I haven’t forgotten the full title of your thread.
Considering degrees of complicity and their benefactors:
I offer this as an opener for this post.
I put that in a thread knowing it was off topic. I also know,one if not several from CSM read it. I logged in for 3 consecutive days to check my ingame mail. It remained empty. When CCP doesn’t care and CSM in their singular bids for attention also show they don’t care,whats a person to determine?
Which raises questions of perhaps not a care factor,but the willingness to look the other way for other purposes.
Yes there is an inference. Perhaps even a complicity. You “OP” elude to the complicity and I will expand on it. Ignorance is no excuse in law. Almost no judge in today’s world will abide to defer from this axiom. Being said,is a known ignorance or an unknown ignorance a discernible differentiation? Possibly,however an unknown ignorance isn’t the case here. Which one could deduce as complicity.
Reaching such a deduction does indeed have ramifications for the one bringing it to attention of others. Other’s with power or a sense of power. Understanding,your title opener and the preface was genius. Even if you didn’t grasp it. I did. In no way could the contents be extolled in a linear fashion without being subdued. A natural evolution needed to occur to provide an atmosphere conducive to the goal.
What is the goal? Well,that depends on the view point and the inherent placate’s. Those wanting to preserve the status quo will likely wish for dissolution. Those in power will likely wish for expeditious solvency. Abstaining through complacency. Those who stand for change,obviously will continue on the path set upon.
What is my goal? To dismantle a structure in place that in no way provides a positive experience for common player. For one aim. To have a game be fun. Fun is well defined here by the multitudes and has widely varying values. It’s one feature perhaps unique to Eve online. Botting,RMT and those who employ it,whether for personal gain in game or in the real world by way of income,have no place in a game. That also includes those in power who choose to challenge the simple premise of a game.
Following: It is an insidious suggestion to proclaim a game is a game if it truly isn’t. Too often,I read. Keep it in game. When you take it beyond the bounds of the “game” and act in a dubious manner (doxxing,RL threats),the torch lights ablaze from the masses riding bandwagons to cheer and jeer. Until they become the target. Sharks will eat their dead. So,when a game isn’t a game and exist for real world gain in any form,because its the LOL “meta”. Why would it even try to conform to what a game is. Let alone present itself as such. To hide behind such,to play the “game” is a cowardly act. Also that same judge,I referred to would also see it in much the same manner. Real men play “The game” in the real world,where sharks eat their own too. Just sayin boys.
Closing: Botting,RMT will not diminish nor will it be dissolved,until the structure is fortified in a way to where there is no longer a profit or a means to do so. The current structure promotes it and indeed persist because of it. No escalation techniques will have an impact. The only measure to relieve these features will come at a price,one way or another. In the event that apathy prevails an Obol will be dispensed and Charon will go on his way.
Until that eventual,I offer this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjJVSqws0oY
read Baba Ji’s in game bio