ahh quit it…you have no power here servant of 2003…
And btw…SUCCESS AND PROFIT is what counts here…not your tradition you so eager want to protect…
ahh quit it…you have no power here servant of 2003…
And btw…SUCCESS AND PROFIT is what counts here…not your tradition you so eager want to protect…
Thank you good sir for the link
All you need is to trust them enough and give the other members of the corp reason to trust you. The better organised newbie friendly corps are very welcoming but do expect you to do your bit.
OP refine your ideas
Full PVE story
isnt out of reach but it needs buttload of time and resources to create and is basically one time deal it needs to be repetitive in non horrible way to pays off long term.
No PVP area
is way too limiting and basically not even needed but i do think some sort of limitations are in order for new players to thrive bellow is copy paste idea of my own in some dude random post that adress how i would change high sec…
Core sectors
(1 .0-0.9)100% Empire controlled all good stuff all wealth best chicks all dank food money and influence is concentrated there a paradise…for them.You are citizen there first pod pilot 2nd safety setting green to all mandatory
ore to mine
yousucktaniumversus environment
L1/2 missions
scout incursions
t1 abyssal
lame drifter fleets
lame FOB ratsNo structure ownership no dank isk you don’t own you are being own by empires.
If you got Wardeced you cant run here for protection you are valid target.
Kill right activation.Industrial sectors
(0.8-0.6)Basically current HS difference being L3 is max for missions T3 max for abyssal almostcraptanium for ore etc
Border sectors
(0.5-0.4)These sectors provide border zone between lawless empire and secure empire space.
L4-5 can be found on both side of border t5 abyssal yes uroboros incursions yes
Drifter and FOB rats crazy mad
Leetanium can be mined here in humble amount
(0.5) mandatory yellow settings,can flipping yes.
(0.4) Concord on gates and only on gates they don’t run to help anyone being mauled in the belt or anywhere else in system they protect traffic of gate when you hit warp you aren’t their problem any more.System wide Cyno like in incursion affected areas 0.4 is sub cap play area you can capital blob via gate but cant cyno in/out so that capable sub cap fleet can ignore you completely but you can still e pen stranglers and unsuspecting “it a trap” pilots.****CCP lore team can shape size of any area thru stories as they see fit(larger border zone deeper in high sec or deeper in true low sec)
****Players could shape zones with their actions
****compensate all “lost” systems to Core sectors to industrial sectors and Border sectors to low sec so this change don’t take current amount of systems away.Think this is better way of security states spread that will accommodate larger amount of ppl playing without necessary taking anything away from current game.
You are the story, I’m not being flippant, or trolling, in the simplest terms the story you make is about you. For example, I am building a drug cartel to pay for the ships I lose (meh!).
There are many protected systems for new players, clearly new players don’t seem to be aware of them?
get that this is not about me this is about getting other types of players to log in and play room for both in sand box.
This could be done better imo but lets just agree to disagree here once again its not about us if there are players out there that are so risk averse that they simple cant take it…i still want their wallets and would create core systems for them to hang wouldn’t think twice about it.
Then they are in the wrong game.
Into my second year in New Eden, I had found there to be a massive amount of things to do and knowing there is a difference between a railroad scripted rpg and an open world mmo is what makes Eve Online stand out on it’s own.
I found the the content is within the ships the players using them and even the people who produce them. The ability to fit the ship how ever the player wishes within the constraints of the hull type and skills acquired.
I agree there could be changes to systems where 1.0 are for such full pve only story supported gameplay. That can also play a part in deciding to leave 1.0 or to stay.
The people looking for something different like what Eve Online offers will either know what they want to do with in the game or follow what others are doing at the present time.
PVP could offer a controlled match like war games where faction vs faction vs faction etc where pilots are placed into a queue to be fleeted up with others on same faction and released into a deadspace pocket to battle it out, either building structures by supplying plot tags to an NPC to release a structure etc. this sort of war games could be a long or short. There are many other possibilities here if others were to come on board and forward their past or present ideas on how it could work.
PVP also doesn’t need changing outside of such suggested deadspace other than what is currently happening with said Blackout etc.
All in all this game can work both with oldschool tried and proven methods and also with potentiality new play styles.
I agree. Ty for the advice.
