This is a review on the career missions from new char prescriptive.
I used an ALT in Minmitar for the Republic Military School .
You might find some grammar or miss writing but get the meaning.
Also i notify that What apply on Republic Military School will be different on different faction which i believe all faction need to follow same method but with different reward related to the race that offering it.
Next is a notes on the career missions:
Any changes must reflect on each faction on each empire which five agents per faction and we got three per empire while we have four empires. we speak about 60 agents totally (5 * 3 * 4).
Last time we were left with an agent. start a conversation then read then accept. but hold on. You do not want a single note to slip from the reader and i recommend that other than two pages one right and one left with different informations it is better to make it one page. So agent information then missions information. The reason is that over time you will read only the right page only while the left one has good informations. The left page to be on the top of the right page.
The missions that we accepted is telling us to clear an asteroid belt from hostiles because Miners requested that. it is good that they mentioned to approach the enemy on left page including decline warning. The missions name Cash Flow for Capsulers (1 of 10) Objectives.
Second missions is Cash Flow for Capsuleers (2 of 10) Objectives and it mentioned on the left page to equip shield booster or armor repairer which already being equipped if the ship did not being lost. then on the right the mission details. I do not recommend changing anything.
Third missions is Cash Flow for Capsuleers (3 of 10) Objectives which is harder for new player than the previous one because of wep drone but it is fine.
Cash Flow for Capsuleers (4 of 10) Objectives mission fine.
Cash Flow for Capsuleers (5 of 10) Objectives Some how it was hard hitting the only enemy in there. was doing approximately +8 DMG. Amarr career one was not like that.
Cash Flow for Capsuleers (6 of 10) Objectives The mission took long time to destroy Steon sentry defence but not the main objective nor the NPC. If the mission meant to do the objective only then there is should be a note that do the task and leave. Amarr career mission was not like that. it might i used a frig than a corvette!!.
Cash Flow for Capsuleers (7 of 10) Objectives The mission was bugged for me so someone test it and give a feed back. What i faced was the DMG show i hit but the locked target did not recive change visual on the lock icon. I was facting a Gisti thug .so warped out then returned but still hard. I do not think new player will play Missions 7 in corvette without being destroyed. might be good mentioning using the frigate with good equipment.
Cash Flow for Capsuleers (8 of 10) Objectives was hard to do in corvette also so i switched to a frigate which slasher. it was medium to do it in frigate which fine.
Cash Flow for Capsuleers (9 of 10) Objectives The gate was not locked so i can get in without being pervented nor the hostile agro. But if i aproach them they engage. Next gate the waves is easy to take with slashers even gisti thug.
Cash Flow for Capsuleers (10 of 10) Objectives was easy to finish and no notes.
The Swap (1 of 10) Objectives Nothing to mention. no problem noticed.
Angel of Mercy (2 of 10) Objectives In this mission the action required from the pilot dose not add to the pilot experince. Just aproach the battle station and it will disappear. Might be usefull using a container to put stuff on it or giving the jetsion order or using smart device.
Your Undivided Attention (3 of 10) Objectives It was good and the information from the agent that being given is good unless i do not think new player will know what is core number is. Might be usefull to introduce that somehow before the mission.
A Friend in Need (4 of 10) Objectives is good also ordering a way to repair with shield device. Might be worth it to explain that there is armor one and hull also.
The Stand (5 of 10) Objectives in this mission might be worth telling the pilot to board a corvette which is cheap and free for him other than he lose the given frig. unless it intentionally meant to train him losing a given ship. Telling him to replace some equipment in that corvette might be good so he learn to equip and maxmize the benifit.
Don’t Look Back (6 of 10) Objectives it is good that it explain the afterburner and microdrive device. Might be usefull to order boarding new corvette that what being lost from last mission. In this mission it need to mention that aproach or move toward astroid station because the sentences other side might not be clear to the player. Addtion to that seem after clicking complete the missions there is an addtional information in this one and i assume there is also in the old missions which i did not read my self. Something need to be fixed so the information being recived which did not happen in my case.
Weapon of Choice (7 of 10) Objectives Good that it mention capacitor related to autocannon and lasers. and good it mention that it is suitable to use correct equipment for correct ship.
The Pacifist (8 of 10) Objectives nothing to add on the mission. It is fine.
