Eve and toxic pilots, why CCP is looking away?

lol… I wanted name it EIL, but was allready in use, so I used a 8 in front and behind, because a 8 on the site is unlimited and it is the most symetric char… as I created that corp I had no idea about any other meaning of the 8… everyone who knows me, knows i have no nationalic or rasisstic interesest… even my new corp is international, we had Member from Asia, USA, Southamerica, multiple EU countrys… and it doesn’t even fit to how I act and talk… I’m much to smart to be rassistic/nationalistic…

but hey thats shows now again how these whboo spreading lies about other player…

but there is a big difference, I’m defending only… when they camping me I start attacking their citadels and pocos to get timer and try to kill them… when they let me alone, I let them alone… and I don’t smashtalk in local and don’t spread lies about them… and I have no intention to destroy any of them…

saying I would do pings only is a lie too, goal is always to get timer and kill the citadel/poco… last week I created 5 poco timer and went for the timer… and ofc, flying 10h around with 3 Bomber to hit pocos need some torps…

but hey, that how whboo is working, spreading lies…

Hello noble mentlegems, allow me to set the record straight and tell true the tale of Darth Gualu the Wise.

EDIT: Yes, I updated this comment with more evidence, more screenshots, and more proof of Gualu’s psychogames and abuse. Nothing was removed, only added. You can check the archives and edit log. This is not a “falsification” - but leave it to someone toxic like Gualu to label posting truth “falsification”. Such are his crazy psychogames.

For the TL;DR: Gualu started a conflict with other players. Other players beat him at his own game. Gualu is now resorting to trying to get people banned because he can’t win in-game.

This is all chronicled, in detail, on the aforementioned blog, “Who Dares - Wins”.

NOTE: CCP has informed the author that they are free to write whatever they want on their blog, as it is an out of game publication.

The story, in summary:

A couple of years ago, Gualu had a Tatara on an R64. A group known as STFU blew it up, and placed their own Athanor. As soon as they did this, Gualu began a campaign of non-stop harassment against them, claiming that they “had had an agreement”, that STFU had “betrayed him”. He spent hours each day feeding intel to STFU’s enemies, killing STFU miners, and shooting the STFU structures to 95% shields before warping away, simply to create a notification (henceforth known as “pinging”).


Eventually STFU pissed off enough of the locals in the region that they were shown the door. As STFU was leaving, WHBOO was moving in. When the STFU Athanor in Vevelonel died, Gualu decided to anchor his own, thinking he had “won”. But, of course, WHBOO had plans for that moon, so they destroyed Gualu’s Athanor:

Gualu was understandably upset about losing his Athanor. When the situation was explained to him, Gualu dug his heels in and vowed to wage a personal war against WHBOO until they left:

Gualu didn’t like WHBOO, because they had once been blue with STFU. Even though WHBOO had dropped standings and had started shooting STFU, it didn’t matter. In Gualu’s mind it was all a ruse, a big smokescreen to “change clothes”. It was still the “same” group. So Gualu vowed to kill WHBOO and harass them forever.


WHBOO, being really nice folks, asked Xuixien to speak to Gualu to see what he wanted to avoid any strife. Right away, Gualu began making unreasonable demands:

Based on some very strange, convoluted reasoning:


And when Gualu couldn’t extort WHBOO for 10’s of billions of ISK, he blocked Xuixien:


Which was a big mistake on his part. Because after STFU became insolvent, WHBOO began preparations to move to Solitude. A round table was held on Discord between all the major players of the region to decide how things would work moving forward. Xuixien sent the invites. Other people tried to reach out to Gualu to extend him an invitation, but they all found that they had been blocked by him.

During the round trable it was agreed by everyone that WHBOO would take over the surviving STFU structures as well as anchor their own Athanors on former STFU moons. WHBOO would stay in a certain area and cooperate with people who wanted to be friends with WHBOO. Everyone agreed.

Except Gualu, because he wasn’t there. He had blocked everyone, and was busying himself creating incessant structure pings:

Which would be the go-to strategy he would employ for the next 2+ years:

(1100+ pings, btw…)

Every time WHBOO reached out to talk to Gualu about ending the nonsense, he would make the same demands:

  1. 30 billion ISK compensation for his Tatara and Raitaru that STFU destroyed - despite the fact that no STFU corps ended up joining WHBOO, which was his original basis for making the demand.
  2. WHBOO to transfer their Athanor on the moon in question to Gualu.
  3. WHBOO to not travel through “his” system, despite it being on a pipe.
  4. Then, and ONLY then, Gualu would be “open to discussions” about “possible” NAP and leaving WHBOO alone.

