EVE Online: Equinox - Expansion Notes

Found it… “Chemal Tech, Eifyr & Co., Intaki Bank, Mordu’s Legion, Ytiri and Zoar & Sons”


Immersion in a game where ppls use names such as “Your Mother”, “Fat Nerd”, “Cyno Alt”, “01010010101010”, various “something#number#” and even real world political names such as Vladimir Putin and other?

Peoples are already doing what you fear of with names. Personally I play zoomed out, I am not mining which is like the only activity during which you have time to admire your ship appearance, so I don’t see anyone’s SKIN, corp logo, nothing but icon. Hence I don’t use this myself. No point.


Admiral Bigly Bonespurs is my personal favorite…

  1. Will ihubs in hangars and ihub bpo/BPC convert to SoV hub is well? Will the BOM change for it?

  2. Are the new SoV upgrades new items or will be converted from existing ihub upgrades?

  3. When will the actual numbers for power/workforce/reagents per upgrade be published?

  4. When will numbers for resource provided by skyhook on each planet type be provided?

From these statements, you can tell that the person speaking has no understanding of WH mechanics.

If they buffed wh’s in otherways to compensate then it would be fine but no they only use the stick and no carrots the same mistake over and over.

They have to make whs comepletely uninhabitable just to consider carrot. then, after 3-4 years… maby.
However, if you remember the good old days w all cap escalations 3 days in a row with anomaly reset, ccp nerfed it even harder.

What about the lower tiers? they are worse than k-space.

You can farm up to c3 using apha skillset, c4 being ‘low tier’ omega isk/h.
Still, a lot of allure and mistery that used to be Airakis is long-long gone. What we needed is a change in that, make new toys to mess with other ppl, like filament, that opens a temporary wormhole into c5-c6 for a PvP fleet to pass through. That woud’ve lithen up every pve session, not this… cap requirement.

I really really hope this layout is optional, especially the hangar tab on the right side …

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :innocent: :psyccp:

If you look on the right, you can see there are different views which can be toggled.

  1. Will ihubs in hangars and ihub bpo/BPC convert to SoV hub is well? Will the BOM change for it?

Yes the Ihub & Ihub BPO/BPC will be converted to SovHub BPO/BPC. The BoM doesn’t change.

  1. Are the new SoV upgrades new items or will be converted from existing ihub upgrades?

New items, they may be installed on June 20th but can be built beforehand.

  1. When will the actual numbers for power/workforce/reagents per upgrade be published?

With the Equinox expansion on June 11th.

  1. When will numbers for resource provided by skyhook on each planet type be provided?

Also with the Equinox expansion on June 11th.

Thanks @CCP_Swift
Will it be fair to say that we should expect some sort of reimbursement for original ihub upgrades BPOs and built items in hangars?
Or am I overoptimistic? =)

Yet another expansion and J-Space suffers. CCP can do better. These changes will hurt worm holers using C4s. There has to be a better way.

Why if theh are converted

Those changes that are coming are all very good, especially the one where Trigs no longer should attack players with 0 standing towards them. Removing ship hulls from LP stores is good too, hoping it brings back value into the BPC’s that drop from DED sites. Back in the days they used to be the “jackpot” in a 10/10 when a Nightmare BPC was worth nearly 1B.
I am not sure how I feel about wormhole changes, but I think they are needed somehow. What also could be done is to look at C4 and C2 sites, make the rats spawn closer to warpin point rather than having to burn around 200km from one wave to the next.
Carrier changes are great, there was no real role for them at all in the past.
Also great that some of the issues regarding Pochven and Homefronts got adressed, should make Seagulling harder, as well as mass multiboxing pochven sites with Drone boats.

What was missing were some updates about proving ground events. What happened with the two events that were supposed to take place in January?


Please increase loot/salvage from Upgraded Avengers. Now the whole escalation wave is acting as a punishment for warping in with a capital

The null stuff, haulers, fw updates all amazing work well played CCP, but wh space oof they are going to need some type of carrot imo.

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They’ve been farming carrots for years…