Eve and toxic pilots, why CCP is looking away?

He should be banned for his lies

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Thatā€™s a pretty toxic mindset, Gualu.

You are responsible for your actions, not your victims.

Sidenote: Gualu has spent 3 years and 60+ billion ISK trying to claim a single R64 in LowSec.

It appears that you lack the military force to hold a structure in this system. Perhaps you should spend your time looking for a new one instead of posting on the forums?


I should add a /S at the end of my last message, my bad.

While Gualu didnt own the moon for 2 years, he logged in and watched the structure there all day every day. Literally perma camping it. We did not care for the most part. Though he DID cause pings all day every day if he could. It became known as ā€œGualu dutyā€ like taking care of an ill tempered child in need of their diaper changed. lol.

This whole thread has turned into the evenings entertainment for the alliance because of the absolute lunacy of the whole thing. We love this.


I understood what you mean, but I didnā€™t know that at that time. and I donā€™t act like a rassist/nationalist, and only one these one indication isnā€™t really saying anythingā€¦

Except when you call people ā€œk*kesā€ of course.

My favorite picture from the whole saga was the one that looked at how likely it was that WHBOO would get a Gualu ping during a particular timeslot each week.

Imagine being harassed so much that you had to quantify it and create a heatmap just so you know when youā€™re able to sleep versus when you need someone to handle Gualu duty.


No no you have it all wrong. That wasnā€™t harassment just to create pings - he was legitimately making an attempt to destroy the Athanor with his single stealth bomber each time!

yeah, thats again a good example how Xuixien actā€¦ Nabi Kim is one of xuixiens ganking altsā€¦ first thats was in local, so he can decide himself if he want see what I write in local or if he want block me to not read itā€¦ second point, thats one of my alts Iā€™m using all the time, they know themā€¦ third, all can see that was all in one system, no gatejump between, opening a ticket need few min, so I wasnā€™t following himā€¦ so not compareable to using unknown alts to write ingame mailsā€¦ but yeah, a good example about their spreading of liesā€¦

again a nice exampleā€¦ complain I woulkd permacamp my homesystemā€¦ lolā€¦

thats too Iā€™m talking aboutā€¦ they lost every relation to realityā€¦

I will now address the specific claims in the OP:

I think itā€™s a bygone conclusion, as documented in this thread, that you started the whole conflict because you ā€œclaimā€ Vevelonel as your own.

As you admitted in this thread, you have WHBOO and Solar Winds blocked. There are several screenshots of you talking to WHBOO and Solar Winds via chat, despite having them blocked. And now you are whining about ā€œharassmentā€ because of ship names and mobile depots?

The character in question literally posted:

ā€œu mad bro? lolā€

But Gualu, havenā€™t you been ā€œpermacampingā€ Vevelonel yourself for 3 years now?

Xuixien was not in WHBOO, and had no diplomatic relationships with those groups.

Xuixien has never called you a Nazi.

This never happened.

The tickets may be true. The ban is not.

Had you accepted the deal, you would have been able to mine WHBOOā€™s moons in Solitude tax free, and would have been set blue. Instead you rejected the deal and demanded 30billion ISK in addition to WHBOO leaving Vevelonel.

Had you accepted the deal, WHBOO would have probably not cared about you anchoring an Athanor in Vevelonel after they moved out of Solitude.

Had you accepted the deal you would be mining on your moon in peace these past months.

Oh well.

This never happened.

I think you realize youā€™ve lost and now youā€™re whining on the forums trying to get people banned because you canā€™t do anything in-game.

How does WHBOO profit?

Youā€™ve been caught in numerous lies in this thread.

Itā€™s honestly pretty pathetic that you will ticket other players to try to get them banned because you canā€™t beat them in-game.

Maybe you should try getting good?

lolā€¦ you know itā€™s my homesystem since years allreadyā€¦ repeating I would camping there donā€™t make it the truthā€¦




So you admit that youā€™ve been harassing WHBOO and Xuixien for years because ā€œVevelonel is your home systemā€?

(BTW: Solar Winds annexed Vevelonel a month ago. People tried to inform you, but you had everyone blocked. Sorry for the inconvenience. :smile: )

Honestly thatā€™s pretty accurate though.

I guess youā€™re going to ignore all the other points and focus on one thing.

now you all can see how xuixien and these whboo are acting, even spreading lies here in the forumā€¦ and posting many irrelevant answers as group, to have fun with the allianceā€¦ imaginate how that would been on redditā€¦

from my side I see atm no more need to react on their funpostsā€¦ but I like how they represent themself here, to complete the picture I gave allreadyā€¦

Honestly, spreading lies is allowed.

Welcome to EvE.

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Ah, Iā€™m a total idiot. I see the alt-posting now. My fault for not being a forum cluckster I guessā€”always assume some degree of legitimacy before the skepticism kicks in.

Iā€™m gonna go ahead and make two support tickets: one for one party and Nazi symbolism, and another for the other party and OOG mental health etc. personal harassment.

What a ā– ā– ā– ā– -show all around. This thread will be gone the moment a mod wakes up, so I donā€™t know why these losers are even going back and forth at this point.

You mean you claim that theyā€™re lying, meanwhile you were caught in several lies.

Irrelevant thingsā€¦ such as documenting your harassment of other players and your toxic gameplay?


This entire thread has been nothing but a massive L for you. I donā€™t blame you for leaving.

But that is pretty typical of you: when you lose the argument, suddenly you ā€œsee no point in respondingā€ anymore.

My observation of this comes in after much of the history has played out. But, itā€™s a new year, and short of continuing Vevelonelā€™s experience as New Edenā€™s Gaza Strip, maybe itā€™s time to change a little. Maybe holster the torpedos, push the simmering resentment off the front burner, and try to make 2024 better than 2023, when all the aggrieved parties were doing their best to frustrate each other.

Iā€™ve had a little sympathy for Mr. G and his situation as pinioned between his pride and an alliance unyielding in itā€™s position. Much of my sympathy for him was torched as he gleefully paraded around, gloating in local chat after Deepwater glassed WHBOO out of their home in Solitude, and during a period of 3 wardecs and some reinforced HS structures. Always having proxies harass and snipe at the members. I get it, though, itā€™s completely understandable to take a petty satisfaction from the struggles of your adversaries, especially if you can help instigate them.

But, sounds like Mr. G is in need of a change, maybe even ready for it. The change needs to start with each party deciding if theyā€™ve had enough of this fun-killing ego/power struggle, and if some reasonable and rational accommodations can be made. We can either behave as Lords or Newbies; we canā€™t be both.


ohā€¦ you see no difference beween ingame as char and here in forum as player?

Well you literally post with your in-game character here.

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