? A magical wand gets waved and suddenly it pops into existence? Or that bigfoot wanders into the offices and sits down at a computer and bangs out a complex fully featured game in 20 minutes? Maybe they could employ a team of chupacapbras to engineer the most technically complicated MMO on the planet. FFS, how can anyone think a sequel would be a good idea?
No sequel for me just some core engine fixups would be fine. I don’t want to have to do training skills all over again. err wait… But if they want to re-brand a massive overhaul as 2 that’s fine as well.
CCP will continue to iterate on EVE much the same way Microsoft iterates on Windows - there is still some 25 year old NT code buried in the shiny new releases. Microsoft is dropping the version numbers - it’s now Windows as a Service. We’ve been buying Eve as a service since day 1. CCP is on a 5 week release cadence so you don’t really notice how much the game is changing unless you look back or take a bit of time off - returning veterans are logging into a very different game.
Because Eve is a sandbox, a lot of the structure in the game is player built - markets, alliances, etc… CCP isn’t going to throw that away and there is no way to easily and safely move it to a new game. If you want Eve to evolve more quickly - subscribe with real money or buy stuff in the NES. If Eve is generating the revenue to pay them, CCP will hire more developers.
IIRC they removed all the old code when checking for buffer overflow bugs associated to the tcp/ip stack.
That’s what the story says …
do you think they kept a mirror from say apocrypha or even older that they could put on a server? I would pay double to play the old game, flaws and all. Eve hard mode for example: Scanning used to be a skill that was in many ways independent of a characters’ sp.
Don’t put your words into my mouth, please. I do play this game from every beginning and keep playing. But doesn’t mean the software holder could do better cause we have to much of legacy and every new patch won’t fix the major issue.
So in the end you have something far from the origins just a brand name with all sort of modern parts. In such case I prefer the whole brand new product vs. Pimp My Ride.
Do you know where legacy code comes from? It comes from a rush job. It’s the code that’s too important to throw away, and too undocumented to be able to change. When it’s just a couple guys throwing together a tiny indy game with no players you can do a rush job and you end up with legacy code from day 1. When you are a full studio you can’t afford a slow burn player growth. You can’t afford to throw out a no-feature indy game. If they released an EVE 2, it would have to be as fully featured as EVE is now. You’d have to cram 15 years of development into a single game in 1 or 2 years. The ENTIRE THING would be legacy code, it would be unpatchable. The reason legacy code is a problem is because a single chunk of code becomes too expensive to replace. You think replacing the whole f*kin game is somehow cheaper?
I can’t believe people think EVE 2 makes sense from a software point of view because in that sense it’s incredibly stupid. What are the alternate motives here? Do they think they’ll somehow not suck at EVE 2? That it’ll be designed as a carebear paradise or something? Someone please enlighten me.
edit: and I was not taking anything out of context. Your phrasing/spelling is difficult, but your intent was obvious. (bold added for emphasis.) Your ideas are bad, they should be ignored.
I agree completely for what reason do people want EVE 2 ? there is nothing the dev’s cannot change now that they would be able to in a EVE 2.
Well technically they could try to make a multi threaded server engine but beside that? Not much.
They can still do that now, maybe they are already working on it? CCP is not most open so we won’t know about it if they did but still its possible.
Even if you don’t slap an EVE 2 sticker on it, rewriting the game engine to become multi threaded is essentially writing an EVE 2.
Maybe its hard to tell without knowing how they structured their code.
Maybe it’s even simply not possible.
Nothing is impossible, that should be obv by now
many things can’t be asserted possible until we make them.
Many people assume that because it’s simple in their mind, it must be simple to make. And because it’s possible in their mind, it must be possible in reality.
eg, think of time travel. The idea is simple, though in reality (to the extent of what we know), this is not possible(more precisely, what seems simple actually makes no sense).
Still generated a lot of interest to fix these decade-old problems.
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