"EVE Be A Cruel Mistress"

You can quit…or…


@Cilla_Cybin Good movie.
Ricardo Montalban… and his Latex-clad chest :sweat_smile:

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I heard they were real. Even if they were fake, Montalban was an amazing actor.

‘Star Trek’ director: Quit asking if Ricardo Montalban’s chest is fake (usatoday.com)


LOL if that’s real chest then I’ll soon fly to Tokyo in my brand new Hecate :wink:

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Now that’s a great crossover idea. Hecate vs Godzilla.

Captura de Tela 2022-04-23 às 22.06.32

hi @Yonniya_Rainor
you sound like a nice person , a new player and for some reason picked the right side
so many options and you made the best
see that majestic banner behind your character
Amarr master race
born to rule new eden
you didn’t realized yet , but you have a LOT of friends
search for us , and we will welcome you with open arms
you are one of us o7

and btw @L_Amour speak the truth , nice post
with some reservations about the browser part because Intel is overrated … and to trust people … why not , people are the best :smiley: the rest is gold

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How dare anyone accuse Princess as some cruel mistress.

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there is nothing wrong in a consensual relation between adults right :wink:

Oh yeah there’s that as a mistress can be 'cruel to be kind!

This is the reason for my above outburst.

some people like the velvet , some people like the whip

Why does it always lead to that though, Mistress is a woman in a position of authority or control.

No whip or velvet required as true servants don’t require neither of those.

there is a lot of kinks out there … im not judging

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Yes, Mistress.

i guess that you millennials never heard about the movie bitter moon
all this talk made me watch it again
if you want a sexy mistress stuff … 10/10 highly recommended

aaaaaa … its not porn ok , it’s a serious hugh grant movie … for all the family :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

yes to this OP,
I have a friend that used to make joke on making me a T-shirt with a slogan about me and EvE…

“The question is not are you Paranoid…”
“It is are you Paranoid enough?”
“EvE Online”

pro tip
stop being so paranoid

Pro, pro tip.

Stop, stop being paranoid.

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wow this guy must be a pro pro

But is he pro pro at pew pew is the important question. :wink: :smirk: :blush:

i duno
he looks scary
look what he’s done with his face