EVE Online: Equinox - Expansion Notes

Only the top guys, I’ve probably lost more in wh’s than I’ve made so far.
Was fun at least.

No. I want there to be some risk with that massive isk faucet that WHs are.

Hahahahahahahahaha no. This is CCP. Guess why they are moving Ihubs…

Shut up , you will ■■■■■ and cry the moment NS local chat is turned off: “Oh no there s no local, i don’t know how to probe/dscan or use scouts. I cant do my afk/bot multibox ratting or mining in hulks, ishtar and Capitals.” Meanwhile WH peeps field 3-4 bil marauders or 10-20 bill caps while hoping no one ends up rage rolling into there WH and no luxury of local chat!

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The carrier as a blobs thing sounds more like your being asked to revert some of the way to heavy nerfs on carriers, making it almost unusable and have a lot of people wasted a lot of skillpoints on them. And then come up with this. Just revert some of the crazy nerfs the game was much more fun with a lot of capital targets back in 2018.

I saw that, but does it still include the tiles view that we enjoy today ?

I sure as hell don’t want to have to scroll through 400 ships on the right hand side of my screen.


Some thoughts. I’m a bittervet and can be heavily biased toward J-space and Highsec possibly.

Highsec changes
Although it is good shift, Trigravian fleet should have treated neutral players as non-hostile much more earlier.
It is obvious that they have killed countless newbies who could possibly support the future of the game, and hundreds of players had pointed that. We had many opportunities to acquire a lot of new players through new updates and player driven conflicts, however, many new comers were abused by those NPCs and quit the game. CCP eventually found it killing the game and tried to fix it though, it is to be honest too late.

Nullsec changes
I have no specific opinion about new PI and passive moon mining though, it seems to be representing the mentality of CCP headquarters that they can never admit their own faults.
Bunch of people had warned the scarcity, ore redistribution and revoking of passive moon mining might come down to the tradegy, and the reality had done as such. Ore redistribution and scarcity decisively spoiled entire game ecosystem, and thus many players had left the game. It affected not only miners but also almost all players.
CCP eventually reintroduced those systems with more complicated and less effective forms pretending as if they are introducing a new mechanism.
Can nullsec players can be gereatly relieved at it ? I don’t think so. The update is indicating yet they don’t have such a mentality : that they can admit the past mistakes and make use of it for the further updates.
Reintroducing all the minerals into the nullsec might help nullsec players, however, still highsec newbies are abused as they only can 1 or 2 millions worth of veldspar for 30 minutes of mining activities. It is easily conjectured the price of any high-sec ores might drop further more. It means that the player base in highsec, the source of all the players, might be still kept abused.

J-space changes
I wouldn’t say it’s too harsh, but unbalanced. It could have been easily anticipated that the marauder farming will be eventually nerf’d sooner or later, some extent to another. But here again, CCP run the nerf with engulfing all the other players but marauders same as they did in the innumerable changes. CCP might not be aware that there are some J-spaces where the PVE can be only viable with specific options. ( i.e. Cataclysmic Variable and Wolf-Rayet)
Especially in Cataclysmic Variable, it is in fact almost impossible to run sites with dreadnoughts. I basically bolster that the higher J-space farming must be more riskful than current marauder era. That being said I can’t help but cry for those wolf-rayet people.
In my recognition, Upgraded Avengers are some sorts of penalties for capital farming as their blueloots are negligible compared to how they are painful to deal with. If CCP truly wanted to see the landscape that more dreadnoughts are on grid, they should have buff the avengers too. They might be possibly thinking that people come back with dreadnought instead of marauders, but the things have changed and dreadnought prices are ridiculous thanks to the industrial changes. In CCPs perfect world, people might do as such. However the reality isn’t. People already have used to this braindead marauder era and most of them might just leave the J-space. CCP have to just not only to punish marauders but also give reason to bring dreads on site.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the marauders era should continue, however the way CCP is carrying out is too wild, the game balance is much more complicated than you think and need more cautious. Like you did earlier, overall the CCP change is focusing on the specific aspect of the OP game playing, however they always fail due to the lack of insight to the entire eco systems of the game. Also CCP adamantly deny to admit their fault, they can not easily revert things. Always they bring back old systems with more unnecessarily complicated mechanics AFTER the change hit the various irrelevant playstyles severely and undermined the player base.

