EVE Online: Invasion - General Feedback

This is why I like the invasion. The orca will tank through an invasion “gate camp” easily enough, but there is the possibility of meeting a scramming frigate elsewhere. That’s really edgy gameplay for a hisec miner like me.

If you put an orca in a cleared minor conduit, or in an ore anom, you will not be bothered by invasions. Ever. If you are in a fixed belt or close to a refinery, then you can expect to be visited by invasion patrols. The conduit ore is not great but it is also better than you will get in any belt and probably better than you will get anywhere else in hisec, other than from a 0.5 moon belt. So, if invasions are screwing up mining, that’s because the miners are trying to do “business as usual” without adapting.

That is the point. From a lore perspective this is not a hisec issue, this is an invasion issue, where normal rules do not apply. These are “bad guys” intent on doing bad things. As a number of other people have also posted, it would be really good if they broke some other rules, like bashing structures; perhaps even without waiting for reinforcement timers?? (That last is a fantasy.)

In my case, this was almost certainly because I had the wrong drones. I stripped their shields easily enough in a skiff with hobs but then I hit their armor and the damage stopped. That appears to be their spec - they are armored frigs with explosive resistance. You need to be better tanked (tricky in a buffered orca) with ability to deal explosive damage. Welcome to the Invasion.


Thank you for the advice I don’t disagree that I wasn’t prepared


So… First off, incursions get nerfed into the ground… Announced by a cryptic note at the bottom of an info article on a subject not even related to incursions.
Also some interesting triglavian invasions spawn. Our first fleet with T2 logi got stomped… That’s fine, we’re there to see how the invasions go.
The next fleet we tried a day or two later had fun and did totally fine with 3 T2 logi…? And now a 2-logi fleet is a snooze-fest for the logi pilots…
All this without any statement from CCP about adjustments or tweaks or anything. Are you guys/girls even reading this, or are just trying to get high-end PvE players to leave? You could just come out and say that, if that’s the goal…


You don’t believe that, you know no-one else believes that, so why do you say it ?

It seems like they want to nerf hs isk making which is pretty dumb 2bh. If anything they should be buffing it.
The reasoning is simple 2bh content creation.
People with spare isk are far more likely to go do things like low sec roams and wh trips.
They are more likely to engage in all forms of content because they can afford to do so.
Having isk opens up the doors of possibility meaning more content for us all.
And before anyone says it no I don’t think incursion payouts need changing I think they actually got them spot on.
It’s the rest of hs that could do with some buffs and I would stretch that out to include low sec as well.
Give players the isk and incentive the rest will follow accordingly.


This expansion itself likely has very little to do with those numbers. With the price of plex I would not be surprise if many isk -> omega alts are dropping like flies. For many of those accounts if the character isn’t omega it doesn’t suit it’s role and doesn’t get logged in.

The expansion’s direct impact, if any, would be on Incursion runners since their content vanished overnight. The part where CCP can be blamed is they are testing their content on the LIVE servers, which is absolutely just horrid. These invasions should not have seen the light of day till they were properly tested on the test server. Yes, we would have lost some surprise, but it’s better than everyone getting half finished content and a bad taste in their mouth.


Hi - bitter vet and invasion veteran checking in.

Please un-nerf invasions, the fact conduits can be tanked using a pair of marauders and a tech 1 logi is a bad thing. Also the rats on the gates are pretty weak, I liked seeing leshaks on a gate or multiple cruisers.

I don’t think CCP realizes how well the community can come together to overcome challenges. Give us a real challenge.

Also make conduits open in null and low sec and give them all something to chew on too.



bastion marauders can’t be remote helped


i am head of a public channel that specializes in triglavian content for newbros and sis
its called “Newbrosis Trigs” and we also got a Mining Ops to mine the conduits when they are down “Newbrosis Mining”.
we teach all roles and general fleet procedures and help with fits and other things

first of all i want to thank you for this amazing expansion! :slight_smile:
ive been playing eve on and off since 2012 and never before were there such opportunitys for me to get into contact with the community
we unite players of all experience levels and corporations in our fleets
and there is enough variation for different roles that new or old players can fullfill and thusly contribute in a meaningful way

weve been doing minors and majors and inbetween straglers for around 1 1/2 weeks now and here is my feedback:

