Eve Online Astronomy Club

Mysterious objects spotted in the outer solar system beyond Pluto (msn.com)

More planets in our solar system, more cobble stone paths to God and Creation.

Extraordinary giant structures discovered beneath the surface of Mars (msn.com)

The article in the link above, is truly fascinating.

Pluto is a chunk of ice just waiting for mankind to cone visit and start miner his surface.

That’s right Pluto is male.

Of course he is.


Gender Male

Pluto ice mining.



I wasn’t talking about Pluto. Pluto is not the God of darkness. Pluto is a God of Love.

Im changing Pluto’s name to Amy.

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Well I believe that chunk of ice is as named for a reason.

Planets are neither male nor female. Actually, Earth would be considered a female planet because of the life that grows on Earth, just like in a female womb.

That can only mean that the male aspect of creation is somewhere out there in the cosmos and could be a roaming lifeform looking to impregnate other habitable planets with the seed of life.

Space.com is running an article about the possibility of a micro black hole coming close to Earth ever decade that could possibly be detectable.

If the micro black hole does exist, the possibility of primordial forms of life exiting the black hole and then returning to the micro black hole with animal matter and DNA, could mean the micro black hole can transport micro sized robots to and from another dimension.

If the micro black hole is locateable, then a micro sized probe could possibly be sent to micro black hole to see where the micro black hole appears next.

code that unlocks the secrets of the universe


Possibly. But if the MBH does exist and based on how a black grows, and if the interior of the MBH can be mapped, then science of the future might be able to control the growth of the MBH. Ships could actually deploy a MBH in the middle of the ship. The MBH is fed matter by the ship until a certain volume is achieved. With the MBH consuming the matter around the ship, the ship inside the MBH would have an infinite power source. With the MBH creating primordial space around itself due consuming all matter, the ship could actually turn on its engines and propel itself at much high speeds. The MBH should be able to maintain structural integrity due to the being inside the MBH.

But the question is, when a black hole travels through a region of space consuming everything in its path and leaves nothing but primordial space in its wake, how are we able to see the stars behind the black hole? Wouldn’t the light of the star be consumed as well?

Sebbe Alles
Strawberry B*tch, de-cloaking, probes deployed.

Micro-Black Holes could represent a process that takes place between matter, possibly Dark Matter, the EM field of a planet and bow shock between Dark Matter and Bow Shock. Depending upon the angle of interaction between Dark Matter and the frequency of Bow Shock, the range from other EM fields and distance from Earth, could be the point of where the interaction takes place between Dark Matter, a certain flavor of light photon, most likely exotic in nature and extremely difficult to detect, the one basketball shot from the other end of the court that goes into the bucket, the perfectly thrown baseball curve, possibly even the ‘eight’ pattern while firing a rifle. There is something definitely suspect about the art of lengths and curves contained in sports that use a round orb. What outside influence is directing the players mind to create their own space-time?

Two paddles, the boundary of the ping-pong ball that keeps the ping-pong at different accelerated rates of speed, trajectories and force placed against atoms in the air, which atoms pass through, and which atoms do not pass through the ping-pong, based on how the velocity of ping-pong to create its curves in space-time. A representation of space-time on a flat surface, the ping-pong table.

In normal space-time, the ping-pong travels in arcs to and from the paddle of each opponent with arcs created as the ping-pong travels on either side of the table, when mirrored, the ping-pong creates its own entropy. But when you bend the table at the center to create an arc, something interesting begins to happen. Not just something that you wouldn’t ordinarily see on an everyday basis. The interesting thing that happens is, the ping-pong appears to accelerate as the arc becomes less and less an arc, sharp angles are created, until both opponents exist on a single plane as the does the ping-pong table, each play creates a different curve when plotted. When mirrored again on itself, a new structure is created.

If an MBH does not destroy the light falling into it, which would be a lot given how close to the sun the MBH would be, where do the photons go? If the photons were ejected as converted energy, then science would be able to determine where the MBH would be. There would also be a path of light photons around the Earth that would be missing due to light photons falling into the MBH that are transferred to another time and space. Communication signals that suddenly lose the data stream and then come back on without interruption could also result in a portion of the signal falling into the MBH, but where do the signals go? Do the signals breach the barrier of light speed and emerge in another galaxy? Or do the lost comms signals become mirrored like the Illuminati and come back as garble or strange ‘static’?

Gravity Might Not Need Mass

A Physicist Claims Gravity Can Exist Without Mass (popularmechanics.com)

A recent paper in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society suggests that gravity may exist without mass, which could mean that dark matter doesn’t exist.

