2 never-before-seen minerals found in huge asteroid that fell to Earth | CNN
A 15-metric ton meteorite crashed in Africa. Now 2 new minerals have been found in it
Scientists have identified two minerals never before seen on Earth in a meteorite weighing 15.2 metric tons (33,510 pounds).
The minerals came from a 70-gram (nearly 2.5-ounce) slice of the meteorite, which was discovered in Somalia in 2020 and is the ninth-largest meteorite ever found, according to a news release from the University of Alberta.
Two more reasons why going to the Moon and Mars is important, especially to the Moon. The dark side of the Moon will most likely contain many, small fragments of minerals that are not from Earth that will allow Earth to build more durable alloys and more powerful engines and electrical systems.
What new and undiscovered minerals exist in large quantities on the Moons in our system and even in the asteroid rings around Jupiter and Saturn and the Kuiper Belt, will advance human space exploration significantly.
I would even go so far as to say that there are minerals out there is space that will help humanity in achieving FTL speeds. Such a mineral could even prove the following theory, correct.
there is no such thing as the absolute of nothing because even the infinite void is something, space has always existed as the medium in which energetic reactions take place where an energetic result will occur based on how the medium effects particles interacting, but the medium will never be affected itself. Thus, infinity will never be affected by any energetic reaction between two particles, but infinite can affect the reaction between two particles. The only loophole for infinity to be affected is if an object traveled at the speed of infinite, in one direction, which would take the object to the very edge of infinity. But what exists at the edge of infinity? If infinity is the absolute top speed obtainable, then another velocity must exist that puts the next measure of space time into existence ahead of infinity. Thus, infinity is as it is, infinite. Without measure but still exists.
Prior to the Big Bang there would have been some type of particle or particles that traveled close to the speed of infinity but not quite. Otherwise, the infinity particle came into contact with other infinity particles to create the Big Bang.
You can’t have something from nothing, so infinity is still governed by reactions between matter, even though infinity can never be affected upon by matter created during two infinity particles colliding.
Somewhere in the shell of infinity there is base code or language of matter and reactions that explains how the speed of infinity does shred particles traveling slower than the speed of infinity.
If you take the idea that any object attempting to travel at light speed is torn apart or shredded to the very atom and apply the same idea to the speed of infinity, due to the speed of infinity exerting an outward pull of an infinite gravitational pull, then theoretically, nothing should be able to exist. Therefore, the speed of infinity is infinite, but the gravitational pull of infinity is not. With infinity way beyond where Earth is located, the gravitational pull has diminished greatly, like dropping a pebble in a pond. The waves rapidly diminish returning the surface of the lake to a calm and smooth surface but changed from a state of interaction and reactions that were happening prior to the ripples.
Therefore, traveling at the speed of light will only theoretically shred an object, because if atoms aren’t being shredded at the speed of infinite gravity, then an object will not be shredded traveling at the speed of light.
The only problem is, how do find the correct frequency, modulation and oscillation of atoms in space to disrupt the gravitational pull of a mass of atoms on object traveling at light speed?
Reducing the space-time around an object to space-time that existed prior to the Big Bang, where only infinite gravitational forces existed, but no longer exist because those gravitational forces have long subsided, then the speed of infinity being exerted on the object through atoms and gravity left behind in the wake of the speed infinity would not limit the velocity of the object. Basically, our universe would move around us while the object remained in place. Want to end the hyperspace fold? Simply reduce the field that has cancelled out mass of atoms in the space around the object and you emerge 10 or 15 light years away.
Such a mineral could cancel out gravitational pull on an object from external sources, like planets and stars.