Glue (9 of 10) Objectives it is fine. But after finishinig the mission it said that they will recommend us to The Tribal Liberation Force which dose not exist as an npc corp but it exist as player corp. The one mentiond that is Gonakis Eraettafrin and not sure if the other agents in other factions mentiond same or similer to that called corp.
The Exam (10 of 10) Objectives it is fine.
Cosmic Anomalies (1 of 5) Objectives it is fine.Just warp and retrive.
An Introduction to Cosmic Signatures (2 of 5) Objectives It is good explaning on all site types and what it look like.
Data Site Scanning (3 of 5) Objectives has an issue so how the player going to control the probes? how to retrive it ? almost player know but not new player.
Relic Site Scanning (4 of 5) Objectives fine for who know how to scan.
Balancing the Books (1 of 10) Objectives in this mission it is worth it to mention that set destination an add way point.
Balancing the Books (2 of 10) Objectives it is fine exept that seem the container is taking longer time than usual like 5 cycle than normal werck unless that being made intentionally.
Balancing the Books (3 of 10) Objectives it had good explain but it is worth it that you can minimize waste by skilling up and using upgraded structue. And in this mission it mentiond the new venture which i suggest to add one lanucher harpoint or make it three turret hardpoint. At this time i did this mission i had no small armor repairer and no drone to use for missions in venture so i need to use one mining device and one turret. Addtion note that to fill the venture as dedicated mining player it require 49 minuts that value from 500K ISK up to 9.5M ISK and with good boost it might dubble the income per hour. so the basic range income might be from 1.8M every three hours up to 33.84 M that in a month is 53M-1B and with boost 106M-2B that if the venture can mine mercoxite.
Balancing the Books (4 of 10) Objectives No issue.
Balancing the Books (5 of 10) Objectives It is good the mention of using overdrive and it is benificial over long jeourny.
Balancing the Books (6 of 10) Objectives in this mission the agent ask about bringing The Tracking Computer I Blueprint which me my self bought from the market in the station but let us say that someone want to build it!, I recommend that to provide Tracking Computer I Blueprint in the career agent stations for all factions and might be good to mention build it or buy it or loot it.
Balancing the Books (7 of 10) Objectives in this mission the agent requested from me to open a container via relic analyzer so i visited the site then from room to room untill i reached the container. i was attacking the NPC while solving the analyzation so i sucssed and waited till i cleared the NPC but seem the container closed so i need to do it again. Not sure if that site as a fixed place for all players ? or if it is generated randomly. If it is randomly i think it is good to not make the container close to open again.
Balancing the Books (8 of 10) Objectives it is fine.
Balancing the Books (9 of 10) Objectives this one was good explaining better than 6 of 10 .
Balancing the Books (10 of 10) Objectives This one is fine with me.
Making Mountains of Molehills (1 of 10) Objectives as explained it is fine. But seem it designed that players might use corvette than venture which if the mission was liner then i assume this will be edited because the venture is being given before plus this mission already will give a venture as reward.
Making Mountains of Molehills (2 of 10) Objectives This one was easy because i already have the minral from previuos mission so accept and complete.
Making Mountains of Molehills (3 of 10) Objectives This mission seem repeated from the industrialis - entrepreneur.
Making Mountains of Molehills (4 of 10) Objectives No Issue noticed.
Making Mountains of Molehills (5 of 10) Objectives It is fine.
Making Mountains of Molehills (6 of 10) Objectives it is worth mentioning that in the information of the mission that the agent gave us a BPC AND he mentiond some ore that is not exist in high securty systems righ NOW 2021/12. so it might need to Be fixed by giving us a BPC that build only with the Tirtanum and pyirate because mexalon is not veldpsar nor scordite but in kernite or Pyroxeres or Plagioclase which not in nearby high security systems to the starter system. The only way for beginner is to buy.
Making Mountains of Molehills (7 of 10) Objectives Just a delivery and it is fine.
Making Mountains of Molehills (8 of 10) Objectives it was not an issue because we got mineral from previous mining.
Making Mountains of Molehills (9 of 10) Objectives This one is good especially that the site has Kernite so it might be worth it to tell the player Mine all and sell because it is a rare item in high security But it might be good to increase it is volume similar to normal asteroid belts.
Making Mountains of Molehills (10 of 10) Objectives This mission was good which request building Burst frigate. For me i got one from previous mission which good and all it require is accept and complete.