I feel that OP raises some valid points but I don’t quite agree on how to deal with the issue. In order to survive in the current market every videogame has to iterate on itself. This is especially true for games with a core gameplay loop as old as EVE’s. That being said I don’t think safe spaces or linear stories are the way to deal with it. They encourage bad habits and don’t teach new people the skills they need: Fitting ships and coping with loss.
You laugh, “Hah who can’t cope with loss?” Well, a lot of people who play videogames. Generalized progression being wiped out over a mistake is not a trait most people find favorable. Not in the way that EVE does it, anyway. EVE has a very loose progression system that can often rely more heavily on the social aspect of the game than on the skill or financial aspects. It’s hard for people to feel like they’re progressing when they’re constantly emptying their wallets, losing their ships, and struggling to train up the skills they need to do the most basic of tasks.
This is probably the second time I’ve plugged my Sigma Infomorph idea thread in the last month or so but I feel there is nowhere more appropriate. The best way to acclimate new players and teach returning players is to separate them from the normal gameplay loop entirely. Give everybody the option to play a Rogue Drone faction in Null Sec that has no economy, no skill progression, and no Alliance politics. What you mine, salvage, and build is all that you have. There is no currency, there are no scams, and everyone has exactly what they have made for themselves. Keep the social game aspect with Swarms (in place of Corporations) but keep everyone under the same Overmind Alliance they start with.
This will create a survival type game for people who are bored of having 100,000,000,000 ISK and can’t find a reason to undock as well as people new to the game that want to feel like they’re on fair footing with everyone else. A fusion of all the game’s PvE and PvP elements that doesn’t mollycoddle anyone. Think of it as a Microcosm for the greater Macrocosm Sandbox that is EVE.
You could challenge yourself, give it all to me and rebuild your fortune from scratch?
Talk about making content!
I support this concept, comrade.
I understand your point totally, I have made my own story in this game off and on since 2004.
But the point i’m trying to make is:
It gives new players more options. Helps them to stay longer figure out more of the game.
A story arc based on the history of eve would maybe give them more understanding of what they are even doing here. It dosn’t have to be about just the history of the game, any good ideas will work. As long as it dosn’t effect the core game.
Not everyone is good at making their own story interesting to themselves.
Its not a bad thing. Its not lazy or a sign of being stupid either. It just is what it is. Some people just want to have the story unfold at the beginning for them or even play someone else’s story for a change.
Every human thinks acts a does things in slightly different ways. And if 10 out of 100 people stay after the story to move onto the rest of the game that’s a win, for everybody.
Also others have suggested the story be better in the ongoing PVE content. Like the faction NPC’s not fighting the invasion.
If as said before hundreds of people have asked for a story and its all but been ignored. That’s just a missed opportunity.
When people say “Theme Park” and “Merry go Round” this is what they mean. Keep feeding them stories, soon they will expect monthly/quarterly content updates.
EVE just isn’t that. EVE is for self made people.
God no, do we really want more brain dead content for just as many brain dead WOW players?
The most successful (player population wise, anyway - I’m sure they’re still killing it in revenue with PLEX these days) part of Eve’s life was the time period when it accepted that it was a niche game, and strove to be the best niche game it could be.
It began to decline around the same time it started trying to mainstream and appeal to a “wider audience”.
When you limit your thinking to only one way, you limit your future in all ways!
You don’t really “get” Eve, so, an analogy.
Subject: “Sailboats are stuck in the past.”
Body: “What sailboats really need are bigger, faster motors, larger fuel tanks, and what’s with this giant ■■■■■■■… pole… sticking out of the middle of it? Let’s get rid of that. And I guess we can drop the keel now, too. There, nice and modern.”
If you like motorboats so much, go buy a ■■■■■■■ motorboat instead.
That swings both ways.
Part of the longevity of Eve is that it doesn’t offer what everybody else does.
Eve and World of Warcraft are for all intents and purposes the same age. WoW became the behemoth of the mainstream, one that many tried to take on and failed; Eve filled a niche that few addressed and over time has become the WoW of the non mainstream.
If Eve had offered the same fare as the more mainstream MMO’s, it wouldn’t be here today, instead it would be in the mass grave where most of the other MMO’s ended up.
Both WoW and Eve have set the benchmarks for two very different kinds of MMO, with different target audiences. The mainstream games follow WoW’s example, the niche products that focus more on a player driven game have followed Eve’s.
Comparing the two in any other form is a case of apples and oranges.