Eve Online Official Secret Santa thread!

Still waiting for my jump freighter

@Lizzi_Leviathan Im still waitingā€¦

I have it. Just need to login

Still no fancy vindi for incursions :frowning:

and I still wait for your giftā€¦ :confused:


contracted :wink:

Thatā€™s not a Golemā€¦

I have contracted your ship yesterday, check your contractsā€¦

still want a Golem btw

@CXS_AASSC Gift received! Doesntā€™ look like the Rattle you promised, but at least the Passkey looks interesting :wink: Merry Xmas

My paladin was lost in shipping it seems :rofl:

Seems alot is getting lost in shipping. Maybe CODE is suicide ganking forums?

6days its agoā€¦ and still nothing yet receivedā€¦
just in case you forgot it @Frakokk

probably :joy:

@Kalldaar Tomorrow you will get something very nice. What I want for xmas is a Barghest

@eeFEagareg still nothing on contracts dudeā€¦

check that with the 2 ā€žyā€œ

Thatā€™s a completely different character dude :expressionless:

ahh ok sry, I said nothingā€¦
EDIT: If this is your alt, you thrn have received something from me

still want a Golem

Reposting, since people didnt modify the existing post, still end of the line :slight_smile:

@Yokubou One GIla on contract in Jita, fly save!

@Solonius_Rex you could ask people to make print screens of the presents before they are eligable. To prevent people for only taking

Dear Santa, I wish for Raitaru

gotta love this thread ;0

hpy holidays