The question is, if dark matter, the chasm’s that light has not reached yet, doesn’t need mass, then there would not be any darkness, but only the light of every single star in the Universe being seen at once.

If humanity had the ability to view our Universe from the outside, would we still see light at 10 LY away from the Universe?

According to astrophysics, light should not be able to be seen from our Universe due to light needing gravity to slow the light photon down in order for the light to be seen. Basically the reverse of the spaghetti string effect of a black hole. Light could be stretched so much, to point of being so straight, the wavelength would only yield a very slight amount of heat, but not to the point of absolute destruction. When light or matter encounters a pocket of gravity, reverse spaghettification could take place. And the Universe starts to heat up as the light photon slowly begins to create a wavelength. But what happens when the middle of the photon or matter snaps in half because of the pocket of gravity? Does matter still stretched out collide with Einstein Space particles to cause a whammy of an interaction?

Dark Matter could be the spaghettification of all matter that resides at almost the absolute coldest value of space temperature. Dark Matter, like the billions of muscle fibers in the arm or leg while being spaghettified and unspaghettified at the same time, would create extremely small ebbs in space-time or vibrations along each string that generates some heat due to vibrations. An uncountable number of Dark Matter strings ebbing all at once would create a dynamic, for every reaction there is an equal reaction, across the Universe, which could help form the planets and stars. As Dark Matter is spaghetting through space after the Big Bang, Dark Matter could become intertwined with heavier matter forming around the planet that possibly helps give the planet its shape. Each ebb in dark matter bounces the slowly forming planet of matter in between the troughs of adjacent, and parallel dark matter spaghetti strings.

If a light photon or atom is stretched like it is falling into a black hole, how fast is the event horizon end traveling compared to the other end?

If it could be possible to stretch atoms and photons, like a black hole does, could the one end of the atom that we don’t see actually be the part of the spaghetti string that we cant see while the other end of the atom that we can see and touch, is the slower end of the spaghetti string?

If spaghettification occurs with metals and creates a stretched manifold of the atom while in Dark Matter mode, wouldnt that explain the infinite source of energy needed to propel a ship?

If spaghettification takes place due to a black hole, then wouldnt it be possible that spaghettifican can take place on a larger, Universal scale of being inside of a blackhole.

Video of light being captured on film. You can see the manifold that was created.


What type of manifold is created when light spaghettifies?

What type of manifold is created by metal atoms as the atom spaghettifies?

Does a spaghettifying metal atom create a larger manifold which could satisfy Einsteins theory of an object traveling faster to the SOL gaining more mass which requires more energy to overcome.

The question is, are there sizeable gaps between metal manifold atoms that would allow an increased velocity?

Are metal atom manifolds able to be used much the same as a launchpad is used, where magnetic fields of both, the ships engines and metal manifold interact to provide forward momentum?

Black Holes at the Edge of the Universe

There will be a Y boson as well. If a black hole can spaghettify matter, shouldn’t black holes be able to spaghettify matter from the edge of the Universe and convert it into energy?

Could cosmic inflation be caused by black holes along the edge of the Universe pulling in matter from outside of our Universe and converting it to energy?

But what else is in the Void that a black hole might pull into our Universe?

The previous sentence is best left to the faiths of the world to determine.

Cliff Notes ; The Big Bang, the focal point of energy colliding together in a confined space, much like the grain of sand passing through the hourglass sphincter, and then emerging on the other side, could have seen black holes formed at a very early point after the Big Bang. Primary Big Bang black holes would have been very robust, like a military assault battalion assaulting the beaches of Normandy. The Primary black holes created for rapidly collapsing black holes could have formed a black hole film around the expanding Big Bang that still exists today, due to colliding together. As the black hole film consumed more Void matter and ejected it into our Universe, the pressure created by the converted matter could have pushed on the black film causing the Universe to expand.

The black film could also be pulling on the other side around the void causing variations in the space-time field that could actually be being studied by aliens.

Graphic representation

Does dark matter mean that our Universe is orbiting something in the Void?

I’ve also learned that pockets of gas can create black holes as well.
Could Dark Matter be a form of gas that functions differently in Einstein Space? I’ve also learned that for anything to grow or expand, other than rocks and ice sickles, that a fuel must be present. Like liquid gas in a car, if the car runs out of gas and the engine will not start. The car will just remain in place and decompose, over time, or fall towards the center of the Earth.

The Universe should be similar, but where do we get the fuel from and how is that matter converted to the fuel that our Universe needs to continue to grow?

