EVE Online: Equinox - Expansion Notes

Yayyy more projection for mega empires.

Yayy more reason for small groups who use W Space to pve and make isk to move to mega empires.

Yay 30 man standing fleets sitting on carriers ready to save 5min panic rorquals.


All the people blaming CCP, when it was Wormholers who went to CCP asking for the nerfs. XD


That’s like saying the two big null sec groups asking for something (also this update) is going to wanted by or good for anyone that’s not them.

Hey, they could have just nerfed the rewards instead. Now you just need to maintain hole control and risk your Dread…as it was intended.


Sure let me start using dread out of C4 to C5 , o wait the HOLE IS not even big enough!


Move into C5 and you are good to go :slight_smile:


This shows that you don’t understand the change…how did you get the capital escalation to even spawn in the first place?

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Just move in and build your ships in the C4/C5/C6. Problem solved.

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We didn’t, why would we? The cap escalation has tons of hp and drops almost nothing, it’s basically just a punishment for using a cap. The note clearly says the drifter will no longer spawn without a cap on grid, so unless I’m interpreting that incorrectly, it means you can’t do the drifter at all without a dread.

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Good idea, I’ll just tell all my corp mates they can’t do anything today coz I’m massing the hole with my dread, I’m sure that’ll go down swimmingly!

Well after a few days you will have moved and then you are in your fancy C5 and can run sites.


From my understanding the drifter should have only been there because a cap warped in and escalated.

Most people rat in the static, you think homesites are enough to feed a corp that contains more than 2 people? Omegalol.

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Then your understanding is the one that’s incorrect I believe. I hope I’m wrong, but the note seems pretty clear.

Then spread out into several holes or run lower level content. Why would WHs (who already make insane amounts of isk in near perfect safety) have it any easier than the rest of us?


Yeah my intel bots make it so safe…oh wait.

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Why would you need intel when you can control entrances and there is no way to cyno in?


The drifter IS part of the capital escalation. “Arithmos Tyrannos, also known as the Drifter Response Battleship, spawns at end of sleeper site capital escalations in C5 and C6 wormholes.” From EVE Uni.

Because you can still get rolled into, also many rat in open holes for the content, I’m not asking for perfect safety like the null bears have, I’m willing to risk it for a biscuit, but there has to be a biscuit. I’m also not willing to tell my corpies to ■■■■ off for the day coz I want to rat and the only way to make good isk doing that is massing the crap out of the static with a dread…

Oh no. You can get rolled in. That has never happened to us in null. Lucky WHs never show up and hunt our ratters (or more often hide in ESS as designed by CCP for elite pvpers).

Look at the population and income for WHs, you guys have had insane income for years and years. Now you will have to take some risks. Distribute dreads in several holes and rat with them. You can certainly afford it.