EVE Online: Equinox - Expansion Notes

That page prolly needs updating then, here’s a video of some rando killing the drifter with a Golem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7KDc5_Kgh8&t=2602s You may notice that at no point is there a cap on grid.

Yes, this is FIXING the issue.

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So basically you just want us to get screwed coz we popped your AFK VNI? Got it.

It’s not fixing anything except your ego. Obviously.

One only needs to look at the stats of the enemy and understand that it’s meant to be hit by anti-cap guns. 25k sig radius, more than 2mil Raw HP, scramble strength of 20, etc…it’s meant to be a target of a capital.

Facts don’t care about anyone’s feelings, I was just trying to clear up misconceptions. You seem to be the one that is affected by the change.

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Original post when the Drifter was added [Citadel] Capital Escalations and Drifter Boss - Wormholes - EVE Online Forums

The Sknr idea seems like the most ambitious of features added to Eve in a while, I’d be happy to make some custom skins for myself, but my main concern is are we going to be able to disable this feature? I mean not disabling our ability to use Sknr of course, but prevent us seeing the SKNRs from other players, I could only anticipate using the feature for grief purposes, use color schemes to deliver political messages or use patterns parallel with a nations flag involved in some controversial world topic from outside the game, breaking immersion.
Will there be a feature to disable this? Privacy and peace of mind. ty

Ah yes, you didn’t read that post though did you? Because if you did, you would have noticed this: “This new Drifter NPC spawns at the end of the site even if no capitals have been used. It is designed to be very challenging but to be doable both with and without capitals.” :crazy_face:

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And now it is no longer. Can’t get the higher rewards without higher risks.

Just hit Shfit Ctrl F9 and you won’t have to see any of it…

To be fair WHs nerf was to be expected - but not on a back of nullsec getting guaranteed OFFICER spawn for crying out loud. Also hi-sec ratting and low-sec mining are getting absolutely destroyed, but hey, who gives a ■■■■?
Fs in chat for smaller collectives and solo farmers.
Big ones will adjust cos they can afford losing a dread every now and then. Nothing new here, just some more chore steps to do the same thing.


The escalation is not garanteed, and is more likely to escalate to one of the lesser ones.

yea, huge fail

I think you made a mistake on the patch notes for Vendetta BPC parts needed @CCP_Bee

It’s about the Serpentis Modified Capital Microprocessor
Even Vanquisher only needs 100.
This should be 75 instead of 1500 Serpentis Modified Capital Microprocessor
Otherwise, the cost is around 20 B more expensive.

X-large Connection Where?

So now that you’ve given up and put highsec and lowsec ores back in nullsec, how about putting them back in highsec too?


Then high sec players would have no reason to go to low or null and lowsec would be even more dead than it already is.

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Yip I had a feeling this would happen its why I moved into a null static, if null is getting a boost and wormholes a nerf then its time for us to aim away from each other and towards null for our farm/pvp.

Let us rain hell down apon them.

Also the people who are arguing with you are mostly high seccers with no knowledge of wormholes its quite funny to see how misinformed they are.

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Dumb question time… “Upwell Consortium member corporation stations” Who are the Members? Or are we taking a trip to Outer Ring?

If I remember right each empire has 1 corp in it I cant remember their names offhand but if I find it I’ll update this.