Ugh, by the way, I don’t get which part is the abuse of yacht that CCP is mentioning though, if they are talking about the combination of warp bubble nullification and the mass consuming, it can’t be addressed at all with this patch because completely the same thing can be replicated by tech3 cruisers.
The fundamental toxicity of the yacht was that they had near 2 sec align agility, which had made yacht almost impossible to be caught. Considering they kept yacht align time the same, they just found that the yacht is used for the rolling during this wormhole war on zkillboard and thought it’s OP’d. Actually things have not changed since long time ago. This odd nerf implicate that most changes are coming from on-paper discussions. Since most CCP members are not playing their own products, they don’t get the feeling of the players at the real situation. That’s the fundamental problem this game has held for a long time.

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Not all trigs just the deployment and in minor victory systems. Outside of that, if you are 0.00, fresh meat


Well done CCP! This is the EXPANSION! Im so waiting the 06.11.
The new Skyhook is a bit wird to me. With this cabel lift looks a bit stupid. If the Skyhook conected with the planet then its need to rotating with the planet so its mean everytime when i jumping at the Skyhook then need to be at different orbit point. Why you dont let the old POCO rocket in and out anymation? Or can you do it? It would be much cooler.
And im sad couse no T3 mining ship. Pleaes CCP bring back the 3 mining laser ship! I beg you. Bring back the old Hulk with 3 laser. I dont care if 5% more the yield just give back the 3 head option pleasee!!!
And i really hope now you put some awesome menu music like back in the day. The Havook menu " musick " is … not the best! :slight_smile:
Anyway i waiting the new expansion.

I think the people who struggle to get 0.01 standings are the people who only have problems in the minor victory systems tbh.

So yea Its a good change imo.

So apparently Waholers want their safety and no risk. Idk about olden days of wormhole but if this is how it used to be, good to see it go back to this

Escalation waves will now despawn if capital ships leave the site or stray beyond 100km of the warp-in point, meaning that they must remain on the field to trigger valuable drifter escalations, thus adding an element of risk for greater rewards. This update brings back the excitement of capital ship engagements, reminiscent of the early days when these sites required capitals to run effectively. Capsuleers can now choose their level of risk, with rewards scaling accordingly, promoting more dynamic and thrilling encounters in wormhole space


Wormholes are far from balanced thou, the lower tiers have massive risk and tiny rewards.
Risk is fine but then rewards need to match.

In that regard, it would be a good thing for CCP to take their inspiration from the Nestor; a Battleship as lightweight as a Battlecrusier… Thinking further, a SoE Capital as lightweight as a Battleship would be a nice thing :slight_smile:

One thing came to my mind thou.
Can you rob a Skyhook at any time?

If so, it just calls for trouble with people targeting Skyhooks out of that alliance TZ.

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@CCP_Bee The game is so very nice.
Too bad it is also so very buggy.

Reagents can be stolen by linking to the Skyhook Reagent Silo which is present at Skyhooks that are harvesting reagents from ice and lava planets. To link to a Silo, players will need to shoot it to below 10% Shield HP first, and then will need to link to it using a ship which is cruiser sized or larger including Capital ships but excluding Freighters and Jump Freighters. While linked, players cannot warp, use micro jump drives, cloak or tether, and their maximum velocity is capped at 1000m/s. Additionally, starting a theft on a Skyhook Silo will send a notification to all players in the solar system, and after 2 minutes, all pilots 1 jump away, and finally, after 5 minutes, an additional notification to all pilots within 2 jumps. After 10 minutes have passed, the theft will succeed, and a cargo bay will eject loot from the Silo for anyone to collect.

I know about how you rob a Skyhook.
My question is if this can happen at any time?
Since a USTZ group can just rob a EUTZ alliance alliance in the US time zone without much response.
That way you are either big enough to cover all TZ, or just hope for the best.

With ESS at least the bank is there only when people are actually online and ratting.

I mean maybe allow Skyhook robbing only during Vulnerability timer?

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once you get the shield to 10%, link to it, then you can attempt to rob it. i mean idk what other information about it you want… to me its pretty clear on how to go about robbing it.

Vulnerability timers, in the sense you’re talking about, where they restrict initial contesting of a particular structure to a particular time window, are only applied to IHUB/TCU in current NS warfare. They don’t apply to citadels or refineries.

I can go up to an astrahus and shoot it whenever I want. If I manage to drain the shields then it enters a reinforcement timer, which stops you from shooting it; but its normal, default state is “vulnerable” 24/7. When at full health, it can always be shot. Since skyhooks follow the same principles as the current medium structures, and the requirements to raid a skyhook are “just” to reduce it to 10% shields, this can be done at any time – the reinforcement timer doesn’t trigger until shields are drained and you’re about to start on armor.

As a side note, since these have the same stats as other medium upwell structures, getting the shields to 10% is a significant expenditure of DPS which will require a fleet to accomplish in a reasonable amount of time. It’s not something a solo stabber can expect to reasonably achieve in 5-10 minutes.