EVE forum favorites

Thank you @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode



waste time; mess around.

Maybe it was used to express “time”

Thank you @ISD


Sorry I don’t get it. What was maybe used to express time?
Waste time? Mess around?

Nice to see the three farts in the wind lording over their little thread. It saddens me how temporary your time here in the ol’ EVE-O forum will be, though.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

I think he’s trying to explain Shipwreck Jones’ bad language.
What we reported meant he didn’t want to waste time / mess around…

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Okay maybe I guess but he didn’t have to put it quite that way. It’s disgusting!

I don’t mind, just keep it clean, please.
Thank you for editing it :kissing_heart:

Okay, maybe it had something to do with regional differences of English, but I was not being literal. It’s like a euphemism for unnecessarily and/or preemptively congratulating/praising one another.

Here’s an example from Pulp Fiction (language warning).


Yes, like “blowing smoke up each other’s arse” I understand. Still though, I was taken aback. What I pictured from your words wasn’t a pretty sight!
Also, language in movies is not meant to be duplicated in real life. Thise actors are Impersonating fictitious characters who don’t exist, born out of someone’s imagination. Their language should stay at the movies.
And wasn’t that movie rated PG17?


Understood from the get-go but golly!! Your wording of it made me feel dirty, even now I feel like taking a shower!

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Personally ( and don’t take this the wrong way ) I don’t think these forum are a place for you.

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Removed an offensive post.


Don’t take this the wrong way but I think you’re wrong.

This is also why many people don’t wish to be on coms (discord/teamspeak). Huge difference between reading Text and hearing something offensive over coms.


Back on topic people!

I’ve got new favs:


I went on comms once. That was enough for me!!

See? That’s what I mean. If you can’t handle comms language, how will you ever be able to join fleet and go to war? We curse like sailors and donkey team drivers because we get excited. Will you silence us then?


No. I just won’t join comms is all.

Then you won’t join our fleets. Have a good time mining and such, solo.