The fuel is obviously the Void, the space that is outside of our Universe.

There is something on the outside of our universe that is being converted into fuel for our Universe to continue growing.

The byproduct of the Void being converted to fuel could be Dark Matter. There is always a by-product. Just like oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis, dark matter could be a byproduct created by an interaction on the edge of our universe and the Void.

What’s even a little geekier and nerdier is, if you can measure the direction of influence that dark matter is travelling in, you might be able to determine what direction our Universe is travelling in and what our Universe is orbiting that exists in the Void. along with the distance to Object O. Does Dark Matter have a space-time curvature that would suggest it is orbiting something more massive than the largest black hole in our universe. Something outside of our Universe?

Basically, our universe could be orbiting a very large something in the Void. Like the planet orbiting a star with a dust ring adds mass, growing by using the fuel of the dusty ring around the star, our Universe must be consuming Void space as we orbit the massive something in the Void, growing larger as more Void matter is converted into fuel that fuels the growth of our universe.

We would also surely be in the habitable zone orbiting the something in the Void.

How long will the Universe last? Depends on the distance the Universe is from the Big Something that our tidally locked Universe is orbiting. The farther away from the Big Something, our Universe would consume nearly an infinite amount of Void matter, new matter that would ultimately bring new life into our Universe as we travel through different layers of the Void. Less time, in the millions of trillions of years if our Universe is closer to the Big Something. When there is no Void matter to consume and convert, due to our Universe finally coming full circle to the point where the Big Bang took place, what will remain for our Universe to expand and consume? Dark Matter by-products? Probably not, as the effect of Styx Black Holes could pull Void matter to the hole and as the hole moves away, Void matter would trail behind one Styx Black Hole that would layer to be consumed by the next Styx Black Hole and converted into Einstein Matter that would continue to cause our Universe to expand exponentially.

But the standing question still remains, as our Universe orbits the Big Something and encounters new Void matter, what new life could be being created, right now in other parts of our Universe?

New RNA and DNA Primordial Base Compounds pulled into our Universe as we orbit the Big Something could be life like we never seen before. Or that life could be on its way, travelling through Universe looking for other life forms.

But what happens when two Universe come so close together that Void matter is compressed into Void singularities due to the expansion of both Universes?

Or is another Universe formed from the K.I.S.S or Keep It Special Starborn?

Are wormholes formed between two Universes coming close together that would last for many billions of years allowing both Universes to exchange Primordial Base Compounds to create new compounds along with life exploring and mingling in both Universes, until the wormhole dissipates due to the edges of both Universes travelling further and further apart?

Basically, the beginning of the Universe took place when the seed our Universe is tightly packed into came into contact with Void Space. Like a seed that if set on a plate, the seed will never grow. But within a few moments, after the soil and seed come into contact, chemical changes start to take place that causes the seeds internal mechanism to turn and begin the growing process.

What is the process though?

Without soil the seed won’t grow. Such a reality could mean that the entirety of Void Space must not contain matter, otherwise, there would be Universes growing everywhere, even into our own Universe.

The Flower Pot Design that includes Void Space, the pot and soil, along with Gray Space.

Mystery Lava.

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New Scientist - 18th Sept 2024 - Light has been seen leaving an atom cloud before it entered



Do you think that the UFO did something to Jimmy Carter that granted him long life?

Particles of light can spend “negative time” passing through a cloud of extremely cold atoms – without breaking the laws of physics.

But is light able to pass out of our Universe? If light doesn’t pass out of our Universe, where does the light go? Did the light gnome sneaker in take the light at the edge of the Universe?

Somebody has to school me on this I’m baffled, I can’t get into the New Scientist article. I find the title really weird and I can’t find much other info.

As far as I can see the event (inserting a photon into a cloud of cold atoms) hadn’t taken place yet, but the same photon had been recorded leaving the cloud of atom before being inserted.

Does reality somehow “know” what we are going to do before we do it?

If anyone has anything to add to this or has any theory or explanation I’m keen to read it.

I found this, it’s from the article above;

“A negative time delay may seem paradoxical, but what it means is that if you built a ‘quantum’ clock to measure how much time atoms are spending in the excited state, the clock hand would, under certain circumstances, move backward rather than forward ,”

That’s absurd. Living long is a no-brainer. Just live a healthy life and you’re there eventually. My granpa never drank coca cola, nor processed meat and he died of old age at 95. He often and regulary went for his medical checkups as well.

On the other hand, Baba Vanga claimed to have E.T. visitations. Why did she only lived until 84, if that was the case?

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