EVE loosing new players

But today is 2019. You see 2008 != 2019

for example: We have bitcoins today

And I want to save Eve and jobs in CCP,

I totally disagree. I have been playing for about 2-3 months and had a blast from the first day. I lost some ships doing noobie mistakes. So what. They aren’t real go get another one. There is always a way to get a new ship in Eve


Get rid, you are paid advertising and no one trusts you any more …

lol. go read my posts in New Citizens if you think I am paid. Troll.

or check out my zkill stats. All losses for a month. Haven’t lost at ship since beginning of March. And not because I stayed docked. I have roamed wormhole, null and player controlled space without losing a ship. And got plenty of loot. Mostly did PvE and Exploration. I just learned how to survive.

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EVE is YOUR sanbox. Create own content.

Get frigate from day one and farm anomalies in hisec. Bum, one commander spawn and you probable get hundreds of millions of isk.

Find a group in null and join them, they will probable learn you all stuff and give free basic hulls for mining, ratting or to start fleet pvp.

Dock in trade hub and get profit from trade opportunities. You will double your isk pretty fast if you know what you are doing.

Find a friends and make mission runner day worse. Hunt MTU’s, try to flip them and kill for loot.

Find what you enjoy and do it. Isk and skills will come in time. You can do almost anything just from day 1. Even day 1 char can be very important in fleet. Think out of the box.

It did for 15 years. EVE had far more subscribers when the game was more dangerous and unforgiving.

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And pay 15 $ every month for that, meh, not today

That was 15 years ago !!! Today we have IPhones, androids phones, smart television, steam, Crypto currencies, Stadia, Amazon, Netflix, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Rust, Elite dangerous …
Competition has improved, Eve must improve or it will die …

They make a mobile game for you kids. Isn’t that enough?

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I have read on the internet too many “success stories” to believe them, usually it is all concealed advertising.

And what will CCP do ???

OP has a point, if anyone cares to actually listen.

It’s ridiculously difficult and boring for most gamers to get started in EVE.

There are exceptions. I don’t doubt “Heretic-of-Amarr” is one.

But EVE loses many new players who would stay and play if the startup process wasn’t such a bore.
An aside: scattered around the forums and Help channels there are always a few stories of rookies who get established and start having fun quite soon. Most are just liars who got boosted by RL friends or relatives. But there are some repeating patterns that seem likely to be true.

The most common is a type of gamer I call an “adrenaline junkie”. They ignore the (generally stupid and often dishonest) advice provided by CCP and most players in Rookie Help (do the SOE Arc etc), and charge off into WH space or nullSec as soon as they can.

Perhaps some have no fun and leave EVE, but some return with stories of a mixture of successes an failures, and a reasonable ISK profit. But they stay because they make also make personal contact with other players as a side effect of charging around.
You’d never guess from here or the Corp forums, but there are normal gamers playing EVE - unfortunately on the wrong side of an exceptionally very high “contact threshold”.

The point: this isn’t a description of the typical long-term EVE player. It’s the fantasy of course, but it doesn’t match reality at all. Successful un-boosted rookies don’t match the existing players.

Do you really think it realistic to change a 15 year old game into something completely different? I think that is why they make the mobile game and it is completely new and maybe targeting the younger audience.

Eve is doing much better than bitcoin (and other scams) and did not need laws to survive…

Hey Balos!

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March Rabbit

Why is Balos used as “the face of evil” in these forums?

One of the more toxic posters here linked a Balos post a while ago, presumably to demonstrate they deserve all the harsh accusations.

That particular post wasn’t 100% “Politically Correct” (an old-school view of marriage was presented very briefly), but only the most hyper-sensitive, easily triggered little snowflake would actually object. A solid majority of the planet have much the same attitudes as Balos presented in that post.

You could certainly object it was off topic, but that’s a common enough “vice” here, including your post and this one :slight_smile:

The trouble is CCP has always pandered to vocal pets which have cemented massive advantages to old school players which crush newbro’s who want to start their own community.

Have you actually started a new char and not utilised acquired in game knowledge and connections? It’s road block after road block to new players.

Take industry for example, new players are forced to use invention while old players are given a free pass with T2BPO. Easy fix remove T2BPO. T2bpo have always been a huge problem for player retention.

Alpha players are permanently gimped in all class of ships due to skill locks which sinks their tanks and dps. This rules out solo and small gang pvp to them. Easy fix yet again Alpha should not have support skills gimped, restrict them to sub capitals and non t2 but don’t gimp them in any flyable ship.


I agree Brewlar.

IMO CCP (and EVE players) couldn’t block the average new player’s path to PvP more effectively if they actively tried to.

OP is mostly repeating the same old gripes we’ve heard before, some of which have validity and some not.

I mostly see complaints about mining payoff - which isn’t that bad, I’ve done it in the past in a solo, Alpha, Venture in high sec… never bothered by gankers, made about 4-6 million ISK per hour depending on the situation. Like the rest of EVE, you have to do it both smart and careful. It’s enough to get you a couple cruisers to work with.

I don’t see any mention in his ‘new players’ things to do of Career Agents - again, each set of career agents pays you enough in ships and loot to probably set up a decent cruiser or a number of destroyers/frigates for whatever.

I don’t see any mention of scanning/combat sites or mission running, which you can easily do with the frigates/destroyers/cruisers you earned from the above, and probably move into the 5-10 million ISK per hour range, maybe better.

And that’s without getting into more advanced Alpha activities like WH diving or lvl3 mission blitzing etc.

All in all, an Alpha using his head can actually do a fair number of things and make a decent income. He can’t really compete with Omegas but that’s ok too.

That said, EVE has a tremendous new player problem, and all the comments along the lines of “that’s good, we don’t need those losers” are blind and ignorant. EVE is bleeding players, and has been for almost 5 years now. No game can sustain those losses for long until it reaches a ‘tipping point’ where the remaining players no longer find it interesting to play, and start abandoning EVE for the next game.

It won’t die, there are some thousands of hard-core players who have simply paid too much over the years to walk away. But it will become a shadow of its’ former self, and was and is in the process of doing so.

Hellmar mentioned it himself in the forum AMA… EVE gets nearly 10,000 new players per week - at least that was what it said at the time I read it, maybe it was corrected/updated later. Almost none of them stay for even a month.

If I was a shareholder, I would call that a criminal waste of resources, and a textbook example of bad game design, bad tutorial design, and bad gameplay progression for new players.