At various other times, Gualu would also demand that WHBOO remove blue standings from certain groups/pilots and tried to tell WHBOO who they could and could not allow to dock at their structures (Xuixien in particular). Anytime WHBOO would become friends with someone Gualu didn’t like, he would create a big fuss about it.

Anytime WHBOO was involved in a conflict with another corp or alliance, Gualu would insert himself into the situation and just be generally annoying, bragging about kills he had wh*red on or feeding intel/offering cynos to WHBOO’s enemies.

He even made a post on reddit, calling on all of EVE to come shoot WHBOO’s structures (no one did):


For the last 2 years Gualu has permacamped the system he is now crying about being permacamped in. He would try to gank miners in a Loki, notify WHBOO’s enemies of mining fleets, or bring in NPSI fleets via cyno to shoot miners. At one point Gualu wrote his own blog full of wild conspiracy theories and would fly around the region - for weeks - linking it in Local and mailing it to WHBOO pilots, basically leafletting and trying to sew discord among line members.

When simply camping that one system was obviously not working, Gualu expanded his operations to the entire region, pinging POCOs all over the region and following WHBOO’s crabbing fleets wherever they went.

WHBOO had offered Gualu tax free mining on all their moons in exchange for an end to the nonsense, but Gualu refused repeatedly. He asserted that he would not stop until WHBOO gave “his” moon back. Gualu’s narrative is that “WHBOO took everything from him”, and were “offering nothing” in exchange for peace. But WHBOO offered quite a lot actually.

Despite not really paying attention to the situation, and taking several months-long breaks from EVE, Gualu fixated his rage on one player in particular: Xuixien. Whatever was happening in Solitude, Gualu found a way to make it all about Xuixien, even when she hadn’t logged in for months. There are hundreds of screenshots of Discord conversations of Gualu spreading rumors and gossip about WHBOO, and specifically Xuixien, to anyone who would listen.

Over the last few years Gualu spent a lot of time “pinging” structures in order to create annoying notifications. A pilot in WHBOO did statistical analysis on it. Yes, you are reading correctly. Assuming Gualu is not account sharing, he sleeps only 3-4 hours/day and spends the rest of his time creating structures ping and harassing other players.

And despite Gualu’s claims to the contrary, he absolutely did do it in order to be annoying and simply create notifications as a “punishment” for people:


So Gualu absolutely uses a game mechanic which produced an automatic mail (and, as he knows, a message on Discord) in order to being annoying and harass other players.

Gualu is whining about harassment messages, but he’s had everyone in WHBOO and Solar Winds blocked for 2+ years. So really what Gualu is whining about are two embarassing blog entires that make him look really bad. Everything else about trade windows (game mechanic), ISK transfers (game mechanic), or mobile depots (game mechanic) are fair play. Apparently Gualu is allowed to use game mechanics (pings) to harass other players, but God forbid you anchor a mobile depot! (Which, btw, it was he himself has done on numerous occasions to both WHBOO, Solar Winds, and the now-defunct STFU, by his own admission.)

Gualu has Solar Winds and WHBOO blocked. Yet, he spends his days posting taunting messages in Local and more than once has referred to WHBOO pilots at “k*kes”. He has also been telling Solar Winds that they need to leave Solitude, because now he will harass them the same way he harassed WHBOO:


Gualu is whining about “mental health harassment”, but he is not above making such comments himself:

Why is Gualu mad and posting this? Because Xuixien has made him look like a clown.

Because now the tables are turned and he’s the one being camped. Which he was warned would happen if he didn’t straighten his act out, but, unfortunately, he has everyone blocked so he never saw the warning that was issued by the most important person in Gualu’s life:

Because he tried to a claim one of Solar Wind’s staging systems as his own:


But instead of “defending his territory” he instead got spanked after spending over FOUR HOURS chasing a couple of Ventures around:

Because nobody will let him mine, and he doesn’t even feel safe enough to try anymore:

Because after a day of babyrage and structure pings, he got spanked again:

Because he realizes he has no more cards left to play, as WHBOO are selling off whatever infrastructure they have left in the region, and there’s no structures left for him to ping. Because there are no more miners or crab fleets for Gualu to harass. Because the people who stayed behind live in NPC stations and there’s nothing he can do about it to persuade them to move and no “punishment” he can dole out. Because he played all his cards and accomplished nothing.

So now that Gualu realizes he has lost, he is trying ban his biggest enemy - a pilot he has been obsessed over for 2 years, a pilot whom he has spent countless hours conspiring against, complaining about, and gossiping with others on Discord about: Xuixien. And, in usual Gualu style, he is trying to get support from others to do his work for him, because Gualu can’t do anything for himself.

Because he is a helpless baby.

