Eve is stuck in the past

An excellent example of ■■■■■■■■ that sounds good.

You should start a company that sells inspirational trinkets in airline online magazines.


It’d be easier for OP to go find a better game that he enjoys that try to change the entirety of how EVE Online works just to suit his idea of what is / is not a game that is “stuck in the past”.

I don’t go to a library expecting to ride rollercoasters. Complaining that the library doesn’t have rollercoasters and coming up with silly arguments for why it should doesn’t really make sense.

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Holy crap! Really?
Even sailboats do have motors now, they do have refrigerators, modern equipment to get them from point “A” to point “B”. But they are still sailboats.
Everything changes! And you don’t have to make changes that totaly change the core of the game.
You people go to such extremes to avoid change.

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That you don’t understand that the atrocious horseshit you’ve suggested are changes to the core of the game is a testament to just how little you understand about the game.


Another extreme to try to make a mute point i wasn’t trying to change the game! i was (trying again) to make a suggestion for player retention.
Again with the lack of reading comprehension.

When were the numbers highest? 2012/2014? What type of gameplay drew that amount of active accts? Was it PVP, PVE, exploring, mining (zzz), manufacturing or R&D?

Edit; or bots?

Ty for you opinion.
Again how wold a story arc based on the history of eve, with the same lame rewards from existing missions change the core of the game?

So if we had ONE more story arch EVE would no longer be stuck in the past?


Let’s start with:

You have a stack of racial arcs and SOE arc already. How fun are they?

What purpose do you expect would be served by drawing development resources away from the core of the game to make some little PvE park ride that’s totally out of place in context with the rest of the game?

Does it change the core game?

Sure, if it’s involved enough.

Your options here are basically, “Go so balls deep with some BS PvE themepark rides as to fundamentally alter the expectations of PvE in Eve” which, yes, would fundamentally change the core of the game in so much as now that they’ve set up expectations, wave bye-bye to the development resources that have to be sunk into meeting those expectations forever, or “Make some more go-here-shoot-this-guy-collect-this-stuff mission chains” which… aren’t going to modernize anything, so I suspect that’s not what you’re talking about, yes?

Ty for answering my question.
I will say it again:
I suggested a way to bring new players to the game and possibly a way to retain them. All without changing the core of the game.

You have gone on a path of total delusion, that i’m out to ruin your game.
You have gone way past any rational thought based on a simple suggestion.
You are literally making up extreme scenarios as you go now. All while trying to make your point.
Feelings based arguments solve nothing. I gave a suggestion based on facts from other games.
You have given nothing other than your feelings and thoughts as rebuttal.

I suggested a way to bring new players to the game and possibly a way to retain them. All without changing the core of the game.
You have gone on a path of total delusion, that i’m out to ruin your game.

I don’t think you’re out to ruin it. I think you’re well intentioned. You just don’t know what you’re talking about, and like any Dunning Kruger posterchild, you don’t know enough to know that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

You literally suggested “PvP free zones”.

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I did and if you had read later post changed my mind about them.

You should edit your OP to reflect that you’ve reconsidered some of your ideas. Once a thread reaches maybe past 20-40 posts, many people skip over much of the convo.


Again with the feelings and personal thoughts you have yet to say anything factual

Ty ill do that.

Facts regarding what, precisely? The stupid idea you prefaced with “This is my opinion”?

It’s my opinion your idea is garbage. If you want a fact, you also failed to find the Player Features and Ideas forum, which is where bad ideas are supposed to be deposited so as to avoid cluttering up the top half of the board that people actually look at.

It’s not like your OP is some highly specific, fleshed out deepthink. It’s the same vague wankery about “mainstreaming” that we’ve been reading for the last decade, all while watching the game decline in the pursuit of a wider audience.

It’s also a fact that a few posts ago, you didn’t think “PvP free areas” would be “changing the core of Eve”. You can say you’ve “changed your mind” now, but this betrays an unfamiliarity with the subject matter that likely relegates any other opinion you may have on the topic to the rubbish bin.

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It has been suggested in other threads that the devs should make a design tool for security missions and hand that over to the community. At this point, I think I’d even be ok if CCP has to scrap the old missions to do so, as I think with a tool in the hands of the community, there may be fans that could faithfully recreate some of the past favorites, and also surprise everyone with lore and content that could exceed expectations.

Something like that would take the burden off developer resources, and at the same time, build up more involvement in the community. Mission content has gone stale as one of the sources of PvE and income. And as PvE and PvP are inseparable within EVE as far as overall game design, if PvE is required for EVE to function properly, then might as well make the grind at least somewhat enjoyable.

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Facts are things that can be proven. Hence other games have changed things in games to bring in and retain new players and still kept the core of the game they created.
That is and always will be my only point of fact that i will be using to defend my (suggestion)

My opinion was never a point in my fact statement. Again you find some made up extreme point based on personal feelings and opinions to try and prove your point.

And the made up scenario that by me changing my mind after Eve players convinced me of how it would change the core fundamentals of the game somehow makes me less creditable is again a feeling or personal opinion, not a fact.