Have you tried passion flower tea before bed salvos? google it and have a look at it’s benefits.
I hope and want you to be right Aaron…I really do. I also think the guys hunting bots are going to hold their cards really close to their chest. For all I know they might have some botters out there who act as snitches…they get in with the botting community learn stuff and pass it back to CCP…or maybe I’m just overly optimistic here. I just don’t know.
What I do know is that botting is a game…a game between CCP, the botters and even the players. Did killing that dumb bot help things? I hope so…but who knows maybe it actually made things worse. With these kinds of things things can move in ways that are counter intuitive.
No, but I’ll give it a shot.
Eve player community is rife with all kinds of software and hardware techies, collectively I’d say we have a very good idea of how things work.
Also I would imagine CCP get hold of bot programs themselves and install them to see how they work, If bot programs are open source then hey get a look at the typical bot code, if not hack the bot program…CCP wouldn’t be doing anything illegal due to bot programs having no form of licence. I must say though identifying and banning bots must be good work which gives some ccp staff job satisfaction.
Yes, exactly this. This is the Bot war. In any war virtual or real we know this type of tactic happens.
Admitting your ignorance is the first step.
Unfortunately that ignorance has nothing to offer in way of solutions,
The war is between CCP and botters.
Its not between botters.
Botters dont work in “communities”. There is nothing coherent to “infiltrate”.
They run their own networks and keep them as quiet, undetectable as possible and/or convenient.
It’s you who does not know much, the botters have websites and forums where they all talk about logic and how to bot. This is a community that can be infiltrated. Google “Eve Online Bot” and you will see all the websites about botting.
Wrong again, The war is CCP & Customers vs. Bots & Botters.
And Teckos is far from ignorant. I’ve seen him apologise unreservedly and admit you were right on one issue to do with export isk values from goon space.
That will show you a superficial skin of how bots operate.
It wont tell you who is botting, nor is there a “community of botters” represented there you, I, any player or CCP can “infiltrate”.
Boil that down, and its CCP vs Botters.
Botters are also customers.
Bots are nothing without a Botter.
You are confusing “ignorance” with “arrogance”.
Although on Teckos’ part, both are true.
Wrong again, If you bothered to look you would see that bot coding is done by many people, in the forums they discuss Bot code logic which can help fight them.
I have looked.
Now identify players in EVE from those forums.
Oh. You can’t.
Now go ahead and show they work together in EVE.
Oh. You can’t.
Now go ahead and “infiltrate” them.
Oh. You won’t, and even if you did, you would be none the wiser than what they post.
You still dont get it.
This is like teaching an old man to use an iphone.
So what exactly are you saying?
Are you saying that looking on a bot coding forum/community will in no way help CCP fight bots?
It wont, unless CCP applies what is there to EVE bot detection/prevention.
Also, reading those forums wont help you “infiltrate” some “bot community” in EVE, because they dont exist as such in EVE.
Botters run their own networks and keep as quiet as possible about it.
Its astounding how far behind you still are in understanding what bots and botters are, and how they operate. You are like a millstone around the neck of a drowning man trying to swim to the surface to save EVE of bots. Just a deadweight that isn’t contributing except by “being” there.
JFYI this is totally wrong. First of all open source is a broad term for a group of licenses.
“Open source licenses are licenses that comply with the Open Source Definition — in brief, they allow software to be freely used, modified, and shared. To be approved by the Open Source Initiative (also known as the OSI), a license must go through the Open Source Initiative’s license review process.”
The one I guess that most people know is the GNU (GPL) license.
Second: Why would bot´s be excluded from copyright laws? Any code written by a programmer is his intellectual property and protectected by copyright laws in many countries.
Beyond that Iceland signed international treaties such as the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and the Universal Copyright Convention.
The Berne Convention formally mandated several aspects of modern copyright law; it introduced the concept that a copyright exists the moment a work is “fixed”, rather than requiring registration. It also enforces a requirement that countries recognize copyrights held by the citizens of all other parties to the convention.
Also just to point out: Computer code afaik is regarded as literary work, at the very least in the U.S, Canada and Germany. I would have to do some research to find out what it looks like in other countries.
I have to admit that this rather just scratches the surface of the whole mess of copyright laws. I just wanted to point out in a little bit more detail that by saying bots would not be protected by copryright laws in such a general tone, you are standing on very thin ice. After all they are just programs like any other program and are not specifically excluded from protection.
Something you should seriously consider given your ignorant blundering in this thread.
That’s a new low, and quite funny. really.
You have a lot of empty opinions coming from someone that says “I don’t know” what CCP should do, throws peanuts from the gallery, and has yet to assert themselves to any intellectual pursuit of a solution except “magic”.
JFYI this is totally wrong. First of all open source is a broad term for a group of licenses.
I get what you’re saying, but I agree with Aaron’s point cracking open botting programs would be a great way to see how the work and thus gain insights into how to catch them. Might that violate licenses? Sure. But are the botters really going to do anything about it? Probably not.
At the very least running the botting programs to see how the work could provide valuable information in how to catch said bots.
Is CCP doing any of this? I don’t know. But neither does anyone else in this thread.
Really? You don’t know hardly anything. Your information set is pretty much this thread which pretty much my information set. In other words, our information sets are about the same. Therefore if I am self admittedly too ignorant to offer suggestions then so are…fill in the last word.
And given all that initial credence you put on Gevlon’s post…just saying.
It was not my intention to say that it is a bad method to gain insight on how the bots work.
I just wanted to point out that from a legal point of view the statement I quoted is not really correct.
In other words, our information sets are about the same.
No. They aren’t.
Nor is our interest in defeating bots, or exploring options to do so, the same either.
Yours is lacking in all the above.
No. They aren’t.
Nor is our interest in defeating bots, or exploring options to do so, the same either.
Yours is lacking in all the above.
You’re right your information set is much, much smaller. And it is smaller due to your reading of others. I have never argued for not removing bots or trying to reduce their effect. That is your own view…supported by nothing I have written. I’ll note I have asked you to find anything I’ve written that supports your views of my posts and you have produced precisely nothing.
You are like a millstone around the neck of a drowning man trying to swim to the surface to save EVE of bots. Just a deadweight that isn’t contributing except by “being” there.
This is really odd to say. You must be having a bad day.
His inquisitive query suggest critical thinking and I may say “Thinking out of the box”. Which you clearly abhor with either disdain or ineptness.
It is to be expected that botters, bot-aspirants and those that benefit from them will try to sabotage any options that threaten their interests in this thread.