EVE Online: Equinox - Expansion Notes

Requiring a cap in the c5 wh anom’s is pointless, almost feels as though ccp is feeding into the large c5-c6 wh holders, forcing players to rent from them. 20min run in a marauder finishes a c5 core garrison/ stronghold, all the cap requirements are doing is saying if you don’t own a high class wh you can only make half the isk, as you can get a capital in unless you do have a high class wh.

CCP: We’re making capital escalation sites in wormholes.
Wormholes: Ok, I’ll warp my cap in, spawn the escalation and then warp it out to keep it safe.
CCP: That’s not how we intended it, were changing it to be closer to how we envisioned.
Wormholes: OMG no you can’t do that you’re nerfing us CCP hates wormholes!


The carrier changes are OK. I might use it once in awhile. Sadly everyone I know would rather see carriers get a 50% dps boost back to where they were, and then we would use them again. They would actually be fun.

For 10-15 years, carriers were feared. Now 2-3 guardians can tank them and few others defang them. Carriers used to be great and they constantly morphed into something useless. Marauders have a better bang for the buck.

The reason the DPS was decreased previously is because of null carebears, but that means PVPers suffer for it. I think there could have been a better way to address the carebears.

The carrier changes are cool, and maybe I’ll dust off my carriers, but they would be 10x more fun with a DPS boost.

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As far as I understand the skyhook itself and the skyhook reagent silo are 2 different things.
You can shoot the skyhook at any time, but the reinforce timer will be close to the time you set, so you can actually defend it.

I look at the reagent silo as another version of the ess. My concern is that the ess bank accumulates only when there are people around that actually rat, so at the time where there are actual active members online in their TZ. And if they don’t defend their bank - it’s on them. And that’s fair.
But reagents produce and mature 24/7. So USTZ people will just raid all the EUTZ skyhooks practically uncontested and vice versa. So if you don’t have people that cover 24/7 online - tough luck?


The same views that you have available now are available in Equinox, along with the additional ship-card view. The ship-card view is the only view which can show the fit of a ship by hovering over it.


Humble brag of the week!


Oh look, another confidently wrong idiot who understands nothing about WH PVE, despite it being explained several times over in this very thread, I’m sure nobody expected that… :roll_eyes:

Oh look, another confidently entitled WHer who understands nothing about PVE risk vs reward, despite it being explained several times over in this very thread, I’m sure nobody expected that… :roll_eyes:

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Ah, so you don’t think that requiring a capital to be on the field is a risk? Guess the rewards should further reflect that lack of risk, resulting in an actual nerf to the rewards.

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WHs have been printing isk with little to no risk and now you are crying like it’s end of the world because there will be a bit more risk. Look at the MER and check what kind of gigantic Isk faucet WHs are, especially considering how few people actually live in that space.

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Dude I get it. I understand your side entirely. Id be mad too if CCP made me actually work for my isk. I can’t imagine how much this is going to cut into your profits. Perish the thought, but what if you’re no longer able to buy officer mods on a whim for that tourny hanger queen you bought on a whim?

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Show me on the doll where the wormholer touched you…


Actually, I think I’ll be fine, since ya’ll are about to crash the price of officer mods for me… Thanks in advance. :rofl:

Getting an officer escalation off an anom is going to be similar chances as getting one from warping to a belt…you do know that right?

So CCP could have gone two different route with regards to WHs. They could have nerfed the amount of loot from the Drifter, or increase the risk of facing the drifter. This increase of risk is forcing there to be a cap to get the drifter (and it’s loot).

If you can’t get a cap there, then no drifter…that’s the intent! Either build one in the system or not, that’s on you.

People get a choice for what level of risk…and reward.

The reward comes from the drifter, if it’s not being killed there will be less loot, which will show on the MER. The drifter pointing someone is not why it’s being killed, it’s the 350mil worth of loot that it drops. People who live in those C5/6 will either do it with caps or not…that’s for them to decide. But if they do, they will get the reward that they got before with the increased risk.


Is the carrier change linked in to the skyhook. Skyhooks can be attacked and will need defending . The carrier can move ships to areas that are under attack .

You’re right, that was rather uncouth of me. In my defense, I had just gotten done arguing with a flock of HR harpies at work and their dumb non-issue issues, and his post gave me flashbacks.

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“The drifter pointing someone is not why it’s being killed, it’s the 350mil worth of loot that it drops.”

That’s not what I’m saying, being pointed by the drifter is the reason a marauder dies when someone drops on you while you’re killing it. If they can’t do the drifter, those marauders stop dying.

“This increase of risk”

There’s no increase of risk if you already run them in dreads which is, y’know…where 95%+ of the MER is coming from. It’s really not that hard to understand…

This is not true though. Otherwise the change would not have been made. People weren’t running them with dreads, and now you have to.

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May the Expansion notes inform the Princess that Rodger Longbuck had been accepted to do criminal activities on Friday’s \o/

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