Eve Bots - are they a bad thing, is CCP complicit in their use?

Ah ha! I was wondering what was going on given that the forums show you responding to Scipio. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do you deny that multi client interaction paved the way for Botting fleets and RMT?

Do you deny that policy choices damaged the potential experience as listed?

Do you deny that a player bragging about contributing to the problem,to the point of obsession,makes the game worse or cheap?

Do you deny what CCP had in mind wasn’t their intent? To make money and not knowing the game would last for 15 years and continuing on?

Do you deny that all mmos have the intent to capitalize by way of multi client game play?
(Perhaps not all but in large nearly all.)

Do you deny that moderation is not better than obsession?
(I actually didn’y mean you personally by using the word “you”. I will change that to “player” if it pleases you.)

Do you deny that games are with the intent to keep the player engaged as much and as long as possible?

Do you deny that some people have reasonable expectations?

If you choose to deny all I posted in the reply to what I quoted you from then,YES I am narrow minded.
I do wonder where Eve would be,when considering where it is now at this moment.
I did link your reply but I haven’t judged you personally. Enjoy as you will.
4 months lol. I played Eve off and on with many accounts over a near ten year period.
I don’t recall saying they are doing it wrong in the manner of your words.

Sgt Ocker where shall I put you,while you are informing yourself?

I don’t think Eve would still be around if they did it all wrong. At this moment there are real problems. Eventually they will pay a price if the problem of Botting and RMT isn’t curbed.
Not Sure why you quoted Scipio instead of me.

Botting and RMT need to end!

Explain your disagreement.

Im not Aaron, whom doesnt want to read or learn.

Please do set the record straight on my part.
I will read it.

However, if you dont, Im left with the conclusion you know less than either of us, and are just making empty claims.

Aaron and I are not the only ones here.
If you wont correct us for fear its a waste of time on us, do it for the other readers.

A botter wants to maximize his rewards…but also has to minimize the chances of being caught. As such there are trade offs. If they run too many bots they become easier to spot. If they are on too much, they are easier to spot, and so forth. So, no they won’t “run as actively, as long, and with as many accounts as possible.”

“As possible” includes the condition of not being caught.
If you wish, I can amend the observation for clarities sake.

Do you agree with the following observation?

Botters ideally want to run as actively, as long, and with as many accounts as possible, without getting caught.

Sure, that works.

Now, suppose you are a botter (not that you are one, just pretend you are) and CCP has just wiped out your botting net work. That is you were using a given strategy for botting. Say you had your bots doing the following:

  1. Bots were not all logging in simultaneously.
  2. Bots were not logged in 23.5/7, but would log in for say 4 hours at a time.
  3. You are using different ISPs.

Now, further suppose you have plenty of resources from all your botting and you are going to set up another botting network.

Would you use 1-3 above or would you look at changing some of them…like say number 2. Might you shift your ratting from say a fixed time period to a random time period of 2-4 hours using a random number generator to log your bots off so as to make your network harder to spot?

And here is another thought experiment…

Again suppose you are a botter, and Team Security shows up in this thread (which you are watching) and spills their guts all over the thread. We use the following to detect bots:

  1. Method 1
  2. Method 2

As a botter what would you do? I don’t know about you, but I’d review my botting software and look to see where I could improve it to avoid detection under all of those methods. Yes?

My point is that this is not something where you can find a simple solution. Do X and that’s it, botting is dead or suffers a major set back forever. You might get some success, but the botters will adapt, and in turn CCP will have to adapt.

CCP, the players, and even botters create the environment we play in. As each one changes behavior they in turn influence the others. It is very unlikely there is a magic bullet here.

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What? Did you respond to someone else and mix that up with me or something?

That seems a bit random (apology, not meaning to mean that in a bad way, just scratching my head)

I already did explain it.

I’m inclined to believe that Aaron isn’t as narrow-minded as I considered him to be.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure he is replying to Baba Ji, but for some reason it looks like he is replying to you. Classic “trembling hand” equilibrium, IMO. :stuck_out_tongue:


Assuming we are talking only about the accounts that got caught.

After the suspension I would:
1- Either stripmine the accounts of SP/assets/characters, put those accounts on a 1-3 month break, move them elsewhere to continue the same activity, or consider them expendable and continue exactly as I did before.

-2 I would consider changing their uptimes, depending on whether I think CCP detected them based on that, or player reports. Probably not though. My current hypothesis is that CCP does not track activity/uptime of bots, to any significant degree.

3- I would arrange new IPs for each, and probably change their associated email addresses, if I keep them running. This gives me plausible deniability to claiming the account was haxxored etc. Infact Id probably do this even before being suspended, on an irregular basis.

Nobody has claimed otherwise.

That is, has and most likely will always be the case.

If CCP does not adapt to bot changes, they will become ever increasingly difficult to detect with their outdated means, and more numerous as botters realize they can get away with it.

That a “simple solution” may not be possible, does not mean solutions are not possible, either as complex or multiple complimentary ones. Some solutions may be more effective vs some bots, than others.

I was already aware of that, before you “explained” it.
I just didnt bother explaining it to Aaron, since he turned down the offer to learn more.

Thats why I mentioned removing Local from NS.

So what part did you think I need explained to me?

Lets be specific here, I turned down an offer to learn anything from YOU Salvos, Only certain parts of this botting lark are tricky. But I think we all know that a bot is a computer program where one can control Eve and perform tasks (looting. mining, ratting,) without being at keyboard.

I didn’t bother to do research on how the Bot actually works and assumed it watched local in a certain way. I turned out to be wrong.

Please do not associate our names because I am nothing like you, I am fine with being wrong and I am fine with someone correcting me.

I have since taken the time to Google “Eve Online Bots” and I am not impressed, Everyone and their uncle is having a go at creating an Eve bot, they’ve even got a series of well used forums which allow the botters to communicate and refine their design of bot software.

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Yet you ignored me when I did so.

You dont know jack about bots, how they operate or botters.
The questions you ask, and the proposals you make, prove that.

Nuff said.
I have done research. I know.

Obviously you can’t read what I just typed so I am going to continue ignoring you as best I can. Just because I dealt with the “how bots see local” wrong this does not mean I cant read and learn.

You never bothered to think or investigate how bots work before you participated as if you had,

Explaining bots to you, has been like explaining the internet to a 90yr old for the first time. You “assume” you know, but you dont.

Someone mentioned to you before that it is silly to only quote part of what I said to suit your points. Why not quote all of what I said and have an honest convo? I’ll tell you why because you are incapable of having a coherent convo.

Yet the moment someone other than you took some time to explain it to me, I accepted it and revised my opinions.

Who cares who explained it?

I told you your view was wrong already 20posts ago.
His post just confirmed me as correct.

Such a shame we can’t ignore people as well as the old forums. I would ignore every word you type.