EVE Online: Invasion - General Feedback

Um, is that CCP’s plan -to nerf incursions and hope most that stop running them transition to the new content? After all, CCP did recently nerf nullsec anomaly respawns in an attempt to deal with that isk faucet.

And it’s hard to argue with that logic when considering the health of the economy. From that perspective, my only counter is NIMBY… er, NIMIF -Not In My Isk Faucet. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut…

That being said, incursions are more than just an isk faucet -they are the reason my community exists. And I’m suddenly starting to grow worried that if things don’t change relatively soon, it will cease to exist as I know it.

For those that don’t know, WTM is a newbro friendly community. This is not only reflected in our fit and skill requirements, but also our rules and how we treat other players. For example, if we have a spot for a DPS ship open up, and we have 7 meta-blaster fit rokhs ahead of a blinged out Vindi that does 2500 dps, we’ll take every single one of those Roks before we let that vindi in fleet. We don’t do it because we’re idiots who don’t understand how to get a better isk efficiency. We do it because we want to. We do it because one of our core values is to be inclusive. Indeed, this was recently affirmed by our community in a discussion over a proposal to add a skill check requirement.

  • “We are a community that prides itself on its openness. this goes against that.”
    -Juan C. M.

  • “FC here. I’d serious consider leaving if this proposal passed as written… As others pointed out, it goes totally against everything WTM has always stood for.”
    -Lord S.

  • “Cherry picking pilots has long been against the core concept of WTM…”
    -Maximus A.

Of course, our inclusiveness has had the advantage of helping us to grow into the largest incursion community, but it does come with a downside. Namely, we are seriously disadvantaged when it comes to contests. We have dealt with this by trying to holding our ground when contested (and occasionally pulling a rabbit out of our hat) and by trying to keep our distance from those who would like to exploit us in order to increase their own isk efficiency.

As you can imagine, this is a serious issue if the focos spawn rate remains nerfed. Not only do we have extreme difficulty winning contests and often get boxed into running TPPH’s (the slowest/less lucrative sites), but we also have to deal with TDF popping moms prematurely so that they can get a new spawn when they want it. Thus, we just won’t be able to continue as is. We’ll have to become another elitist community in an attempt to out-compete them, dissolve, or maybe, if they don’t turn out terrible, get into Triglavian Invasions.

I’m not going to throw a fit or quit playing. I’ll fall back on my other isk making activities, and keep on trucking. But I’ll also be saddened to see an amazing and inclusive community be perverted or destroyed.

Meh. Hopefully, I’m just being paranoid.