Eve Concurrent Average Online under 20k now :(

It’s like you intentionally forgot or didn’t read my “afk and bot” statement. “the economy-destroying grinding”: It’s you, you’re part of the problem and you closing down those rorq accounts was exactly the point.

Also, you’re not interested in revenue for CCP, you’re only interested in frantically trying to keep your play style alive so you’ll use and al all reasonings that might help you, one of which is “CCP revenue”. Don’t lie, it’s insulting.


Well, there’s a drop of five million. Five million NPC kills less.

That’s five thousand people destroying one thousand NPC ships in 24h. Considering that normal people also need sleep and can’t play 24/7, either there’d be several thousands more people shooting a thousand ships each, or these five thousand people would need to shoot far more NPCs in the limited time they have.

Seems pretty safe to say that most of those guys are just farmers and botters. The rest of the graphs indicate that the game is doing pretty much the same as before, with WoW Classic causing an expected dip.

So … even if it was actual people …
… no one truly gives a single flying ■■■■ about those guys leaving.

That is a safe bet considering the other graphs not really being affected at all.


So … even if EVE reached a new anti-milestone with a PCU that hasn’t been so low since 2005, it only exposes what CCP did. It catered to the wrong crowd. It made sure that people who actually give a ■■■■ go away, in favour of a crowd that simply doesn’t.

A further hint at those people mostly being bots is the fact that there really wasn’t an actual outcry on a level that would be expected by a crowd that manages to kill five million NPCs on a single day. There simply wasn’t. Actual people would have caused a riot!

So … who the ■■■■ cares. It’s time CCP starts catering to actual players again, not farmers. They’ve used you bunch to get higher PCUs and higher income and now, as you’re not longer needed, you’re being wiped.



This seems appropriate (from 2014)

CCP Fires 50,000 Players

CCP Hellmar took to the roof of CCP Headquarters in Reykjavik, Iceland, to announce the news to the residents of the town. “It has become clear to us that Eve is dying. To survive, we must make sacrifices for the greater goon. Therefore it is with great regret that I announce we will be permanently banning 50,000 accounts in order to sustain Eve to the next decade. Chant with me! DESTROY! DESTROY! Why are you not chanting with me! Come back!”

I actually try do my best to not actually come here after a few glasses of wine and post in this thread - I miss the good old days, I miss the game eve was when I started playing, I miss a lot of people who no longer play, I miss the old eve community spirit that ccp began to unfold with the cash grabs and spending eve sub cash on projects that failed, these forums were fun before isd - the reality is, the numbers speak for themselves - I genuinely hope CCP hilmar is content with the current state of the game and the numbers - not his fault or anything (sarcasm)
Edit - Waves at Marsha, recalls fun fleet a few years back - the good old days are gone as you know :frowning:


Drunk posting best posting.

I get what you mean about missing certain elements of the past (such as the old forums since this one gets on my tits) but tbf I also miss Ezwal following me round scrubbing my posts. And Barstool is still here, which is a plus in my book. The ISDs currently seem to be pretty low-key modding as of now, but the damage was already done years ago and people are off sulking, so we’re left with a core who likely annoyed the original flouncers.

I do wish people would contain themselves to a few posts per thread and use paragraphs rather than waffling backwards and forwards a bajillion times with asinine garbage. It makes reading a thread in one sitting torture (and I’d rather not block because occasionally they do have something interesting to say). That said, it probably reflects the shift to mobile posting rather than pure desktop use.

I’m reviewing a load of different stats myself atm, but tbh you really don’t need to be an expert number cruncher to see the trend. For those of us who were around in the lead-up to Incarna this looks unpleasantly similar.

I disagree that the good old days are gone. I don’t need Hilmar to introduce ‘chaos’ into my game tyvm. I bring it wherever I go, so w/e.

One thing that strikes me with a lot of this current drama is that there are a gaggle of extremely loud voices screeching at null-bears for being null-bears who sound like they should be lowsec dwellers. The fact that lowsec is a complete dump at the moment has forced them into these numpty whaling groups operating in the wrong sector of space and then whining the players there don’t have the same attitudes or values. At the point this connection is made, pushed and argued, we might see a tertiary benefit.

