EVE Online Ecosystem Outlook

What were you expecting? Formulas detailing exactly how ore is going to be distributed so certain groups could manipulate it like they’ve done with past updates? An exact list of changes so the community could work around them months before they even hit the testing phase? Be realistic here, this is a roadmap that will likely last the remainder of the year. We have the broad view, now as time moves on we’ll get more clarity on each point.


Contract me your mining stuff. In Jita because I don’t want to work for it. Since you obviously feel that it will be useless. I will even pay you 0.01 ISK per ISK of Jita buy.

I direct you to my response to Stevens

What’s “Redistribution Phase”? I thought I understand it, as the name is self-explanatory, but after reading the blog I’m very confused.

Nothing about the cloaking devise? -_-

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Further defining browned out systems

Applied daily a randomization of a percent of nullsec sovereign systems by region
Systems affected by the brown out are available through in game map and api.

By doing so this creates deadzones and hotspots with the intel open for anyone to focus on certain systems.

Also being a daily Dynamic vs a quarterly will reduce stagnation in gameplay.

What do cloaks have to do with resource scarcity?


well if botting and isking is a problem and those problems are in low and 0.0
why do simple miners in high sec have to pay the price
those hs capsuleers are paying every day
why does hs has to be the victim of all of this over and over again
if you have a problem in 0.0 and low
keep the problem overthere

or give HS a rorquel too

its always the same story …punish the small guy first… and let the big guys escape …over and over …again.


Randomization is bad, and tends to just result in people getting pissed off at the people who designed it that way. Instead, procedural systems that respond to player activity—or lack of activity—produce more competitive behaviors.

If it’s all random, then there’s no point going after someone else’s space, because any space you go after has just as much chance of being worthless as the space you no longer want.


I think this is the hardest question CCP have to answer, risk averse people are not suddenly going to go out and get their toys blown up because its now even harder to replace them.


You forget the most important thing. They made buttload of cash while ‘letting things out of control for a while’. It’s insulting man!


Then those types of players shouldn’t be playing EVE…

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:red_circle: No, it is not hard to answer. It is very easy to answer when it comes to Rorquals: You limit their numbers on the field and require barges and exhumers again. This will lead to more of this: https://zkillboard.com/related/30004733/201811102100/


There’s an element of that, but it’s not just ‘risk aversion’ at play. There are strategic concerns that impact the use of the biggest ships (which, of course, are the ones that need to blow up the most).

You can’t take or hold space without supercapitals.
But you can’t build supercapitals unless you hold space.
So from a strategic perspective, you can’t afford to lose your supercapital fleet because if you do, you’re not getting back into null at this point.
So if you can’t afford to lose the fleet, you can’t afford to seriously risk the fleet.

And that’s not being ‘risk averse’, it’s being ‘not stupid’. Because the loss of those ships doesn’t just impact those pilots. It impacts all of a group’s subcap-only players, too. And the job of leadership is to look after the interests of the whole group.


I suggested a few posts above this, that it might not have to go up. It effectively is, as construction comes down.

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Can you explain to me why CCP put a graph for “Income” in their section labeled “Resource Redistribution Update”?
Is that “realistic” enough for you?

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That’s usuall crap the CCP feeds mentaly blocked, says nothing, means nothing, pseudo intellectual babble that forum trash trolls would die for and talk over for decades. Some beatifull red dots :red_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle: for you CCP for pulling together this, this… :red_circle: lol.


This article makes some sense to me. It looks alot like the idea of “chaos” that was promised last year.

Instead of having static elements, we have complex control loops that make adaptation an active state instead of done once and for all. Maybe this will prevent the use of a static bunkered region like Delve ?


CCP you bunch of maggots, could you of at least of waited until Tuesday to put the changes in, now i have a butt ton of near worthless moon ore



Yes if u mean ‘chaos’ in explaining things. Then, def it’s chaos.

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