Understand: Nothing is being done to Gualu that he hasn’t been doing to WHBOO and Solar Winds for the past 2+ years. The documentation is all posted in this thread, and there are hundreds more screenshots and chatlogs. For 2+ years Gualu spent his playtime camping WHBOO miners, anchoring mobile depots with insulting messages on them, spewing racist insults into Local, providing intel to WHBOO enemies, pinging structures for hours, and trying to cyno fleets on top of WHBOO miners.

Now the tables have turned; now Gualu gets a taste of his own medicine.

Karma is a biatch.

Gualu made his bed, and now he doesn’t like sleeping it.

Oh well too bad so sad.

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oh… were I spreaded lies about any whboo? were I used alts to contact whboo player who blocked me? where I opened trade windows to whboo player who had blocked me? were I send ISK to whboo player to use the comment for herassment? were I used ship names to insult whboo player? when I did smashtalk in local? when I cried in local and offend a whboo after loosing a ship like these Xuixien is doing every time? There are so many differences in my and their gameplay…

but hey, no one ever said these whboo are smart enough to see these differences…

One time I built xuixien a bunch of catalysts to gank some snowflake moonminer in Vevelonel or whatever, and they didn’t even thank me right away. It was a solid 90 seconds before I received any kind of acknowledgement. Truly, a toxic monster.


That wasn’t a remotely compelling or interesting story, and only reinforces my belief that CCP needs to blanket-ban pretty much everyone involved in it.

Constantly. Here’s an example:

You created this wild conspiracy theory based on the lie that SW-SS and SW-TC “were the same group”. The CEO of Trade Conglomerate and the CEO of Security Solutions are two different people. The members of TC and the members of SS are different people. The groups split months before you wrote your blog entry.

Anytime you came up with a wild conspiracy theory about “Red Kardia really pulling the strings”, or that Solar Winds were “WHBOO alts”, or that “Xuixien does WHBOO dirty work”, or that “shell games” were being played, you were spreading lies.

You mean when you called WHBOO “K*kes” in Local?

What about all your “smashtalk” on Discord?

This image is dating March 2022:

The person you were talking to even told you that you were being a little… obsessed:

You realize that Xuixien has taken multiple 4-6 month breaks from EVE, and during those periods you were still complaining about her, telling lies about her, and gossiping about her on Discord?

Your friends aren’t really friends Gualu. They screenshot everything and send it to Xuixien.


2021! Maybe it’s time you moved on with life dude.

Also, you’re crying about “smashtalk” in Local. How do you even know anyone is talking in Local? You’ve had everyone blocked for 2+ years.


You’re just mad about the whole Xuxien - SRS - R I O T fiasco.

How could I be mad about something where I suffered no losses of any kind? Xuixien was the one who lost stations, not I or RIOT. We were the ones destroying them.

Your lack of accuracy with regard to this makes me question the accuracy of the rest of your story, in which pretty much all involved parties seem to act like bigoted jackasses, and quite frankly need to be put on a forced break from EVE.

If you’re going to provide forum drama, at least make it more interesting than some generic he said/she said dry text wall.

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Sounds like you’ve certainly endured a TON of harassment. Trade windows opened, mean names on ships, alts contacting you, on and on. You must have a crapload of screenshots to share with the class.


Yeah I’m sure you don’t care at all about having your name dragged through the mud and your organization being made to look very bad. This topic isn’t about you. Take care.


yeah, all blocked… :slight_smile:


etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. thats 2.5 days, and perfectly average. you yourself said you managed to get 5 timers. Please point to the ones that aren’t just useless harassment?


Then why did you make it about me? :thinking:

And while you have people blocked, you follow them around from system to system and threaten to report them for naming their ships after you:


Why is what you do not “harassment”?

Why is it okay for you to use alts to talk to people but not others…?



He’s been using pings as a form of harassment for years…

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As a neutral third party observer, I must interject that it’s unlikely someone would be wholly unaware that 88 is a common fascist symbol, and while I am sure there is a plausible reason someone might use it unknowingly, the explanation “a 8 on the site is unlimited and it is the most symetric char…” sounds very contrived. One might just as reasonably choose symmetrical O, H, T, W, or many other such characters. When you consider that if 8 = H, then the tag becomes HeilH, and one really has to wonder. I must conclude it is more likely than not, that the name was chosen for malicious reasons.


hey, don’t stop showing to disturb me, then you will get much lesser pings… ok… more timer then… :stuck_out_tongue:

and hey, you guys know when you permacamp me I will start creating timer… so you guys requested these attacks… when you want complain about the attacks on the pocos, talk to your alliance member who are camping all the time…

Stop permacamping my system of vevelonel, you are the permacamper, you’ve ALWAYS been the permacamper.

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Why can’t you just kill him?