As someone who basically lives in 10% TiDi, yes, it’s always disappointing when we push the server past 10% TiDi into actual lag and overload (because it doesn’t drop commands until we’re well past 10% Time Dilation), but really, we knew what we were getting into. We may not have expected it to be quite so bad, but when you’re already at 4000 people and you’re still bringing more fleets into system? You know it’s gonna get ugly.
No, I’m arguing that using outdated information and drawing current conclusions from it weakens the advocate’s position. If your base data is outdated or incorrect, don’t make absolutist claims. It makes you look foolish in the eyes of people who have the current data (ie: the devs). How arguments are presented directly impacts their effectiveness.
Put in a bleedin’ ticket. If you know RMT’s going on and you have proof, report it, don’t just posture.