Got a bajillion posts to read now going back to the start of this so-called ‘era’ - plus I need to watch those goddamn TIS-interviews (which I’ll need more than a glass of wine for, if the commentary is anything to go by). Also gonna crunch some numbers and then have a think. At this point we do need people need to step back from rabidly posting and ranting on twitter, talk shows and god only knows what fleet/alliance comms and discords are like - because people are probably unintentionally demoralising each other with ‘the-sky-is-falling’ routine. Also I’m getting bored of reading War and Peace every day from the same people. Just speak once then shut your trap for a bit, jesus wept.

I’ll be damned if I play this terrible game for 11 years and then rage-quit. The whole point was to play it in spite of CCP, a sentiment some newer players could do with adopting smartish.

I’ll poke you ingame, we can go roam anytime :wink:

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To me, it’s not why they change things, it’s how. They seem to take out a lot of innocent players along the way. Collateral damage I guess…


This was EVE to me.

徳島第九フラッシュモブ Flash mob “Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9”

## 徳島第九フラッシュモブ Flash mob “Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9”
平成28年9月13日(火)東京都渋谷区の「表参道ヒルズ」にて行われた「第九フラッシュモブ」。 徳島県は「第九アジア初演の地」であり、今回は2018年の第九初演100周年に向けたPRイベント。 Flash mob “Beeth…

A flash mob of people in a orchestra of killing and outsmarting the killers when I first started. Almost no one was afk back then. The game was growing and expanding at a phenomenal rate. Then…

We’ll have to wait and see again…

We seem to have lost a conductor.


If you make a game easier and more casual you’re going to attract casual players who in time will demand more casual changes. Who then will turn from casual to zombies because they can, as the game now allows for it.

Then you have the CSM who’s really only lobbying for themselves to make their space empires bigger, and the only way to do that is to make null more casual. If you want to grow as a group you have to lower your standards, and for that to work the players who are on par with those lower standard need to be able to thrive in your space. So the CSM lobbied for that, didn’t care about anything else.

Quality or quantity of players. Choose one, you can’t have both.

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So the numbers today (the 12th) were pretty much the same. A little lower, actually.

What’s the excuse today?

Cool story bro. So, sure, maybe some spring cleaning needed to be done. And once it is, and numbers are even lower, where do you expect the next increase in player numbers to come from? EVE has been losing them faster than they’re getting them for like 6 years now. I seriously doubt “EVE! Now with less bots! And half the players!” is going to bring them streaming in…


Yeah except the fact that there will be an organised campaign in null, encouraging people not to log in, same as they have been told not to use carriers to rat.

Just more manipulation of CCP by Null and I hope CCP stick to their guns.


Ok. And?
You seem to be implying that I haven’t acknowledged the drop in numbers overall or something…

However are you actually doing anything other than be an armchair critic here. It’s easy to sit here and say CCP sucks…

It’s much harder to actually do anything about player numbers with looming global economic recessions, a game which is nearly 20 years old in development, and a player base who have messed the game up themselves will fully, as can be seen by all the complaints about how areas of the game CCP hasn’t even touched lately aren’t fun anymore, when they are identical mechanics to when people found it fun.

So yeah, I’m awaiting those real detailed analysis posts, not simply saying CCP sucks because PCU is down, and some even more detailed solutions rather than simply saying CCP have to fix it.

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Fix what?
Only issue EVE is now are people crying because they cant krab as always and need to risk more. Game is becoming better that way. Years of bringing all goodies to null and making it safer and safer only created bunch of pussies that forget basic principles of game.

I hope that CCP will continue to balance game so expect that numbers will go down even more.


I wonder how big of a stockpile of resources have been acquired over the years between minerals & flat isk from bounties. Is it practically unlimited? I do wonder…

And you think this is a good thing?

Quality over quantity. Current EVE population don’t make content anyway. Most of them thinks only how make max isk in given time frame.

Low players is not good thing. But less players that harm game is better.

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Yeah, but pretty soon there will be only a handfull players left. Have fun in your private universe. The number of players is not just getting weeded out it is failscading at the moment and that is very worrisome.

We don’t know that. At this point we only see rage quit kids. Changes are controversial so people quit. But lets wait month or two, you won’t quit eve like that. Some will come back when dust will settle down. Sometimes things need to hit bottom to bounce back at top. If you gonna listen this year fan fests streams you will see that CCP have good ideas for future of game but playerbase also need to break with stagnation.


Why should be a handfull players left pretty soon? CCP removed the cancer called “bots” and some people are not able to deal with changes again. Classic. So explain why this game will lose players like me who enjoy the game?


If only EVE had different zones, one better suited for more casual and relaxed gameplay, other for hardcore gamers and something inbetween.
Hmm wait a second… :thinking:

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