Eve Concurrent Average Online under 20k now :(

You might be right, that would make more sense.

I wanted to respond to this back then, but forgot.
I wish that was the case, but it never is, despite me drinking plenty. :slight_smile:

I don’t understand the ‘generating content’ by playing safe. Everything you do in this game generates content for some other activity unless you have figured out how to spend zero isk without killing or producing anything. Project Discovery maybe? Even hoarders will eventually buy something to add to their hoard.

Uninstalling does the trick.



Looting involves killing something. So there’s your content.

Nope. If you loot after a big battle in which you haven’t participated, you didn’t killed anyone, but still got ISK.

That’s not what he said.

He said looting involves killing something. That doesn’t necessitate that you did the killing.

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BTW PCU has been climbing since early September as I predicted…

@Xuixien, stop looking so cute when you post, it makes me blush. :kissing_heart: I guess we can still thank CCP for all the Eve sub cash it poured down the drain on world of vampires for the avatar updates we got with walking in stations which was part of that - it has paid dividends.


Glory to the Shevamps of New Eden! :alien:

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maybe ccp missed a trick calling them skill injectors when they should have been called blood vials as they have literally drained the life out of what once made this game what it was , hue.

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I should have quit back then, but I was stupid. :anguished:

Except you know for the minor effect that it had was simply duplicating the character market.
It’s the progression of technology making it far easier to multibox that has created most of these issues, not skill injectors. Skill injectors minorly speed up identification of issues (& hopefully the solving of issues)

Hi, sorry, I forget, when I started playing there was 65k+ online - now there is scant that and continuing to decline - added to boot skins, cash grabs, selling out the core principles of the original ethos of the game, watering down, shameless Korean style free sp against something that once made this game unique - i’ll crack the jokes mate

joking apart, ccp and hilmar get everything deserved at this point - no spin or announcements at this point will reverse the rot - please enlighten me as to any rationale as to why i’m wrong in light of the fundamental trend, stats and current community feeling?

@Nevyn_Auscent see above my last two points - I don’t believe the logic in either can be circumvented by anything that can suggest eve isn’t in its worst state since inception. Hilmar has cashed out, he doesn’t now care - the dev teams that are left are decimated and ultimately now told to focus on cash grabs per se upper management / Korean influence . Keep telling myself to stop posting here, alas



The problem is that you are focusing on something that effectively already existed with a lot of your posting.
And even requested by players when it comes to skins, also lets be honest, there is nothing wrong or game impacting about cash for cosmetic only skins.

It’s the natural thing as an MMO ages. Design issues in it’s first years become finally apparent.
Supers weren’t an issue when they were super rare for example, but right from when supers first were designed we were going to get the cold war stagnation issue in null. It just took years for this issue to actually evolve to a size where it mattered.

And the MMO market in general is shrinking. (P.S. there was never an average of 65k, that was a singular log in event specially promoted, & the eve offline graphs are biased when you look at long time periods due to dropping data points)

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. :sunglasses:

Bring back Captain’s Quarters. :frowning: