Eve online Eternal

There is an MMO in development, I believe its “Crowfall” Crowfall - Throne War PC MMO by Monumental, LLC which will have a Campaign world(s) in which players will be able to “vie” with one another, and the Campaign world(s) will decay over time, and/or reset, which means that players will periodically have to start all over again!

Given CCP’s past performance (I.e. the poor planning, poor design, poor development) there is NO reason to believe that they would be able to “successfully” pull something like that off with EVE Online EVEN IF THEY TRIED … no wait … ESPECIALLY IF THEY TRIED!!!

You acknowledge that the EVE playerbase is so Risk-Averse that the original EVE should be called the “carebear EVE.” EVE Online’s playerbase does NOT want “competition” of any kind! Whether its balanced PvP or Balanced Realm wars, EVE Online’s playerbase does NOT want “competition.”

EVE Online is for Cyberbullies.
ICELAND’s economy is thriving on Suicide Ganking.

I try to not generalize about the nature of people. So I,no doubt will offend someone and that isn’t my intent.
Nor will I take stabs at a Nationality.

All I know is blue donuts are boring.

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Blue Donuts are the result of the lack of a Ship Hierarchy.
12 cheap, disposable ships are the equivalent of any ship in the game!
No Ship Hierarchy exists because of Poor planning, poor design and poor development.

Not as good as …Darkfall, eh?

–Gadget kinda wants a donut

Sorry I don’t agree with that.

Blue donuts are the result of a psychological denial to incur or accept loss.
I.e. CareBearism

Ship balance is another matter all together.

I in no way offer an example that is considered viable beyond what I have already,but destruction should be mandatory and often. Whether that is a freighter,carrier,or a shuttle It doesn’t matter to me.

This passed by me previously. Are you suggesting the players from China don’t count? I offer this. Its likely many of them in time will come to tranquility if China doesn’t isolate its players. I read the Serenity thread. Those players will have to migrate here with nothing. I didn’t see much in way of empathy about that. What I saw was suck it up and start over. I acknowledge that reason is partly the program code differences. How ever I know they will be easy targets from the start until they advance. They will be targeted. In a sense preyed upon.
They will have to deal with the disparity. I wonder how many here will actually care about the disparity they will have to endure.

Here is a playbase who in numbers could suffice on their own to merit a server. Its another reason to take a look at an alternative server with presets to eliminate the problems they and we incur from the progressive stagnation from the issues I highlighted early on in the thread. It seems like it might be a perfect moment if there ever was one.

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A quote from my article, The Beautiful Meritocracy of EVE Online seems appropriate;

“And that’s what makes EVE great. It’s not a spreadsheet simulator, it’s an ambition simulator. Sometimes your ambition just requires a lot of spreadsheets, and you do what you’ve got to do. And, more base than that, EVE is a game where you never feel like anything is out of reach, if you’re willing to but the work in. And that’s why I’m still playing.”

If you want to be relevant, be better than someone at something, or work to make yourself so.


No, I’m not. I’m pointing out that the concept for EvE was for a single would shard. The separate shard in China is an aberration due to RL politics. It’s not about the players at all. If things go completely teats up for that server, I do hope that there’s a way for the characters to be transferred… but not their stuff.

And there is a difference between empathy and sympathy. I do understand that such a move would be disheartening. I would be behind giving any potential (and hypothetical at this point) transfers something to ease their transition so long as it doesn’t wreck the economy. Personally, this is one place where I think the player base would do better than dev fiat.

–NGO Gadget

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I think its fair to say the economy is already out of control. I agree the atmosphere on Serenity won’t improve things by their asset migration. I read its bots all the way down.

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I would respectfully disagree… if you’re talking about Tranquility.

If about Serenity, then I honestly have no clue - just what I read here.

–Slightly confused Gadget

I respect you differ in that opinion.

Though I think you’d have a hard time proving that.

Jay Wilson is more common then you’d think, huh? FYI, Jay Wilson is the one who blamed the Players in order to put a stop to the criticism of the development and state of his game.

Your “psychology” is a bit backwards and a bit strange though.
but, I have the feeling you’ll just deny all the implications of your statement. you’ll deny its a “psychology”. And there’s no point in pointing out how INhuman your “psychology” is.

404 error message

In a way, both of you are correct. The Tranquility economy is technically controlled chaos. To put it as an analogy, imagine a ship afloat at sea with everyone scrambling to keep the ship above water and on course. All of them think there is a captain in charge but no one has bothered to check the bridge which is completely empty and they have only stayed afloat for so long because they worked together as a collective without realizing it. No one on deck wants to admit it because the thought of that is scary as all hell. They’d rather much think it’s a grand conspiracy than to admit that no one is running the ship.

Think about it. We haven’t had an official economist in years and somehow the economy has been relatively stable for the most part with prices of PLEX and everything else stabilizing at a price range that buyers and sellers are generally comfortable with. As for CCP, they admitted that they are just the janitors of that ship.

Stable looks different. A short time after CCP Dr.EyjoG left, the money supply started a nice roller-coaster because of erratic development.

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The link did work. I tried the link before and after I posted it. I also went to other places and it still does on 4 other sites. I’m looking at it at this very moment. Other’s followed it and read it from here or else there wouldn’t be keys words in their post from the link. I’ll not try and replace it. I’ll just chalk it up as shenanigans.

Note I see they made an edit on the page in the details. Where at 1st there was a time period. The edit removed the time.

Posting the link was to show what another game is trying. It wasn’t to suggest Eve online do the very same thing exactly. It’s obvious the two games are vastly different

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I will point out the quote from me above was of a personal nature,but that is what new players are facing everyday. If you read beyond the first post you’d see I have played off and on a long time. The reference to making a difference is a subjective one. I should have either clarified that or omitted it. Since its there I’ll let it remain.
Take note of the bold word.

You started barely being a teenager if I go by what you put outwardly. Now you are early twenties. What 9 years?
Approximately 35% to 40% of your life. To be where? I don’t begrudge anyone for what they enjoy,but seriously.

I don’t consider that a wise use of my time for even things I enjoy. Concerning Eve online directly,considering the features I mentioned lol not a chance. I fully understand commitment and its rewards in the line of success and failure. I also understand time and in that line of thinking,I live without regrets. Have you lived enough life to understand that? Possibly

People including CCP want to know what it takes to get and keep players. Creating disparity isn’t the best way to get and keep players. Some is beneficial but at a point it becomes a hindrance. I’m not sold at this point on this go around.

I don’t want to name another gaming company again. I will keep a watch and see if it becomes something more.

Fair enough.
How long have you been playing EvE, then? Baba Ji isn’t even a year old, so i’ll assume that it’s a forum alt, which is fine. If, however, BJ is your experience, then why are you trying to change entire concept of EvE to suit your wishes? I also don’t begrudge people for what they enjoy, but forcing it upon others is another matter.

Your implied changes would change the nature of EvE. It would be easier to make a new game involving those concepts rather than update this. If EvE doesn’t currently have what you like… try elsewhere. I’m not trying to say “go away”, I’m saying you might want to reevaluate if you consider EvE a “wise use of [your] time for even things [you] enjoy”.

If you enjoy EvE, stick with it, and find ways to ‘be relevant’. Honestly, it seems as if you just want a server wipe, and are trying to justify reasons for it, but I have only your posts to go on.

It is easy to respond this way, because these things are starting to look more and more probable in your case with every post I read. While I do welcome change within EvE to keep the game fresh, there are certain elements that make the game unique that should be off-limits:

  • No resetting EvE. You do that and the grand social and economic experiment is over. If EvE was designed with resets built in, then that would be fine. It wasn’t, and resets would change EvE to not be EvE.
  • Keep the single world. As i said before, the Chinese server is an aberration, and while I won’t begrudge the Chinese players for having a way to play EvE, I do wish that there was no need to ever have created Serenity in the first place.
  • Keep the multifaceted competitive aspect. This includes long term planning that, in EvE, can be years in the making. Also, this includes competition in all aspects of EvE-life, not just pew-pew. Ideally, Every player decision should affect another player, even if it’s just where to mine today.
  • Let as many things be player driven as possible. I like the light hand of the devs in EvE. YES, I think that some things have been bungled, but in general - especially compared to other games - they design the tools, while players give the content. If players can do it, then let them - more funds for future tool development.

These are the things that exist in EvE right now. If these are changed, then EvE stops being EvE. I always welcome new tools, even if sometimes the tools need a shake-down cruise or two (Gong!), so i’m not opposed to changes outside the above aspects. Some will work, some won’t (hello Resource Wars…).

Yes, this post was written from my opinion, but I don’t believe that it’s entirely unshared. And while I don’t begrudge changes in EvE - or people for trying to create change, I will oppose any change that threatens to interfere with the above core aspects of what makes EvE unique among games.

–Gadget, laying it out there


Two accounts are associated with this one.

Other accounts played are several and predate the above but I feel no reasonable expectation warranted to reveal the details. To say they remain inactive is enough.

The premise of the thread wasn’t with the intent to change what you enjoy. It was to show there could be an alternative. If that alternative became the preferred choice then it would stand rightfully so. To be honest I won’t care one bit for another’s nostalgia. Its a game run by a business for profit.

To say I am wanting to change things to my wishes would in part and only in a small part be true. It could be a worthy question in the opposite. Why would a player want to resist change? Isn’t change a necessary? Isn’t change an imperative? Isn’t change part of the natural order?

On the subject of change. This quote is a modern adaptation of a long known concept of hindrance to progression. Though it doesn’t apply 100%,the last sentence expounds the point.

“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
― Morpheus The Matrix

Need I say more?

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I mean, I was a large scale fleet commander after around 2 years of playing, aged 14. It’s not like I’ve only just started to get somewhere in the game.

But, yes, I spent 9 years of my life playing this game. And now I get flown up to Iceland to help the developers of the game understand what’s going wrong in the game, I get to follow in the footsteps (and talk to) the people I looked up to when I was just starting to play. I’ve participated in the AT, the top-tier of competitive gameplay, as both a player and as a commentator. I’ve led wars that involved 1000’s of people, I’ve learnt how to create videos, how to express myself, how to write compelling reports on subjects.

As the first response in this thread indicated, soft skills are what EVE requires - But something he missed is that EVE can very well teach you soft skills. Hell, my CSM term is on (one of) my CV’s as an example of being able to negotiate and work productively as a consultant.

You have to be willing to work for success, in EVE as in life. If you’re not willing to do that, well, tough titties.

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Noted, and not unexpected.

There are already alternatives available, and CCP has dabbled into alternatives. They are called other games. In fact, we’ll see a mobile version of EvE come soon(ish?) - another alternative.

None of these alternatives need to change the core concepts of the current game to exist. And as you said, “If that alternative became the preferred choice then it would stand rightfully so.”

If the players have decided that long term strategy, constant competition, everyone in the same place, and player driven progression are not wanted concepts, then they will leave. There is nothing stopping people from going elsewhere, no laws disallowing game immigration, no economic hardship forcing them to log into New Eden. If the grand experiment is truly at an end, then CCP will fold-up (or sell) EvE, and maybe fold itself, or start another decent game. Who knows?

As stated before, CCP can change the tools and make whatever changes they desire so long as it doesn’t change the core concepts of EvE. Some will be applauded, some not so much. If they want to change the core concepts, then they’re better off making another game entirely. It’s the core concepts that keep people here.

–Alternative Gadget