  • minors are fine. we can clear them with 3 osprey logi 1-2 salvage and around 8 dps (wherein are 1 stragler spotter and 1 target caller or fc)
  • majors are also fine atleast in the state they were on the 13.06. when we cleared one. we can clear them with 5 osprey logi, nighthawk or equivalent fleetboost, 1-2 salvage and around 14 dps.
    my only advise here is make majors mediums so that for majors u would need 5 basilisk logi and 20 t2 dps
  • stragglers (trigs sitting around at gates, stations, asteroid belts etc) are not fine now. they were a lot better in the middle of the first week of launch. right now they dont pose any challenge and loot and salvage is mehish. my suggestion make them a lil less hard than minors. you can always make easier groups in the adjacent systems of the foothold for singleplayer opportunities.

the trig marked plumited heavily, thats fine but i need harder engagements especially the inbetween conduit action to get isk/h high enough to keep enough incentitive for older players. else they can make more solo, with a single newbro as salvage (wich will also make 50 times more then in fleet) and the whole project falls to pieces again. i got high hopes that the reinstallment of majors will help with this problem but to increase stragler difficulty would also help a lot.

one last but very important thing:
in our fleets we have safety to green and a dont shoot other players no matter if they are flagged as suspect or criminal or not doctrine.
this way we cant rly do anything about ninja looters and our salvagers just have to deal with their competition, wich is also fine i guess BUT
the only reason we cant shoot those ninjas is that if one logi heals our fleetmember that engaged the ninja, ALL of our logi gets concorded because we fly capchain logi.
we lost a total of 4 logi that way and we were lucky we didnt loose more and werent engaged and scrammed in a major.
i and a lot of our fleet members dont exactly understand that mechanic and why its in place.
we would be fine if logi could be targeted by the attacked player but we dont understand why concord blows our logi up.

thats all
keep up the terrific work

Vincent Wright


Almost all the problems stated above require you to verify integrity of your files in your Shared Cache of the launcher to fix. I verify integrity of downloaded files and purge extra files every day, sometimes twice a day. Programs run best when properly maintained from both developer and end user. Welcome to PC gaming!

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Please pick one. With safety green your logis are never in any danger. The one who shoots the suspect may be (because no reps anymore).

Also more than 3 people per minor is overkill and reduce payouts. You can solo them in a T3C.

I agreed with all of this up til that last part. This is highsec content, keep it that way. The sites sometimes spill into lowsec which gives a chance to try the content there. Opening it up in Null space just leads to it being ratted in supers.

That is not true. In my xp if logi heals even tho its safety is green because the attacker broadcasted or they see red on watchlist and/or its not proper commincated we loose logi to concord.

As u might have understood from reading my post and the name of our channel “Newbrosis” our target audience are those that cant field a T3C or marauder or do u srsly think u got some legit leet info by telling me that common knowledge?

Some people who have playd this game for a million years are just so out of touch with people that just start to play, wich want fun within the first 1-2 months and not wait for a year in order to do sth worthwhile.
We appeal to the new players and make their game more fun and in my opinion thats something eve needs. And maybe those players stay and one day field a T3C and maybe solo the minor.


It is true, if your safety is green or yellow you can’t be concorded. If so, you can happily ask CCP for full reimbursement, because of a bug. I thought you were a veteran and not a newbro. Sorry, welcome to the game!

and what’s more if you did not report a bug already, do it so.

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I can tell you a secret, 100% of logi pilots in lowsec must have safety off, and most in nullsec have too. The guy concorded, just didn’t want to tell everyone he forgot …


it’s amazing how CCP’s GMs keep them cool even when people make stupid bug reports.

Last time I made abug report because my route planner was freaking out. GM told me “remove your system from avoidance list please”.

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hm all 3 invasion in the same area one of which hit the same spot twice in less then a month

So … what does that tell you? It suggests that if and when major conduits are re-introduced, plus the ark proving grounds, that we know roughly where The “main invasion(s)” in lore terms are going to occur?

This is interesting.
Could you please confirm that you experienced a significant decrease in loot/salvage?
I mean, not only in terms of number of rats, but also the decrease in loot/salvage per rat?

My hypothesis is CCP never wished to use stragglers as a main source of income, however they didn’t managed to get the minor done, so they have to be a “Placeholder loot source”.