EVE offers can be click-bait and the game probably not worth returning to

Going by the screenshot it doesn’t say 90 days. And that sentence since everything else is separated by a comma, for me doesn’t scream 90 days for mtc. If I thought it was 90 days mtc, I would assume to see

90 days omega, 90 days mtc etc.


No that’s just 20/20 hindsight, according to your… logic it could have been 5 days of MCT as well, or 15 years.


Perhaps you wouldn’t think it was 90 days MCT, nor would most people who’ve dealt with CCP in the past couple years. However, it doesn’t say 30 days or 1 month, either.

So if you’ve got a grey box that says “90 Days Omega” and another grey box that has no duration at all listed, why wouldn’t a typical purchaser assume they’re both 90 days? It’s the only duration listed in the pack.

This is what people mean when they say “Vague and misleading advertising”. CCP’s value proposition has fallen so low that they now need to sucker in a few extra purchases here and there by not being clear on what they’re selling. Either that or they’re simply too lazy to bother putting complete information in their packages.

That’s actually one of the primary problems with sub-based developers: they know most of their income comes in from long-term subs that will renew month after month anyway, so they never have any real incentive to make an effort for anything short-term.


The above counterpoints have merit. (And again I reiterate I disapprove of CCP shorting players.) The standard duration of MPT has always been 30 days and to my recollection CCP has never, ever offered MPT in any quantity other than a multiple of 30 days, so the minimum guaranteed value (based on precedent) would have to be 30 days. Grammatically speaking, the bundle doesn’t guarantee to be offering 3 months, but the failure to explicitly indicate the duration is at best ambiguous and at worst a disservice to players.

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When you have to research an offer over various social media and do a historical behavior study to figure out what it’s actually saying, something is very, very, wrong with the company offering it.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


CCP cant word.


I guarantee you that the wording was 100% intentional. Anyone who’s ever worked in retail or marketing is very familiar with this specific tactic, which is one of a number of high-impact mind game tricks refined to generate additional marginal revenue. There’s practically no cost to employing this tactic, too, as a worst-case scenario might mean handing out a few refunds, while a whole bunch of extra sales (that were made because the value proposition from the questionable offer component pushed them over the edge) will coast through because the buyers are simply too lazy or too busy to bother complaining.

CCP is good at developing a complex PC MMO, but they’re financially managing it, and its player base, like this is a casual cell phone clicker game.

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But it still looks like they are stupid. Or it looks like malice is included.

Its all bad.

probably not worth returning to

Surely, not probably.

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It’s not malice. They just want your money.

Still using malice to obtain it, if its not stupidity.

“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”.

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CCP hasnt had any good deals in a while. These are crappy at best. Ive bought packs when they were worth their value years ago but not now.

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OP, WELCOME BA…ah…nevermind then…

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THIS :+1:

The problem is we now live in a world where if you do not explicit state something, people will go out of their way to make it sound like you were unclear.

I cannot write emails anymore in accordance to my understanding of things, but have to write in a way that caters for the lowest common denominator in the mail.

Same goes for advertising, double so if you deal with a large group of people whos first language is not English. It needs to be plain and simple. So while I will read the pack as 3 month game time and 1 month MCT. They cannot expect everybody will see it like that and need to word it accordingly and exact. In some places any ambiguity in a contract or statement is normally to the benefit of the party and not the contract holder. And by stating it is separated by a “comma”, is not a reason as stated above about your audience not being English or might not pickup and something as small as a comma that could change the meaning entirely.

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If Eve is so bad, why are you still here ?


Personal emails are a very different from advertisements made by a company. If you made business emails where you’d offer a product or service, with all the details and price included, you had better get it right otherwise someone WILL call you on it or at the very least ask about it.

There’s a very good REASON advertisement is limited by rules, where sneaky “mistakes” don’t fly.

You didn’t read the MCT as anything because there’s nothing stated and it’s not implied it’s just 1 month. What you’re doing is just 20/20 hindsight, if you hadn’t known of this and looked at that offer there’d be a good chance you’d have guessed wrong.

He pretty much said exactly that.

Not really because he’s going “customer is stupid and can’t read” while in this very specific case it’s “CCP it either dumb or sneaky and can’t write”.

Ok well that was my understanding of what he wrote vOv

Since MCT is normally only sold in a single 30 day format (unlike Omega where you can do multi-month subs), players with MCT experience do in fact have a reasonable basis for assuming that an entry for MCT with no day count listed will be a 30 day MCT, as that is the standard value of that product.

I can understand some players being confused by the proximity to ‘90 days’. But that does not mean ‘nobody could have read this as being 30 days’.

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