EVE Installing

The standalone installer from my site are quite outdated and should not be used anymore (see the Build Date). The number inside the filename represents the evelauncher version which i have used to build in this case was it version 1501045 but the last version are 1548102.

The only way to use my scripts now are using the sources to build an installer or a arch installer package from the actual evelauncher version because i have only access to the AUR sources at this time.

Today i have installed Ubuntu 18.04 in a virtual machine using this install media Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.3.iso to check my scripts again. Inside this VM i have used following steps:

  • Install winehq-stable using WineHQ install instructions for Ubuntu (You don’t need enable 32 bit architecture, it’s always enabled)

  • Download from AUR the evesetup sources (on the right side on AUR you see a box called ‘Package Actions’ use Download snapshot there, DON’T open it, save file)

  • On a terminal use then following commands:

gharim@ubuntu1804:~$ sudo apt install winetricks

gharim@ubuntu1804:~$ sudo apt install curl

gharim@ubuntu1804:~$ cd Downloads/

gharim@ubuntu1804:~/Downloads$ tar xvf evesetup.tar.gz

gharim@ubuntu1804:~/Downloads$ cd evesetup/

gharim@ubuntu1804:~/Downloads/evesetup$ ./build_installer.sh

gharim@ubuntu1804:~/Downloads/evesetup$ sudo ./evesetup-1548102-5-x86_64.run

That’s it and the result should looks like this (after you have launched evelauncher.sh ofc)

Beware, the first start of evelauncher take some time to initialize the environment and needs a lot of disk space later (up to 5Gb and more).